

单词 PRA
释义 PRAEconomist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
abbr. 涂料研究协会=Paint Research Associationabbr. 英国皇家艺术会会长=President of the Royal Academyabbr. 脉冲弛张放大器=Pulse Relaxation Amplifier
The term PRA is an“ umbrella” word that includes all inherited diseases that cause progressive degeneration of the retina.
PRA是一个带“保护伞”色彩的医学术语,它包括所有导致渐进性视网膜萎缩的遗产性疾病。 aigou

The incidence of rejections in the DSA positive receptors rose after transplantation and the positive rate of DSA associated with PRA level P0.01.
术后 DSA阳性的受者排斥反应的发生率也升高; DSA随着 PRA水平的升高阳性率也增加 P0.01。 cnki

The Participatory Rural Appraisal PRA is a method by which the researcheres acquire the basic situations of the research region by using informal interview with local residents.
参与性农村评估 PRA是一种通过与研究地区居民进行非正式访谈来对地方的实际情况有所了解的方法。 magsci

After a lethal plant virus swept through this field trial in Tha Pra, Thailand, the GM papaya trees on the right stood hearty, while the conventional trees on the left fell sickly and fruitless.
在一种致命的植物病毒横扫过泰国的 Tha Pra后,照片右边的转基因番木瓜树仍然茁壮健康,而左面的传统树种则病病恹恹、果实更是稀少。 yeeyan

But you do and up doing, as the appendix R PRA approach changed, they started using fire PRAs, identifying what the likelihood of a fire is and what the consequences of that fire may be.
但是你要做的,在附录 R的方法,改变了,他们开始使用火的,确认火存在的可能性,以及火的后果是什么。 open.163.com

Collection, analysis and quantification of human factor data are important compositions of human reliability analysis HRA and probabilistic risk assessment PRA.
人因数据的收集、分析与量化是人员可靠性分析 HRA和概率风险评价 PRA极为重要的组成部分。 dictall

Compared with the original PRA- formaldehyde method, the modified one has some advantages, such as time saving and a wider linear range.
与原来的 PRA-甲醛法相比,这种改良法具有某些优点,例如,省时和扩大线性范围。 foodmate

Conclusion Compared with the antigen plate method, the cellular plate method for PRA could be better for the measurement of the antibody level in vivo in pre- transplant recipients.
结论与抗原板法相比,细胞板法检测 PRA能更真实反映移植受者体内的抗体情况。 iciba

Conclusion DFPP can improve the rejection phenomenon in PRA positive recipients after renal transplantation.
结论 DFPP能明显改善 PRA阳性受体在肾移植术后的排异反应发生率。 cnki

Fluorescence intensity values of anti- HLA specific antibodies determined by Flow PRA single antigen beads of highly sensitized patients were converted into MESF units.
将高致敏患者采用 PRA单抗原磁珠检测的抗 HLA特异性抗体的荧光强度转换为 MESF单位。 otxchina

However, there was no statistical difference in PRA values among these sera95%-100%.
但是,这些血清中 PRA的值没有统计学差异95%-100%。 otxchina

In a PRA as I mentioned earlier you can assume anything fails with a certain probability.
在一个 PRA中,如我早些时候提到的,你们可以,假设任何可能出现的失败。 open.163.com

In reactor safety they look events that can create problems, initiating events in PRA world.
在反应堆安全中,他们观察可能产生问题的,事件,初始的事件在压水式反应堆的领域里。 open.163.com

MESF values of negative controls and sera from patients devoid of HLA antibodies were measured by FLXM and flow panel reactive antibody PRA screening beads.
方法:使用 FLXM和 PRA筛选磁珠检测阴性对照组的 MESF值和无 HLA抗体的患者血清中的 MESF值。 otxchina

Methods The panel reactive antibody PRA in serum was determined by using LAT ELISA kit in15 recipients before and after liver transplantation.
方法采用酶联免疫吸附法 ELISA对15例患者肝移植前后的群体反应性抗体 PRA进行动态监测。 dictall

Methods: Based on a successful case from process, framework and skill of PRA, this article showed more experience that PRA was used in this project.
方法:通过一个项目案例,从 PRA方法流程、框架、技巧等方面,说明 PRA方法在农村妇女生殖健康项目中的应用情况。 chemyq

Methods Recipient's panel reactive antibody PRA was detected by using micro complement dependent lymphocytotoxicity test with Lambda cell tray.
方法应用莱姆德细胞板通过补体依赖微量细胞毒性试验检测受者的群体反应性抗体 PRA ; cnki

OBJECTIVE To investigate human leukocyte antigen HLAmatching and panel reactive antibody PRAtiter in highly sensitized recipients of renal allograft.
目的:探讨检测人类白细胞抗原 HLA和群体反应性抗体 PRA对肾移植高敏受者的临床意义。 cnki

Objective To observe the changes of plasma renin activity PRAin cirrhotic patients with ascites after portacaval shunt.
目的探讨合并腹水的门静脉高压症患者门腔静脉分流术前后肾素活性 PRA水平的变化。 cnki

Objective To study the diagnostic value of plasma renin activity PRA and aldosterone ALD in diagnosing malignant hypertensive arteriolar nephrosclerosis.
目的探讨血浆肾素活性 PRA及醛固酮 ALD水平在恶性高血压性小动脉性肾硬化诊断中的价值。 taojz

Objective To study the relationship between the population reactive antibody PRA level in pre-immuned recipients before kidney transplantation and early rejection after transplantation.
目的探讨致敏肾移植患者术前群体反应扩体 PRA水平与移植后早期排斥反应的关系。 dictall

Objective:To investigate the relationship among essential hypertension, plasma renin activity PRA and angiotensinogen AO.
目的:分析血浆肾素活性 PRA、血浆血管紧张素原 AO浓度与原发性高血压的关系。 cnki

The paper describes briefly the method of probabilistic risk assessments PRA, including its purposes, timing, necessary information and specialists, the scope and objects.
本文说明核电站风险概率评价 PRA的目的、时机、所需资料与人员以及研究对象。 cnki

This paper describes the significance of PRA in nuclear power plant safe-ty decision and the work of PRA of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant proceeding by shanghai Nuclear Research and Design Institute.
本文介绍了上海核工程研究设计院开展秦山核电厂 PRA工作的情况,以及 PRA在该电站安全决策中的意义。 cnki

To further analyze immunoglobulinIg properties of panel reactive antibodies PRA and their potential harmful effects on allogeneic renal transplants.
为了进一步解释群体反应性抗体 PRA的免疫球蛋白性质及其对异基因肾移植的潜在威胁。 cnki




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