

单词 premieres
释义 premieres prɪˈmɪəz COCA³⁰⁰⁹⁵BNC⁷⁵¹³⁴
n.戏剧、电影等首次公演premiere的名词复数;v.戏剧、电影等首次公演premiere的第三人称单数原型premiere的三单 A play about robots premieres at the National Theater in Prague, the capital of what was then Czechoslovakia.
1921年,一部关于机器人题材的演出在布拉格国家大剧院首度上演,当时布拉格的首都其实就是现在的捷克斯洛伐克。 yeeyan

The selection this year will include49 feature films from33 countries including44 world premieres and a20- film main competition.
本次电影节参展影片涵盖了来自33个国家49部故事片,包括44部全球首映和20部参加主要竞赛单元的影片。 www.i21st.cn

The record number of exhibits will include75 global premieres of new models, including19 from foreign carmakers and56 from homegrown brands, according to organizers of the biennial show.
根据两年一度的演出的组织者透露,这次展会的数字记录也包括75个新车型的全球首演,包括19个外国汽车制造商的和56个本土品牌。 gelievable

“ Law& Order: SVU” will be moving to Wednesdays this fall and premieres on Sept.23 at9 p.m. ET/PT. Wentworth is scheduled to appear on the season opener!
《法律与秩序: SVU》今年秋季将移至周三播出,有米帅出演的第一集将于9月23日上映。 hjenglish

A common sight in the Hamptons and at movie premieres, Deng and Murdoch live mostly in the United States, where they divide their time between New York and California.
作为汉普顿和各种电影首映式的常客,邓文迪和默多克大部分时间居住在美国的纽约和加利福尼亚。 yeeyan

Discovery has not specified when it will show either series, but premieres in2011 and2012 are likely.
探索频道还没有确定这两部纪录片的播放时间,但有可能在2011年和2012年在该频道分别进行首映。 yeeyan

He has attended movie premieres of “Shrek” and“Pirates of the Caribbean” and successfully navigated LA's complicated highway system.
他已经参加了电影《史瑞克》和《加勒比海盗》的初次公演,并成功地通过了复杂的公路系统。 tesoon

If you find yourself wearing black tie more than once a year, or if film premieres, opera visits or smart restaurant bookings keep appearing in your diary, your day watch may lack occasion.
如果你一年中不止一次地佩戴黑领带,或者是日程中不断出现观看电影首映式、听歌剧或上高档餐馆之类的活动,那么你的日常手表或许就显得不合时宜。 cri

Many got their premieres at Venice last year.
它们之中很多都是去年在威尼斯首映的。 kekenet




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