

单词 augmentation
释义 aug·men·ta·tion 英ˌɔːgmenˈteɪʃən美ˌɔgmɛnˈteʃənAHDôg'mĕn-tāʹshən 高四G宝COCA³⁸⁴⁶⁴BNC³⁷⁶⁶⁴iWeb¹⁸³¹¹

the amount by which something increasesthe statement of a theme in notes of greater duration usually twice the length of the originalthe act of augmenting词根词缀: -aug-增加 + -ment名词词尾 + -ation名词词尾augment增加passive augmentation无源增大回波…augmentation equipment回波信号放大器…augmentation ratio升推比lift augmentation升力增大,增升…flame augmentation火焰加强control augmentation控制增稳augmentation distance扩增距离,外推长度…augmentation correction增量修正deposit augmentation存款增大reheat augmentation复燃加力water augmentation喷水加力damping augmentation改善减震,提高减震能…feel augmentation感力增加power augmentation功率增大stability augmentation稳定性的增长…air augmentation送气加力thrust augmentation推力增大
GRE难词记忆augment→aug=to increase 增加+-ment表结果→GRE难词记忆augmentation→ augment v.增加+ation→增加augment增加,增大+ation动名词后缀⇒增加,增大。词根记忆augment增加,增大+ ation ⇒增加近义词 rise上升ascent上升addition增加increase增加extension延长accession到达growthU增长expansion膨胀enlargement扩大amplification扩大escalation逐步扩大intensification增强反义词 diminution减少

用作名词Method does not perform infosetaugmentation.方法不执行信息集补充。
The approach is called the wide-areaaugmentationsystem, or WAAS.这种方法称为广域扩增系统,简写为WAAS。noun.making greater;improving
同义词 enhancement,enlargementaccession,accretion,addition,amplification,boost,buildup,development,enrichment,expansion,extension,growth,hike,increase,increment,inflation,intensification,magnification,multiplication,raise,reinforcement,rise,strengthening,swellingbeefing up,fleshing out,heightening,up,upping
反义词 compression,contraction,decline,decrease,deduction,diminishment,drop,fall,lessening,loss,reduction,shortening,shrinkage,stagnation,subtractiondegradation
accessionnoun something that augments, adds to
accompanimentnoun necessary part or embellishment
accretionnoun gradual growth, addition
accumulationnoun gathering or amassing
addendumnoun something conjoined, added
additionnoun something conjoined to or enlargement of something
accession,accessory,accretion,accrual,addendum,additive,adjunct,aggrandizement,annex,appendage,appendix,attachment,augmentation,bonus,boost,commission,dividend,enhancement,enlargement,expansion,extension,extra,gain,hike,increase,increment,markup,option,profit,raise,reinforcement,rise,supplement,wing Dr Viel, who admits breast augmentation is his favourite procedure, steps back to admire his work.
维尔医生承认,隆胸是他最喜欢做的手术,他后退一步欣赏刚刚出于自己之手的杰作。 yeeyan

The possibility of hurting should inspire an augmentation of respect.
不慎触及了可能触及之物应倍增尊敬。 ebigear

As you can see from the demonstration video, the results are not100-percent accurate, but do provide for a useful augmentation of identifiable speakers.
正如可以在演示视频中看到的那样,结果并不是100%精确,但是却可以有效地识别说话者。 ibm

Both saline and silicone breast implants are considered safe for breast augmentation and breast reconstruction.
这两种假体植入术对于丰胸和乳房重建来说都是安全的。 yeeyan

Breast augmentation, for instance, is big in the Pacific and Mountain states, leading the nation with a whopping36 percent.
比如说,隆胸在太平洋和山地地区就占很大比例,在全国范围以高达36%的比例领先。 yeeyan

Butt augmentation, or butt implants, which is exactly what it sounds like.
丰臀或隆臀手术,听字面意思就知道是什么。 tingvoa

Father- of- two Jenny- Anne went on to have a breast augmentation procedure this January followed by facial feminisation surgery.
珍妮·安妮,这位两个孩子的父亲,在做过面部女性化的手术之后,今年一月又实施了隆胸手术。 huanqiu

Given this history of far-fetched augmentation schemes, it’s not entirely unfathomable that a plastic surgeon would one day realize the secret to enhanced breasts was hidden in a pair of love handles.
鉴于丰胸拥有如此悠久的历史,所以也并不奇怪,有朝一日某位整形外科医师会意识到隆乳的秘密其实就隐藏在腰间赘肉。 yeeyan

He once had a patient, a young mother in her20s, who got a breast augmentation.
他曾经遇到过一个患者,是一位年轻的妈妈,20来岁的样子,做了隆胸手术。 yeeyan

However, it is more interesting and fun studying with digital textbooks, which has augmentation contents and videos.
然而,电子教科书增加了内容和视频,用它来学习更令人感兴趣也更有乐趣。 hxen

I was fortunate enough to be invited to OSU to give a talk about hypertext and knowledge augmentation, an interest of mine and a persistent theme of my research.
我非常荣幸地受邀参加了这次集会,并做了一个题为“超文本与知识的扩大”的演讲。 这个演讲既是我的兴趣也是我研究工作中的一贯主题。 yeeyan

If not, then some augmentation of testing practices may be required.
如果不是,就需要一些增加的测试实践。 ibm

Increased disk utilisation also occurs if events and actions require access to a user database for example, database fetches in intermediate objects for event and action augmentation.
事件和动作需要访问用户数据库还会导致磁盘使用率增加例如,数据库获取中间对象导致事件和动作增加。 ibm

It basically takes information sources and provides augmentation, the creation of new feeds and mixing and mashing of data sources.
它主要包含信息资源,提供扩展、创建新提要并混合数据源。 ibm

It provides a variety of technologies to perform message transformation, routing, and augmentation.
它提供了各种技术以进行消息转换、路由和扩充。 ibm

It seems a holding operation, a Plan C or D that might need augmentation via a Plan A.
它似乎只能支撑现有局面,算是一种 C计划或 D计划,可能需要通过一项A计划来加以强化。 blog.sina.com.cn

Moreover, the mediation enables content augmentation to enrich a message with any additional information.
而且,中介允许对内容进行扩展,以使用附加信息丰富消息内容。 ibm

Not surprisingly, it was all about augmentation— lip augmentation, that is.
毫不奇怪,全是“变大”——丰唇术,就是它。 yeeyan

Saline breast implants are available to women age 18 and older for breast augmentation, or women of any age for breast reconstruction.
盐水丰胸适用于18岁以上的女性,也适用于任何年龄女性的乳房重建。 yeeyan

Speaking of smaller breasts from East Asia, it somehow seems appropriate that the inventor of the first noninvasive breast augmentation procedure that probably works, hails from Japan.
谈到东亚女人的小乳房,似乎来自日本的第一例非植入隆胸手术的发明者成功理所当然应该得到欢呼。 yeeyan

The installation mechanism for Business Space is a WAS augmentation.
业务空间的安装机制就是 WAS扩展。 ibm

Through this simple act, the entire social community will experience a diminution of misery and an augmentation of health.
这样一件简单的事,对公众来说,将会减少贫困和增进健康。 ebigear




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