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词汇 aureli
释义 aureli
Aureli-ano Triste was leaving the house with his mother at seven in the evening when a rifle shot came out of the darkness and perforated his forehead.
晚上七时,奥雷连诺·特里斯特从白己的母亲家里出来,黑暗中突然一声枪响,子弹打穿了他的脑门。 tingroom

Nevertheless, Aureli-ano Segun-do became a virtuoso on the accordion and he still was after he had married and had children and was one of the most respected men in Macon-do.
然而,奥雷连诺第二终于成了个手风琴能手,即使有了妻子和孩子之后,他仍然爱拉手风琴,他是马孔多最受尊敬的人物之一。 exams

Perhaps there might have been talk of nothing else for a long time if the barbarous extermination of the Aureli-ants had not replaced amazement with honor.
大概,如果不是所有的奥雷连诺惨遭野蛮屠杀的恐怖事件代替了大家的惊讶,大家长久都不会去谈其他的事情。 tingroom

Aureli-ano Centeno was found in the hammock that he was accustomed to hang up in the factory with an ice pick between his eyebrows driven in up to the handle.
奥雷连诺。森腾诺是在工厂里他经常睡觉的吊床上被发现的,他的双眉之间插着一根碎冰锥,只有把手露在外面。 tingroom




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