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词汇 power stations
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名词 power station:
an electrical generating stationWe are in need of morepower stationsto generate more electricity.我们需要更多的电站,发更多的电。as in.power plant
同义词 stationatomic power plant,generating station,hydroelectric plant,hydroelectric scheme,nuclear power plant,power source,powerhouse
power plantnoun energy-producing station
atomic power plant,generating station,hydroelectric plant,hydroelectric scheme,nuclear power plant,power source,power station,powerhouse,station But corruption in today’s government, seven years of violence, fuel shortages at power stations and criminal gangs that divert electricity supplies, have all made things even worse.
当今的政府腐败不断,七年的暴乱,发电站燃油的短缺以及犯罪团伙转移电力供应,所有的一切造成了今天的混乱局面。 ecocn

China’s hunger for energy turned it into a net importer in2009 of the thermal coal that fuels power stations, a trend that is set to continue.
在2009年,中国对能源的渴望使其成为动力煤的净出口国,以供发电站作为燃料。 而且这一趋势将继续下去。 ecocn

The package also includes provision for12 pilot projects on carbon capture and storage— using novel technology to collect CO2 emitted from power stations and bury it underground.
协议还包括了12项有关碳吸收和储存的实验计划——运用新的技术来收集发电站释放的二氧化碳,并在地下将其燃烧。 yeeyan

Within the decade, we could see stores selling shirts that turn us into portable power stations.
十年之内,我们会看到商店销售能把我们变为便携式发电站的衬衣。 yeeyan

“ Wherever you go in Brazil you will see work financed by the federal government, ” he says, highlighting railways, power stations and basic sanitation.
“在巴西,随处可见联邦政府出资建造的工程,”他说道,还特别指出了铁路,发电站以及基础卫生设施。 ecocn

America’s Department of Energy thinks that, with LEDs, this could be cut in half by 2025, saving more than130 new power stations in America alone.
美国能源部认为,使用发光二极管,仅在美国到2025年照明电力消耗将降低一半,等于少建130座发电站。 ecocn

Another danger is that unconventional gas will push aside not just a swathe of coal-fired power stations, but promising renewables, too.
另一威胁则是,受到非常规天然气排斥的不仅仅是一批燃煤发电站,还有充满前景的再生能源。 ecocn

At night, when demand is lower, these power stations can be switched off, which means that each unit of electricity has a lower carbon footprint.
到了晚上,需求降低,这些发电站就会关闭。这意味着产生每单位电能所带来的碳足迹降低了。 yeeyan

But most of China's coal comes from the country's interior and must be transported to coastal power stations by train.
但是中国的煤绝大多数来自该国的内陆地区,并必须用货车运到沿海的发电站。 ecocn

FOR power stations on the coast of China, it is often cheaper to import coal by sea from Indonesia than from mines in the interior.
对于中国沿海的发电站来说,从印度尼西亚由海路进口煤炭往往比从内地煤矿运购更划算。 ecocn

Indonesia's pivotal role in this new“golden triangle” is as the supplier not only of birds' nests but of two even more vital commodities: palm oil and coal for power stations.
印尼在这新的“金三角”关系中扮演着供应商的中心角色,不仅提供雀巢,还提供更重要的两种商品:棕榈油和发电站的煤油。 topsage

It also called for a doubling of the national renewable energy target to 30% by 2020 and for stricter efficiency standards for coal-fired power stations.
它还呼吁将2020年全国可再生能源发电比例的目标提升一倍,至30%,并对燃煤发电站提出了更严格的能效标准。 yeeyan

Richard Hamilton, the boss of Ceres, says he is indifferent as to whether his grasses end up in petrol tanks or power stations.
C公司的老板理查德汉米尔顿说他并不在乎他种的草是否终结于汽油箱或者发电站。 ecocn

Scientists think this haze, which is created by power stations and cooking- fires, may be radiating heat into the lower troposphere, at altitudes in which glaciers are found.
科学家认为这种云雾由发电站以及烹饪生火等形成,可能像低对流层辐射热量,而冰川却正好位于这个位置上。 ecocn

Some researchers have proposed using microwave beams to transmit electricity from solar- power stations in orbit, or even on the moon, to receivers on the surface of the Earth.
一些研究人员提出,可以在太空轨道甚至是月球上建造太阳能发电站,利用微波激射束将电传输到地面接收装置上。 ecocn

This is true, for instance, of a big infrastructure drive to build roads, power stations and so on.
这千真万确,比如,一项庞大的基础设施可带动筑路、发电站等配套设施建设。 ecocn

We would get down to historically low levels of margins of plant, to when you are starting to ask if you have enough power stations.
当你询问其我们是否还有足够的发电站的时候,富余的发电厂数量将达到历史新低。 yeeyan




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