

单词 power generation
释义 power generation ˈpauəˌdʒenəˈreiʃən 短语⁴¹²⁹⁹
As these countries undergo rapid urbanisation, they will also need to boost their power generation capacity in order to meet the increased demand for electricity.
这些国家正处于快速的城市化进程,为了适应不断增长的用电需求,它们需要大力提高其发电能力。 yeeyan

Even some energy-intensive industries, such as power generation, should not be much affected.
即使是能源较密集型行业,比如发电,也不会受到太大影响。 ecocn

Gas demand may also be raised by new limits on coal fired power generation.
对燃煤发电厂的新限制,或许也有助于推高对天然气的需求。 robertafnani.com

Located in Japan, the Solar Ark building is a solar power generation facility that offers activities to cultivate a better appreciation of solar power generation.
太阳能方舟建筑位于日本,它以太阳能发电为整栋大楼提供能力,并展示了太阳能的优越性。 yeeyan

Mercury is a naturally occurring element that makes its way into the environment from power generation and through industrial pollution.
汞又称水银由发电和工业污染产生而进入环境,理所当然地成了环境的一部份。 yeeyan

Several countries will seek private investment in power generation, although their weak regulation will remain an obstacle.
一些国家将在发电领域寻求私人投资,尽管它们的监管仍将是一个障碍。 ecocn

Some say that once the costs of power generation are factored into the equations, electric cars are only half as efficient with regard to energy use as modern diesel vehicles.
有人认为,一旦将发电成本综合考虑在内,在能源使用方面,电动汽车的效率只能达到目前现代柴油车的一半。 yeeyan

The methanol can then be burned for power generation, displacing coal use, or used as a vehicle fuel instead of oil.
然后产生的甲醇就可以用于燃烧发电,以取代煤电,或者也可以替代燃油用作机动车的燃料。 yeeyan

The plan requires a lot of investment in power generation and smarter grids, best done in the context of—at long last— a reformed and competitive energy market.
该计划在发电和智能电网方面需要大量投资,这些投资最好能够在一个变革和充满竞争的能源市场上进行。 ecocn

The report discusses the fact that this is smaller than for other forms of power generation.
该报告讨论了可再生能源比其他形式的能源发电规模小的事实。 ecocn

They are able to align themselves in the current like windsocks at an aerodrome, so that they find the best position for power generation.
它们就像飞机场的风向袋,能在水流中保持方向,这样可以找到最好的发电位置。 ecocn

This motivated us to realise power generation by turning sound energy from speech, music or noise into electrical power.
这项成果促使我们通过将来自演讲、音乐以及噪音等方面的声能转化成电能来发电。 huanqiu




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