

单词 preciously
释义 pre·cious·ly 英'preʃəslɪ美'preʃəslɪ 高COCA¹²⁶⁰³⁵BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb⁵²²¹²


there is precious little time left

近义词 daintily优美地precious宝贵的fussily无事空扰地artificially人工地affectedly装模作样地pretentiously自命不凡地self-consciouslyself-conscio…
Stained wine. A hite wine which has acquired a pink tint through being placed in casks which preciously held red wine.
由于储放在原先盛放红葡萄酒的容器中而侵染了粉色色调的白葡萄酒。 blog.sina.com.cn

The temperature distribution of the support for the4.2K cold mass has been simulated by ANSYS, and its heat flux has been simulated and compared with the theoretical results presented preciously.
用有限元软件ANSYS模拟了4.2K冷质量支撑件的温度分布情况,同时得到了其导热漏热,并与理论计算进行了比较。 cnki

All in all, a world full of gratitude is preciously expected for thousands of years. why not show our gratitude to people around you?
总之,世界的感激仔细的预计数千年。为什么不显示,我们感谢你周围的人? xdfyy

As had been mentioned preciously, both sides respected the Red Cross.
就象已经反复说明的那样,德美双方均尊重红十字标志。 kekenet

Desert puddles and mud holes: Water is a preciously scarce resource for all living things in the desert.
沙漠里的水坑和泥泞的洞,对于在沙漠里所有的生物,水是很珍贵和稀小的资源。 shanhua

How many sad memories did we have? What kind of happy days are we going to hold onto preciously from now?
我们一起有多少悲伤的回忆?今后又有多少幸福的日子值得我们去珍藏? blog.sina.com.cn

However, it occurs to preciously few people: Is such finance suitable for our world and economy?
但极少有人想过,我们的世界、我们的经济是不是需要这样的金融? ecocn

That means his data are preciously consistent he always takes the same37 measurements.
这就意味着他的数据出奇地一致他常常得到37组相同的测量数据。 ecocn

To grasp the person's state preciously is his special ability, and his seemingly non-professional painting words has a good fit with the person and objects described by him.
对人物状态精准的把握是葛辉的独到之处,他看似“非专业”的绘画语言又和他所描绘的人、物形成了良好的契合。 artintern

Wave- equation finite- difference algorithm can more preciously simulate seismic wave field for any non- uniform medium, but have the issue of numeric dispersion.
波动方程有限差分方法能够较精确地模拟任意非均匀介质中的地震波场,但它本身存在着数值频散问题。 kekenet

What kind of happy days are we going to hold onto preciously from now?

Preciously crafted into a classic-to-be by a genuine contender of the Academy, putting together his masterpiece into one and winning the hearts of all those who shared that“ picture time”.
经典的,无法超越的技巧,在金像奖的有力竞争者的运用下,再将其多部杰作合一,赢得了所有共同享有这段“画面时间”观众的心。 blog.sina.com.cn




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