

单词 predominated
释义 pre·dom·i·nate·d 英prɪ'dɒmɪneɪt美prɪ'dɑːmɪneɪt COCA⁴⁹⁰⁸⁴BNC³¹²¹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
having superior power and influence;

the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism

be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance;

Money reigns supreme here

Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood

appear very large or occupy a commanding position;

The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain

Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

predominate over 对 … 占优势…
近义词 tower塔lead引导rule规则hulk 废船loom织布机prevail盛行dominate支配reign君主统治outweigh比 … 重要predominant主要的overriding最主要的paramount极为重要的preponderating主要的preponderant占优势的preponderate以重量胜过be in the majority占大多数

用作动词Conservatives mightpredominatein the government.保守派人士有可能在政府中占优势。
Pine treespredominatethe woods here.这儿的树林中最多的是松树。
Red and scarletpredominatein these flowers.这些花中大都是红色和鲜红色的。
He soon began topredominateover them.他不久就开始支配他们了。
Life is made up of sob, sniffle, and smile, with snifflepredominate.人生是以哭、泣、笑三者构成的,尤以泣为最。 For the most part, the newcomers were from northern Europe; 6 Germans and Irish predominated, but there were many immigrants from England, Scotland, Switzerland, and the Scandinavian countries.
这批移民大部分来自欧洲北部,德国人与爱尔兰人占多数,但也有许多人来自英格兰、苏格兰、瑞士以及斯堪的纳维亚半岛国家。 zftrans

The sea surface height anomalySSHA , which is obtained after tidal correction based on the tidal results of this paper , is predominated by seasonal alternating monsoons.
因此根据所得潮汐调和常数对卫星高度计测得的海面高度进行潮汐订正,进而得到南海各季节的海面高度距平。 cnki

The analyses showed that the rate of delirium was significantly higher when a global brain syndrome was predominant than when any one of the other syndromes predominated.
分析表明,谵妄率显着增高时,脑综合征是全球主要的比任何一个其他症状为主。 syyxw.com

After its founding, the new regime insisted that the literature should be a trump of the politics and predominated by it.
建国后,新政权将文学定位为政治的呼应,被纳入到体制之中。 cnki

As industrial Ethernet was used widely, the embedded systems were predominated more and more.
随着工业以太网的广泛应用,嵌入式系统在控制领域越来越得到重视。 magsci

Authoritarian government systems consistently prevailed, while democratic conditions had already predominated in England, America and France for a long time.
当民主形势在英国,美国和法国滥觞之时,极权政府体制仍然持续主宰着德国。 yeeyan

China's dairy production is predominated by small-scale cattle raising by farmer households with few number of intensive farms of certain scale.
中国奶牛以农户小规模饲养为主,具有一定规模的农户和集约牧场数量很少。 www.dac.com.cn

Conclusion Different types of strains predominated alternatively, and the rise and fall of influenza antibody level among people conformed to the type of dominant strain.
结论不同型别的毒株表现出交替占优势的特征,人群流感抗体水平的消长与优势株的型别一致。 cnki

His smile predominated his features.
他的微笑是他的容貌的重要特色。 iciba

In his mind a wish to become rich has always predominated.
他想变富的愿望一直在他思想上占主导地位。 tdict

Influenza A H1 viruses have predominated circulation this season in the remaining two regions Mountain and Pacific.
型流感 H1病毒在这季节只剩余二个区域山区和太平洋 中占主要流行。 wenyisheng

Meanwhile, Palestinians expressed anger over what they see as Israeli settlers’ encroachment onto East Jerusalem, where Arabs have predominated.
同时,巴勒斯坦认为以色列人民在一直被阿拉伯国家占领的耶路撒冷东部定居是入侵行为,并对此表示愤慨。 ecocn

Most Syrians are practising Muslims, but the young people who have predominated in the crowds of protesters are connected to their compatriots more by the internet than by religion.
多数叙利亚人民信奉穆斯林,但主导抗议群众的年轻人更多藉由网路来连络自己的同胞,而不是宗教活动。 ecocn

Results In the series of young patients, female predominated.
结果青年型胃癌以女性多见; cnki

That was what predominated in his appearance.
那是在他的外貌中为主导者。 vx04

The door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated.
打开这扇门后便进入一个被印花棉布和橡木装饰得非常整洁的起居室。 http://www.nciku.com

The research harvests may provide some useful experiment basis and academic foundation for the popularization and application of the magnetic field- predominated strains combined technique.
本论文的研究成果为磁场—优势菌一体化技术处理重金属废水的推广应用提供了重要的实验基础和理论依据。 fabiao

Predominated by the ancient Yi culture and deeply rooted in traditional agriculture, Zhuhe Township somehow seems left behind.
不知何故,这个彝族古老文化占支配地位而且传统农业深深扎根的地方似乎被遗忘了。 umiwi




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