

单词 precludes
释义 pre·clude·s 英prɪ'kluːd美prɪ'kluːd COCA²⁷⁸⁸⁹BNC²³³⁶⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. 排除,阻止,妨碍

prevent; make sth impossible

keep from happening or arising; make impossible;

My sense of tact forbids an honest answer

Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project

make impossible, especially beforehand
preclude, prevent

这组词都表示“阻止”。其区别在于:prevent强调存在不可逾越的障碍, preclude则强调存在某种情况、条件或预防措施而阻止了某事的发生。

用作动词 v.
~+名词preclude the possibility排除可能~+介词preclude sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事
preclude from v.+prep.

使不能做… prevent sb from; make impossible

preclude sb from v-ingA prior engagement will preclude me from coming.有约在先使我不能来。
Death precluded him from completing his investigation.死亡使他未能完成他的研究。
Their move does not preclude others from investing.他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。
The bad weather precluded us from having a picnic.坏天气使我们不能去野餐。近义词 out出bar酒吧stop停止shut关闭deter阻止abort流产impede妨碍forbid禁止prevent预防exclude排除silence沉默prohibit禁止rule out消除close out抛售forestall领先shut out关在外面disqualify使 … 丧失资格…foreclose取消抵押品的赎回权…
S+~+ n./pron.I wouldn't want to preclude the possibility of a small payment being made.我不想排除支付一笔小额款项的可能性。
We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.我们努力排除任何误解的可能性。
The suicide note precluded the possibility of murder.那封绝命书排除了他杀的可能性。
The temporary cease-fire agreement does not preclude possible retaliatory attacks later.临时停火协定不能防止以后发生报复性攻击的可能性。
The adoption of one choice often precludes the use of another.选取了一种就常常不得使用另一种了。
That sale precludes further development on this site.卖出以后妨碍了这一地点的进一步发展。
Abdication is precluded by the lack of a possible successor.因为没有可能的继承者,让位无法实现。S+~+sb's v -ingThese conditions preclude our taking part in the negotiations.这些条件使我们无法参加谈判。
This contract does not preclude my being employed by others at the same time I am working for you.这份合同并不禁止我在为你工作的同时受雇于他人。



用作及物动词That willprecludehim from escaping.那将阻止他逃走,那将使他无法逃走。
Their move does notprecludeothers from investing.他们这一行动并不影响其他人进行投资。
My present financesprecludethe possibility of buying a car.按我目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。
Small volume this year does notprecludehuge volume next year.今年业绩不多,不代表明年就一定会很少, And with equal vehemence, Muslims have retorted: there is nothing in their faith which precludes a liberal democracy and much which works in its favor.
同样的, 人们对于伊斯兰的曲解也日趋严重,那就是认为穆斯林的信仰空虚,以致妨碍了自由民主和很多有利于自由民主的事情。 ecocn

At the same time, the opposing online community mixes half- truths with prejudices to cement such a negative, distorted image of immigrants that it precludes any balanced immigration policy.
同时对立的网民社群以混合一半事实一半偏见的态度来评判这么负面,扭曲的移民印象,这是阻挡了一个具平衡性的移民政策产生。 yeeyan

Continuing focus on the child's autism as a source of grief is damaging for both the parents and the child, and precludes the development of an accepting and authentic relationship between them.
一味地为孩子的孤独症而悲伤,无论是对父母还是对孩子都是有害的,它会妨碍父母与孩子之间真情实感的产生。 yeeyan

However, unlike trademarks, which do have to be defended, there is nothing the precludes you from enforcing your copyrights at a later date.
不同于商标,版权的确是需要捍卫的,没有什么能妨碍你在后续的时间里伸张版权。 yeeyan

Producer sympathy triumphs over consumer interest. And suspicion of profit precludes sensible discussion of the cost to France in lost jobs.
博取读者同情压倒了消费者利益,对商人的怀疑也战胜了对法国高失业率原因的理性探讨。 ecocn

Existing definition precludes any relationship with the company that may interfere with the exercise of director's independence from management and the company.
现行定义排除董事与公司和公司管理层之间存在的可能干扰其独立行使职权的任何关联。 www.zeta.com.cn

Failure to demonstrate operational consistency within the chosen criteria for acceptable temperature uniformity precludes validation to be demonstrable for the specified sterilization cycle.
对于可接受的温度均一性,确认没能在选定的标准内持续运行,使得可证明灭菌周期的验证没有通过。 lyophilizer

It makes for a much neater classification system, and precludes the more expensive option of providing a separate program and different services for both groups.
这样导致一个更干脆利落的分类系统,排除掉了昂贵的选择-为两类群体提供单独的方案和不同的服务等。 blog.sina.com.cn

None of this precludes reform which comes in many guises.
这些都不能阻挠多种形式的改革。 topsage

Plus a large file precludes using a DOM-based parser since it takes forever to build the tree, and chews up a lot of memory doing it.
使用大文件就意味着无法使用基于 DOM的解析器,因为创建树的时间会很长,而且需要消耗大量的内存。 ibm

That would require every farmer to sustain nearly two city dwellers, which a shortage of fertiliser, farm machinery and fuel precludes.
那样的话需要每个农民供给大约两个城市居民的粮食,会造成化肥短缺,农业机械化,燃料排放等问题。 yeeyan

The design precludes you from profiling queries that make use of fewer indexes.
这种设计阻止您编写利用较少索引的查询。 ibm

The notion that free trade precludes food security is plainly wrong-headed.
自由贸易危害粮食安全的观点完全是错误的。 ecocn

This funding precludes mention of birth control and condoms, unless it is to emphasize their failure rates.
这个资助决不允许提及避孕和避孕套,除非是强调它的失败率。 dxy

This is because the business relationship precludes the e- business system.
这是因为业务关系阻碍了电子商务系统。 ibm

This of course precludes any form of identification.
当然这种排除任何形式的鉴定。 bbs.kchibo.com.cn

This often precludes a friendship close enough to help hold loneliness at bay.
这往往也妨碍男人结成足够亲密的友谊,来帮助他们排除孤独。 ebigear

This study presents the clinical results of a surgical technique that expands a narrow ridge, when its ridge width precludes the placement of dental implant.
本研究介绍了牙槽嵴宽度在妨碍放置种植体时应用扩张狭窄牙槽嵴外科技术的临床效果。 cnki

Ultimately the best defense is a style of play that precludes lifting to the back.
最后,对于最好的防守就是不要起高球到后场。 hudong

Unfortunately, this isn't good enough for many interaction schemes, as it precludes things like asynchrony, stateful interaction, and peer-to- peer communication.
不幸的是,这对许多交互模式而言不够好,因为它排除了象异步性、有状态的交互和对等通信这样的情况。 ibm

US declaration that UBS would be able to and over account details without committing a crime in Switzerland has been rebutted by the Swiss side, which argues that Swiss law precludes such an action.
美国方面的声明指出,瑞银集团能够在不违反瑞士法律的情况下向美方提交上述账户信息,而瑞士方面则辩称瑞士法律禁止此类行为。 ecocn

We also have a“ theoretical understanding” of how life evolves over time, which precludes their sudden creation!
我们对太阳系的运作方式以及行星的形成理论理解排除了‘月亮是绿奶酪做成的’这一假设。 yeeyan

While PUT and POST are generally useful, neither REST nor the Web architecture precludes the use of other methods which might better facilitate“ atomic updates to large graphs”.
虽然 PUT和 POST通常比较有用,但 REST和 Web架构没有阻止使用其他方法——那也许更有助于实现“对大图进行原子更新”。 infoq




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