

单词 predictably
释义 predictably 英prɪˌdɪktəbli美prɪˌdɪktəbli 高COCA¹⁷⁸³⁴BNC¹³¹¹⁰iWeb¹⁵⁸³⁴Economist¹²⁶⁹⁹

in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree;

predictably, he did not like the news

predict-ably能干地⇒adv.可预言地⁶⁷;不出所料地³³近义词 surely无疑probably大概certainly当然banally平凡地tritely平凡地obviously显然地stalely陈地,陈旧地…in all likelihood很可能as expected如预料的一样…true to form一如既往,一贯…unsurprisingly并不令人惊奇地…

I asked the boss for a rise and his reply waspredictablyshort and sweet!我要求老板增加我的工资,他的回答如预料的一样简单明了! A woman who experiences mood symptoms is likely to experience these symptoms consistently and predictably, whereas physical symptoms may come and go.
经历过情绪上的症状的妇女很有可能一贯地及可预测地经历这些症状,反而身体上的症状则可能出现一次就消失了。 yeeyan

And, predictably enough, the greens are moaning that the planet is dying of consumption.
可不是,预测得够多的了,环保者在哀叹这个地球在死于消费。 yeeyan

The French media and intelligentsia, predictably, have been ecstatic at the restoration of their country’s honour in this line of endeavour.
可预言地,法国媒体和情报机构,则为在这词奋进的路线中回复他们国家的荣誉而狂喜。 yeeyan

The goal of RUP is to ensure the production of high- quality software that predictably meets the needs of its end users on schedule and within budget.
RUP的目标是确保能够按时并在预算之内生成能够可预见地满足最终用户需求的高质量软件。 ibm

Adding elephants to a network where mice are already running free predictably results in lots of trampled mice.
向已经有老鼠在自由奔跑的网络中添加大象,可以预料会导致大量被踩踏的老鼠。 ibm

Anyway, if the Berkshire audit committee's report is predictably protective of Buffett, at least no one can say now that the company is blind to the fact that Sokol is a creep.
不管怎样,即使伯克希尔公司审计委员会的报告如预测那样,其目的是为了保护巴菲特,至少现在没有人能说“公司无视索科尔卑劣行径”这样的话了。 fortunechina

Astronomers who study star clusters have noticed that the speed at which a star of a given mass spins measured by tracking cool, dark spots on the surface also seems to vary predictably with age.
研究星团的天文学家已经注意到质量一定的行星通过追踪表面阴暗冷却斑点来测量,其旋转速度随着其星龄呈现可预测性的变化。 ecocn

If you impose a regular schedule, noting your feelings at the same time every day, you face the issue that mood varies predictably with time of day and regular cycles of activity.
如果你强行制定一个日程安排表来给你每天同一时刻的情绪做注释,你将会发现,情绪会随着预期时间的到来而发生有规律的循环变化。 yeeyan

Lane told friends that it would be immoral of her to take part in a system that would predictably collapse so catastrophically, as the example of Weimar Germany convinced her that it would.
莱茵对朋友说,对她而言,加入一个完全可以预见到会灾难性崩溃的制度是不道德的,魏玛共和国的例子让她深信社保制度注定会崩溃。 yeeyan

News of the investigation predictably sparked complaints in Americathat Europe was once again out to bash a wildly successful American firm.
调查的消息必定会引起美国的抱怨,认为欧洲又一次对非常成功的美国公司实施打击。 ecocn

Saturday and Sunday rated predictably well but, perhaps surprisingly, Monday came out as the second happiest day of the week, partly because people were still reminiscing about the weekend.
不出所料,周六和周日得分很高;但可能让人意外的是,周一在一周的快乐排行榜中名列第二,这部分是因为人们还沉浸在周末的快乐之中。 iciba

To run a sizable business, developers need to predictably be able to get their products in front of consumers.
为了业务达到一定规模,开发者需要尽可能提高产品在消费者群中的曝光率。 yeeyan

Predictably, the new nature-themed images include some pleasant pictures of snow leopards in their natural habitat.
可以预见,新的自然为主题的图片,包括雪豹在自然栖息地愉快生活的图片。 yeeyan

Predictably, in the above tuned version, the entire cost of the handler has been removed and performance doubled.
可预测的是,上面的调优版本免除了所有处理程序成本,并使性能提高了一倍。 ibm

Predictably, North Korea has responded to the UN resolution by firing off another round of bellicose threats.
如同预见的,面对联合国的决定,朝鲜挑起另一波好战的挑衅威胁. ecocn

Predictably, this had led to grumbles that such vast sums would have been better spent on helping the poor.
可以预料的,这已经导致埋怨,如此大笔资金本来可以用于更好的帮助穷人。 ecocn

Predictably, this would kill query performance, but you can work around it by installing listeners where you need them.
可以预料到,这将有损查询性能,不过可以在需要的位置安装监听器来解决这一问题。 ibm




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