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pre·cau·tion 英prɪˈkɔːʃən美prɪˈkɔʃənAHDprĭ-kôʹshən ★★☆☆☆高四六研IMST4八COCA¹⁰³⁹¹BNC¹⁴¹⁵⁰iWeb⁶⁵⁸²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.预防⁶³;预防措施³⁷复数precautions 先后品质安全防范预知
n.名词 C预防措施an action done to avoid possible danger, discomfort, etc. Noun: a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.;he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution an insurance policy is a good safeguard we let our guard down the trait of practicing caution in advancejudiciousness in avoiding harm or danger;he exercised caution in opening the door he handled the vase with care 来源于拉丁语动词caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus提防,小心。 词根词缀: pre-先 + caut小心 + -ion名词后缀 同源词:caution, cautious 用作名词 n. 动词+~advocate〔take〕 precautions提倡〔实行〕预防形容词+~necessary〔proper, special〕 precautions必要〔适当,特殊〕的预防措施 钱博士pre提前+cau小心+tion动名词后缀,表行为→提前小心⇒警惕,预防,预防措施 词根cau-小心,注意来自拉丁语,常见变体形式cav-。非常记忆pre仆人〖拼音〗+ca擦〖拼音〗+u桶〖编码〗+tion婶〖谐音〗⇒仆人擦桶的时候婶婶更警惕了pre提前+cau小心+tion动名词后缀,表行为→提前小心⇒警惕,预防,预防措施。非常记忆pre在…之前 caution 小心、谨慎 预先的小心⇒预防;警惕词根记忆pre预先+caution小心→事先小心→预防词根记忆pre+caution小心=预先小心=预防近义词 care关心guard看守caution警告security安全insurance保险provision食品protection保护safeguard保卫者deterrent威慑的forethought远虑notification通知forewarning预先警告的safety measure防护措施preventive measure预防措施 用作名词n.I took the precaution of locking money in the safe.我把所有的钱都锁在保险箱里以防万一。 It would be a wise precaution to lock all the doors.把所有的门都锁上是个很明智的预防措施。Pprecautionarya.预先警戒的预防的留心的
名词100% 用作名词You should take an umbrella just as aprecaution.你该带把伞,有备无患。 I took theprecautionof locking everything in the safe.我把一切东西都锁在保险箱里以防万一。 The report is scathing about the lack of safetyprecaution.该报道对缺乏安全〈预防措施〉一事严加指责。 All this wake the local government to the need for safetyprecaution.所有这些使当地政府认识到必须采取安全〈预防措施〉。noun.carefulness;preventative measure 同义词 care,caution,insurance,protection,provision,safeguard,safety measureanticipation,circumspection,discreetness,discretion,foresight,forethought,providence,prudence,regard,warinesscanniness 反义词 harm,hurt,injury,neglect,negligence,thoughtlessness,carelessness,disregard,hindsight,ignorance calculationnoun forethought canniness,caution,circumspection,contrivance,deliberation,discretion,foresight,planning,prudence,thought calculationsnoun forethought addings,arithmetics,cipherings,computations,countings,dividings,estimates,estimations,figurings,forecasts,judgments,multiplyings,predictions,reckonings,subtractings,summations,totalings carenoun carefulness, attention to detail alertness,carefulness,caution,circumspection,concentration,concern,conscientiousness,consideration,diligence,direction,discretion,discrimination,effort,enthusiasm,exactness,exertion,fastidiousness,forethought,heed,interest,judiciousness,meticulousness,mindfulness,nicety,pains,particularity,precaution,prudence,regard,scrupulousness,solicitude,thought,trouble,vigilance,wariness,watchfulness carefulnessnoun caution care,cautiousness,chariness,heedfulness,mindfulness,precaution,wariness,watchfulness caresnoun carefulness, attention to detail alertness,cautions,circumspection,concentrations,concerns,conscientiousness,considerations,diligences,directions,discriminations,efforts,enthusiasms,exactness,exertions,fastidiousness,forethought,heed,interests,managements,meticulousness,niceties,pains,particularities,precautions,prudence,regard,scrupulousnesses,solicitude,thoughts,troubles,vigilance,wariness,watchfulness charinessnoun caution alertness,care,carefulness,cautiousness,heedfulness,precaution,wariness,watchfulness Because orbit is open to anyone with a launch- rocket handy, some countries may be tempted to let everyone else bear the costs of precaution while they reap the benefits. 对有火箭发射能力的国家而言,轨道是开放的,有的国家也许会蓄意让其他国家分担危险预警的费用,而他们从中获利。 ecocn The only other addition is the call at the end of the class to remove the property that you set, which is just a precaution to ensure that memory does not leak away unexpectedly. 唯一增加的是访问类的末尾,以除掉您设置的属性,这只是一项预防措施,确保存储的不会意外的逐渐消失。 ibm Actually you can look down as well as an added precaution. 事实上你们可以俯视,作为一个预防措施。163 Although none of these people presently shows symptoms compatible with H5N1 infection, all have been placed under medical observation as a precaution. 虽然在他们中间目前没有人显示与 H5N1感染相一致的症状,但是作为一项预防措施,已对他们全体进行医学观察。 who As a precaution, should consumers switch to other types of over-the-counter pain relief? 作为预防措施,消费者是不是应该购买其他类型的非处方止疼药? yeeyan As a precaution Tokyo Electric Power Company has evacuated all non- essential personnel from the unit. 为预防起见,东京电力公司已经从这个单元撤离了所有非必要人员。 yeeyan As a precaution, your correspondent has been taking a fresh look at some of the alternatives he dismissed last time round. 作为一个预防措施,你的通话对象从新回顾了一遍上一轮被他筛选出局的备选方案. ecocn Because our crew are amateurs and not professional there's much more precaution taken in everything we do. 因为我们的船员是业余爱好者或非专业人士,我们做任何事都要加倍防范。 yeeyan But, in this instance, he had brought the brass knuckles as a limited precaution. 但是这次,他带了铜拳套来,作为一个有限度的预防措施。 yeeyan But it added that it had quarantined the batch used at the school as a precaution. 但是它补充说,作为预防它隔离了曾在学校使用的这批疫苗。 xmlchina Divided government is the best precaution you can have. 分权政府是你们能采取的最佳预防措施。 yeeyan Even the apparently sensible precaution of printing warnings on food labels is fraught with complications. 即使是在食品标签上印刷警告这样明显合理的预防措施也充满了纠纷。 yeeyan I had taken the precaution at the beginning of my stay to secure a pass that set me free from any possible molestation from officials or police, and this gave me admission to the Kremlin enclosure. 我在停留初期就做了预防措施,获得了一个通行证,让我免受官员或者警察的骚扰。 如今,这张通行证也让我可以前往克里姆林宫。 yeeyan It can be compared to a car seatbelt— a precaution, but no substitute for safe driving. 这可以同轿车安全带相类比——是一项预防,但它并不能取代安全驾驶。 ecocn It may surprise many to know that the dairy farm environment, even when every precaution is taken, is a reservoir for illness- causing germs. 如果大家知道了畜牧场的环境肯定会震惊,即使有预防措施,畜牧场仍然是一个滋生细菌的大本营。 yeeyan Likewise, many of the passengers thought the precaution was well worth it. 很多乘客也有相同的看法,认为这些预防措施是值得的。 yeeyan Officials advised consumers of octopus to remove all internal organs, ink and intestinal matter, a precaution that many people say would also remove most of the dish's taste. 卫生官员们建议食用章鱼的消费者要去除章鱼内部的所有器官、墨汁和肠内物质,另外一种预防措施就是很多人所说的去除这道菜肴。 yeeyan She'd continued working in the same office: strolling right under the security cameras day after day, although she'd taken the precaution of getting rid of that coat. 她仍然在那家公司工作,日复一日地就在那些保安摄像机下面经过,当然她已经采取了预防措施,把那件风衣处理掉了。 yeeyan Singapore Airlines took the precaution of replacing the same engine on three of its A380s. 新加坡航空公司积极采取预防措施,为其他三架 A380客机更换引擎。 ecocn So producing pandemic vaccines as a precaution may turn out to be a waste of resources with deadly results. 这样一来,生产全球大流感疫苗作为预防结果可能是后果严重的资源浪费。 ecocn The fact woke them up to the need for the safety precaution. 事实使他们认识到安全防范的必要性。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The seven family and friends were undergoing further tests and were thought to be being treated at home with the antiviral drug Tamiflu as a precaution. 这七名家庭成员和朋友经历了进一步的测试,并认为需要在家中使用防病原体药物达菲加以预防。 yeeyan These facts suggest that, at a minimum, proper airing of newly purchased goods with an obvious chemical smell is a wise precaution. 就这些事实看来,对于新买而有明显化学味道的东西,最少要有适当的空调是明智的预防措施。 iciba They also took the precaution of editing one gene in particular, so that it would not work. 他们也采取了单独剪裁单个基因的预防措施,这样它就不会发挥作用。 ecocn This is simply a precaution to ensure all files have uploaded successfully from the server, and full functionality is evident. 这只是一个为了确保所有的文件都已从服务器成功上传的预防措施,全部功能是显而易见的。 yeeyan This is a precaution that can protect your work colleagues and others. 这是一种预防措施,可保护同事和他人不受感染。 who Two months later, the ministry reduced maximum speeds along the network to reduce costs and as a safety precaution. 两个月后,出于降低成本和安全预防措施的考虑,铁道部降低了高铁网内的最高时速。 ecocn When the server started up again after the crash, the XFS code would look at the journal, realize the situation, and fill those incomplete data blocks with binary zeros as a security precaution. 服务器在崩溃后再次启动时, XFS代码会查看日志,了解情况,把那些不完整的数据块填上二进制零以预防安全性问题。 ibm |