

单词 predominating
释义 pre·dom·i·nate 英prɪ'dɒmɪneɪt美prɪ'dɑːmɪneɪt COCA⁹⁴³²³BNC⁵¹⁰²⁶
having superior power and influence;

the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism

be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance;

Money reigns supreme here

Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood

appear very large or occupy a commanding position;

The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain

Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

predominate over 对 … 占优势…
近义词 tower塔lead引导rule规则hulk 废船loom织布机prevail盛行dominate支配reign君主统治outweigh比 … 重要predominant主要的overriding最主要的paramount极为重要的preponderating主要的preponderant占优势的preponderate以重量胜过be in the majority占大多数

用作动词Conservatives mightpredominatein the government.保守派人士有可能在政府中占优势。
Pine treespredominatethe woods here.这儿的树林中最多的是松树。
Red and scarletpredominatein these flowers.这些花中大都是红色和鲜红色的。
He soon began topredominateover them.他不久就开始支配他们了。
Life is made up of sob, sniffle, and smile, with snifflepredominate.人生是以哭、泣、笑三者构成的,尤以泣为最。as in.ascendant
同义词 predominantascendent,dominant,superiorcommanding,controlling,prevailing,supreme,surpassing
反义词 humble,inferioras in.prevailing
同义词 current,predominant,prevalent,rampant,universal,usualestablishedpreponderatingruling,set,steady,sweepingall-embracing,by the numbers,catholic,common,comprehensive,customary,ecumenical,familiar,fashionable,influential,in style,in vogue,main,operative,ordinary,popular,principal,regnant,regular,rife,widespread,worldwide
反义词 limited,uncommon,unfixedindividual,minor,peculiar,private,unimportant
ascendantadjective ruling
prevailingadjective general, dominant
all-embracing,by the numbers,catholic,common,comprehensive,current,customary,ecumenical,established,familiar,fashionable,in style,in vogue,influential,main,operative,ordinary,popular,predominant,predominatingpreponderatingprevalent,principal,rampant,regnant,regular,rife,ruling,set,steady,sweeping,universal,usual,widespread,worldwide After a supple front of palate, the predominating impression is one of vivacity and freshness which persists right through to the sharp, fruity finish.
入口柔顺,欢快及新鲜是对该酒最鲜明的映象,并最后以犀利的果感而收尾。 czxczx.com

Ferrous metals clad with another ferrous metal are to be classified as products of the ferrous metal predominating by weight.
用一种黑色金属包覆不同种类的黑色金属,应按其中重量最大的材料归类。 china-customs

Fluorescence of EGFP was mainly localized in tegument of the adults with confocal microscopy especially predominating around the head sucker and at the posterior part of the parasites.
激光共聚焦显微镜观察到, EGFP主要定位在成虫的皮层,口吸盘和尾部尤为明显。 rsghb

So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.
德拉这样作了,可精神上的感慨油然而生,生活就是哭泣、抽噎和微笑,尤以抽噎占统治地位。 hjenglish

Predominating the purchasing progress, supervising procurement contract execute.
掌握采购进货进度,监督采购合同执行。 cnki

All colors are lost in the predominating grey.
灰色主宰着一切,把其他颜色都淹没了。 jukuu

DON is one of the predominating contaminating mycotoxins in the grains and foodstuffs in the high incidence area of esophageal cancer in China.
研究表明,在我国食管癌高发区居民饮食中 DON也是主要污染霉菌毒素之一。 cnki

It is a rare disease in dogs, with cat and horse infections predominating in veterinary medicine.
犬罹患该疾病的概率较小,兽药治疗以猫和马感染为主。 goumin

Lifted and aromatic, this wine shows typical cabernet characters with mint, black olives and berries predominating, and subtle mocha oak on the finish.
此酒芬芳四溢,体现出加本力的典型特质,薄荷、黑橄榄与浆果味道尤为突出,回味中蕴含橡木带来的摩卡咖啡的曼妙香气。 globalwineshkg

Nanning is a capital city of compact nationalities with Zhuang predominating.
南宁是以壮族为主体的多民族聚居的首府城市。 www.4pshop.com

Pale straw yellow in colour with abundant fine bubbles. Fine aromas with fruity tones predominating; well harmonised with the aromas of ageing.
淡稻草黄色加上丰富的气泡,果香一开始便占据了主要的风味,随着年份的增长,此酒变得越加口感和谐。 www55fangcomse.929.com

Pores may fall in two types, with primary pores predominating in Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata and secondary pore in the Paleozoic.
孔隙有两种类型,中生界以上地层以原生孔为主; geojournals

Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.
这就使一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣、抽咽和微笑组成的,其中抽咽占主导地位。 ebigear

Which predominating my life.
什么支配我的生活。 crblog

With the development of the market economy, the predominating status of Marxism political economics has been challenged by western economics and applied economics.
随着改革开放的深入进行与市场经济的发展,我国打破了政治经济学一支独秀的局面,而西方经济学、应用经济学强势发展。 dictall

With the only childof the family predominating in school students today, special emphasis should be laid on willpower education in school's psychology education.
在目前学生中独生子女占多数的情况下,学校心理教育尤其应着重意志教育。 cnki

Predominating the design system does the work that production need cures to have, and draw to design the spare parts diagram, processing the diagram, assembling diagram.
主导设计制做生产所需工治具,并绘制设计零件图,加工图,组装图。 iask.sina.com.cn




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