

单词 predating
释义 pre·date 英'priː'deɪt美priː'deɪt COCA⁶⁴⁷⁸⁸BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
be earlier in time; go back further;

Stone tools precede bronze tools

come before;

Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

prey on or hunt for;

These mammals predate certain eggs

establish something as being earlier relative to something else近义词 forgo放弃forego放弃prey牺牲者raven大乌鸦prelude 序幕precede在 … 之前come before 先于antecede 在 … 之前preexist 先于 … 存在…antedate使 … 提前发生…pre-exist=preexist …go before走在前面,居先…foredate 倒填 … 的日期…反义词 postdate 把日期填迟…

用作动词The custom of the wedding veil shouldpredatewedding dress by centries.婚纱的习俗要比婚服早几个世纪。 The Magic Servlet, too, has roots predating the Java language.
魔法 Servlet也有比 Java语言更早的渊源。 ibm

The serious degeneration of grassland and environment caused by years of predating exploitation became the main obstacle for sustainable development in this area.
长期以来,由于对草原掠夺式开发利用,导致草原严重退化,环境恶化,成为本区可持续发展的制约因素。 cnki

A police investigation predating the discovery of the files found evidence that the FARC controlled up to15 gold mines just in Bolívar department, in northern Colombia.
在发现这些档案文件之前,警方调查行动就已找到证据,革命游击队 FARC仅在哥伦比亚北部玻利瓦省就控制了多达十五座金矿。 ecocn

He also seized the opportunity to urge the Congress to act soon on changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which dates from the 1970s, predating cell phones and the Internet.
他也借此机会强迫国会尽快实施外国情报监视法,这项法案起始于20世纪70年代,比手机和网络还早。 tesoon

He is recognized as a pioneer of special effects photography predating digital imaging.
他被视为早于数字图像的特效摄影开拓者。 www.cfa.gov.cn

He suggests that these observations of bugs predating reptiles call into question previously held opinions about predator- prey dynamics in freshwater habitats.
他认为观察到的这些昆虫捕食爬行动物的现象引发了对之前所持对淡水生境中捕食动态观点的疑问。 yeeyan

In France a fight with public- sector unions is on the horizon, for reasons predating the recession—the government has long been eager to get a grip on the spiralling cost of pensions.
在法国,同公共部门的斗争已经是箭在弦上,在经济萧条之前政府就一直渴望着对呈螺旋式上升的养老金成本进行管控。 ecocn

Looking at the graphs, Google's hypotheses about search terms predating disease outbreaks seem to be proven correct.
查看这些图表,证明 Google关于搜索词条可预示疾病爆发的假设是正确的。 yeeyan

Others respond that a plateau culture predating the migration is in fact compatible with the science.
其他人回复道:在移民迁入前的高原文化实际上与科学研究结果相一致的。 ecocn

The advance of research and utilization of industrial, medical, edible, feed, predating, pollinating and cultural insects were reviewed and the prospect of these resources was discussed.
从工业用昆虫、药用昆虫、食用昆虫、饲用昆虫、天敌昆虫、传粉昆虫、文化昆虫等方面,简要概述了资源昆虫的研究利用状况及前景展望。 cnki

They lived1.977m years ago, predating the appearance of Homo erectus by 77, 000 years.
他们生活于197.7万年前,比直立人早出现7.7万年。 ecocn

Until texts predating their existence begin cropping up, these works of literature currently hold the title of the world’s oldest.
除非有更古老的文本出现,这些文献作品目前仍是世界上最古老的。 yeeyan

Predating CAD, this geometric linear- and arc- based approach evolved out of the mental constructs of design technique, industrial fabrication, and reproduction of the objects of the20th Century.
由我们心中所想衍生出的,几何化的直线、曲线为基础的早期 CAD,决定了整个20世纪的设计技术,工业生产和物品的复制和再生产。 yeeyan




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