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词汇 prem
释义 prem.
Assigning the most senior ranks had been the purview of Mr Prem, who chairs the Privy Council.
大部分高级职位的任命本应是枢密院主席炳廷素拉暖的职权范围。 ecocn

On September19th the red- shirts are determined to march on the house of General Prem, the alleged mastermind of the2006 coup.
9月19日,红衫军决定去炳廷将军的住地游行,他声称是2006政变的策划者。 ecocn

That may have been the real reason for the coup, which appeared to have the blessing of Prem Tinsulanonda, the chairman of the Privy Council and thus the king’s chief adviser.
二者的关系可能是军事政变的真正原因。 泰枢密院主席、国王首席顾问廷素拉暖似在背后支持政变。 ecocn

The Speaker of the Mauritian Parliament, Mr Prem Ramnah, headed a delegation to China two years ago and his visit scored positive results.

“ One rule is not to allow penalties against Man United and another says none in favour of Chelsea, ” he told Prem Plus.
“有这么条规则,那就是吹曼联队时不要判点球。而还有一条是没人喜欢切尔西,”他对 Prem Plus说。 qieerxi

And by sniping at Mr Prem, the chairman of the Privy Council, he is breaking Thailand’s royal taboo, Mr Thaksin’s pledges of loyalty to the crown notwithstanding.
另外攻击泰国枢密院炳•廷素拉暖违背了泰国的王室禁忌,其对王室效忠的誓言不复存在。 yeeyan

As a young man he joined his elder brother’s marriage to a woman named Prem Dasi.
在少年时他便随大哥一起娶了一位名叫普拉姆·达希的女子。 yeeyan

His personal animosity towards Mr Thaksin is well- known. But Mr Prem has always denied allegations that he masterminded the2006 coup.
这位将军对他信的厌恶可说是人尽皆知,但他本人却一直否认策划了2006年泰国军事政变。 ecocn

Lehman is unlikely to be an isolated case, argues Prem Sikka, an accounting professor at the University of Essex, because“the guards are in bed with the prisoners.”
英国艾赛克斯大学的会计学教授普瑞姆·西卡认为,雷曼不可能只是一个单独的案例,因为“犯人和看守相互勾结”。 ecocn

That put him at loggerheads with Prem Tinsulanonda, a retired general and former prime minister, who is the chief adviser to King Bhumibol.
这使他与普密蓬•阿杜德国王的首席顾问和前总理炳廷素拉暖争吵不休。 ecocn

The resulting Prem-Thaksin feud and the2006 coup pulled the army firmly back into politics, if indeed it had ever really left.
由此导致的与炳廷素拉暖的长期不和和2006年的政变把军队牢牢推回到政治中,如果说它曾经真的离开过。 ecocn

The most senior of these is Prem Tinsulanonda, chief adviser to King Bhumibol and a former army commander and prime minister in the 1980s.
这其中地位最高的是廷素拉暖,他是国王的参谋长,也曾在上世纪80年代担任将军和首相。 ecocn

This year's numbers, and that of2006, indicate just how global an affair the Prem has become.
但今年和06年的数字,表明了谁是世界第一联赛。 yeeyan




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