

单词 practicing
释义 prac·tic·ing 英ˈpræktɪsɪŋ美ˈpræktɪsɪŋAHDprăkʹtĭ-sĭng 高COCA⁷¹⁸⁷BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb¹⁷⁹⁶⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
动词 practice:
carry out or practice; as of jobs and professionslearn by repetitionengage in a rehearsal ofavail oneself toengage in or performpractice练习

用作形容词Apracticingforensic scientist has a built-in bias or predisposition toward the prosecution's side.开业的法医学家对辩方有一种固有的偏爱或倾向。as in.engaged
同义词 absorbed,committed,employed,engrossed,interested,involved,occupied,preoccupied,workingdoing,immersed,performing,pursuing,signedat work,connected with,dealing in,deep,in place,in use,intent,rapt,tied-up,unavailable,wrapped-up
反义词 bored,disinterested,idle,inactive,uninterested,unoccupiedavailable,disengaged,inoperable,not working,uninvolvedas in.operating
同义词 performing,runningaccomplishing,administering,conducting,contriving,determining,directing,driving,executing,finishing,fulfilling,guiding,maintaining,managing,manipulating,moving,ordering,regulating,revolving,serving,spinning,supervising,sustaining,transacting,turning,using,wieldingat workas in.using
同义词 accepting,adopting,applying,employing,proving,testing,working
engagedadjective operating;busy
absorbed,at work,committed,connected with,dealing in,deep,doing,employed,engrossed,immersed,in place,in use,intent,interested,involved,occupied,performing,preoccupied,pursuing,rapt,signed,tied-up,unavailable,working,wrapped-up
operatingadjective causing to function
accomplishing,administering,at work,conducting,contriving,determining,directing,driving,executing,finishing,fulfilling,guiding,maintaining,managing,manipulating,moving,ordering,performing,practicing,regulating,revolving,running,serving,spinning,supervising,sustaining,transacting,turning,using,wielding
usingadjective utilizing
accepting,adopting,applying,employing,practicing,proving,testing,working In order for a calf roper to become proficient he must spend a great deal of time practicing.
一个套小牛的选手要想成为行家里手,他必须花费大量的时间来进行练习。 blog.sina.com.cn

The main result is that if you practice for 20 minutes, and then you are passively exposed to stimuli for20 minutes, you learn as if you have been practicing for40 minutes.
调查结果表明,如果你练习个20分钟,然后在下一个20分钟里无意识地把自己置于相关刺激中,如此一来,就等于你已经练习了40分钟。 yeeyan

The University of Illinois Extension service, for example, suggests practicing on a chicken during the off-season.
伊利诺州大学的延伸服务,建议可以在淡季非感恩节用一只鸡来练习。 hjenglish

“ My grandmother was already practicing win-win, ” he says, which to him means being strong in your negotiations but not going overboard.
他说:“我祖母早已经在实践双赢理念了。”这意味着他在谈判中既要立场坚定,但又不能做得太过火。 fortunechina

After practicing meditation for some time it will affect your sleep.
在练习冥想一段时间后,它会改变你的睡眠。 yeeyan

And I kept on practicing. I got good enough that I joined this band.
我一直在练习,练到了很好的程度,后来还加入进了一个乐队。 yeeyan

By practicing the healing methods outlined in this book, he became whole and perfect.
通过实践此书中概述的治疗方法,他的身体和心理都变得很健康。 yeeyan

Have you been practicing these agreements without knowing it?
你曾经在不了解这些建议时,练习过它们吗? yeeyan

He takes every opportunity of practicing his oral English.

However, if you haves mall children who are just starting school, skip the timer and see how they do on their own without the timer; the discussing and practicing should be enough.
然而,如果你的孩子刚上学,就不要用厨房定时器了,就在他们身旁看着他们怎么做,要有足够的时间来和他们讨论和实践。 yeeyan

I'd go into a soundproof room for two hours of long- tones, scales, arpeggios, and practicing specific song phrases over and over.
我会在一个隔音的房间里面学习两个小时的长音、音阶、琶音的知识,也练习一些具体的歌曲片段。 yeeyan

If you're not in an exclusive relationship, you can still protect yourself by learning about and consistently practicing STD prevention, such as using condoms.
如果没有专一的性伴侣,你仍然能通过学习和不断练习性病预防的方法来保护自己,例如使用避孕套的方法。 yeeyan

If I create a visualization of some part of a system, does that mean I am practicing MDA?
如果我创建一个系统的某些部分的可视化表示,这能意味着我正在实践 MDA吗? ibm

In these two episodes, we’ll be practicing different levels of agreement and disagreement, from weak to strong.
在这两节课中,我们会练习不同程度地表示同意和不同意表达,从弱到强。 kekenet

In practicing“ management by walking around,” he devised what became known as his11 simple rules.
在实践“走动式管理”的过程中,他发明了众所周知的11条简单规则。 yeeyan

Like any endeavor, there isn’t a right way to go about practicing— find those methods that work for you.
如同任何努力一样,没有一种正确的练习方法——只有找出那些对你有效的方法。 yeeyan

Next time, I think, is what I am waiting and practicing for.
下次,我心想,正是我在等待和实践的事。 yeeyan

Other helpful steps include asking for help from others, using humor, learning to be assertive, and practicing problem solving and time management.
其他有用的步骤包括寻求别人的帮助,幽默,学会变得自信,练习解决问题和时间管理的能力。 yeeyan

Preparing for any kind of IT certification is about both studying and practicing.
为任何种类的 IT认证作准备都需要学习和练习。 ibm

The finding not only points to a promising way to augment practicing when learning a new physical skill, it could also help people regain skills after injuries such as stroke.
该发现不仅指出一个在学习一种技能时增加练习的充满前景的方法,还能帮助那些损伤后如中风的人们从新获得技能。 yeeyan

They differ both between the schools of thought that influence design, and between individual practicing designers.
他们的差别来自不同学校的设计理念,以及不同设计师的个人实践。 yeeyan

Two groups of healthy people were followed over a12- week period— one group practicing yoga, the other walking as a form of exercise.
两个健康小组的人们都被跟踪了长达超过12周的时间——其中一个小组练习瑜珈,另一个小组则散步。 yeeyan

What is language for? Some people seem to think it is for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words—— the longer the words the better.
语言到底是用来干什么的呢?一些人认为它是用来操练语法规则和学习一大堆单词——而且单词越长越好。 hjenglish

When the child is using English, we do not correct errors in pronunciation. We see such mistakes as the act of practicing a new skill.
当孩子们说英语时,我们不去纠正他们发音上的错误,我们认为这种错误是在实践一种新技能时不可避免的。 ebigear

Practicing this simple little role play is only limited to your imagination.
练习这种简单的角色游戏仅仅局限于你的想象。 yeeyan




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