

单词 preemptively
释义 pre·emp·tive·ly 英prɪ'emptɪv美priː'emptɪv 高COCA⁵³¹⁶⁵iWeb²⁹⁷¹¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence;

a preemptive business offer

non preemptive interrupt mechanism无先占中断机制…preemptive algorithm抢先算法preemptive priority抢先优先权,先抢优先…preemptive service抢先服务preemptive right股票先买权,优先购股…preemptive shares优先股preemptive scheduling抢先调度preemptive share优先股; 红利先取股…preemptive scheduling strategy抢先调度策略…preemptive process抢先进程preemptive audit先行审计
近义词 blocking阻塞defensive防卫的preventive预防的tactical战术上的anticipatory预期的proactive先发制人的preventative预防性的pre-emptivepreemptive的异…

用作形容词A preemptive neutralization drill has stirred up the members of the Red Revolutionary terrorist Unit!先发制人的中立训练激起红色革命恐怖分子的叛乱!
I say this jump was preemptive.我说这样跳叫是先发制人的。 An optional completion function is available to preemptively complete the task, even if all of the subtasks are not yet completed.
可以使用可选的完成功能提前完成任务,即使子任务还没有全部完成。 ibm

It would therefore preemptively load audio for that portion of the Web page. When the user eventually selects the top headline, the audio plays instantly.
因此,阅读器会首先上载网页上那部分内容的声音,从而使用户在选择了头条新闻后,立即听到播放。 smartgridtimes

Paul Krugman is leading the charge yet again, and he's preemptively responding to a number of arguments against action on China— but not mine.
保罗•克鲁曼再次主导这场口水战,他先发制人的回应了一些反对对中国采取措施的论据,但是却没有驳回我的观点。 topsage

The GC thread can also preemptively sleep if it can't complete its upcoming work item before the quantum end time.
如果 GC线程无法在时间量结束前完成预定的任务项目,那么也可以抢占性地进入休眠。 ibm

The international space station had a close call in late June, when an unidentified object came within1,100 feet but caused no damage; astronauts were preemptively evacuated to emergency spacecraft.
今年6月下旬,国际空间站侥幸脱险,当时有一个不明物体飞到离空间站不到1100英尺的位置,但没有造成破坏;宇航员抢先疏散到紧急飞行舱。 yeeyan

Preemptively trying to shut down the dialogue by shouting at the curious is the truly sensationalist move here.
要通过对好奇者叫嚣来先发制人结束对话,这样真的是彻彻底底的耸人听闻的举动。 yeeyan

Berlin opted to strike preemptively to preserve its security.
柏林选择先发制人,保护国家安全。 yeeyan

Even mainstream economists, who've never met a fiscal stimulus they didn't like, agree that central banks must act preemptively with regard to inflation.
就连那些一向对经济刺激方案拍手叫好的主流经济学家们,也认为联储必须对未来通胀采取先发制人的策略。 blog.sina.com.cn

Having authenticated once, a browser may preemptively send stored login credentials to a site without being prompted.
通过身份验证之后,浏览器可能主动把存储的登录凭证发送给站点,而用户看不到登录提示。 ibm




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