

单词 powerful
释义 pow·er·ful 英ˈpaʊəfəl美ˈpaʊəfəlAHDpouʹər-fəl ★★★★☆高四六研I牛4八COCA¹³⁶⁸BNC¹¹⁸⁵iWeb¹¹⁹³Economist⁷⁵⁸


able to produce great physical force


great in degree or effort


having much control and influence

having great power or force or potency or effect;

the most powerful government in western Europe

his powerful arms

a powerful bomb

the horse's powerful kick

powerful drugs

a powerful argument

strong enough to knock down or overwhelm;

a knock-down blow

having great influenceof a person possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful;

a hefty athlete

a muscular boxer

powerful arms

displaying superhuman strength or power;

herculean exertions

Southern regional intensive very; to a great degree;

the baby is mighty cute

he's mighty tired

it is powerful humid

that boy is powerful big now

they have a right nice place

they rejoiced mightily

powerful, forceful

这两个词都可作“强有力的”解。powerful强调最有力、最强大,且已被实效所证实; forceful强调强有力的性质或坚强的性格,但不一定显示力量或精力。

powerful, mighty

这两个词的共同意思是“强大的”。powerful指军队、势力等“强大的”“有影响的”“有势力的”; mighty多用在诗歌、文学或圣经中,表示“非常的〔非凡的〕强大”“巨大”“浩大”。





词根词缀: -poss- →power能,能够 + -ful形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词powerful argument〔blow〕强有力的论据〔一击〕powerful country强国powerful crop很可观的收获副词+~amazingly powerful惊人地强大,惊人地有力incredibly powerful强大得难以置信politically powerful政治上强大的unbelievably powerful强大得难以置信~+介词powerful over one's men有力地控制住部下
故事记忆街头彩旗 Colourful艳丽多彩的警察守卫 Careful小心的姑娘个个 Beautiful美丽的轻歌曼舞 Graceful优美的军队阵容 Wonderful极好的导弹坦克 Powerful强大的真是令人 Cheerful兴高采烈的钱博士power强大,力量+ful形容词后缀,充满…的⇒强大的,强有力的
非常记忆power权利〖熟词〗+ful福利〖拼音〗⇒拥有强大的权利才会有福利power强大,力量+ful形容词后缀,充满…的⇒强大的,强有力的。蒋争熟词记忆power力量-ful有…的⇒强有力的;强大的来自powern. 力量近义词 mightyforcefulinfluential反义词 weakimpotentineffective
~+ n.He has powerful arms and legs.他四肢强健有力。
Onions have a powerful smell.洋葱具有强烈的气味。
A powerful government must have a strong economic base.一个有力的政府必须有强大的经济基础。
He has got a powerful position in the government.他在政府中占有一个很有影响的地位。
S+be+~The drug is powerful.这药很有效。
Who is more powerful in your family?在你家里谁权力更大?
Teacher is powerful in a child's eyes forever.老师在孩子们的心中永远是强者。S+be+~+to- vShe is powerful to help us.她有能力帮助我们。
Electric current is often powerful enough to kill a man.电流常强得足以致命。Pall-powerfula.全能的Pincreasingly-powerful功能越来越强的Ppowerfullyad.强有力强大效力大有权威权力大有影响很多相当非常

用作形容词This defeat was apowerfulblow to the enemy.这次失败是对敌人的有力的打击。
The elephant grinds its food with itspowerfulmolars.象用其强有力的臼齿嚼碎食物。
Russia used to be a verypowerfulcountry.俄国曾是一个非常强大的国家。
The chancellor is the mostpowerfulman in the Austrian government.首相是奥地利政府最有实权的人。
The athlete should have apowerfulbody.运动员应该具有强健的体魄。adj.strong, effective
同义词 all-powerful,authoritative,capable,compelling,dominant,dynamic,energetic,forceful,impressive,influential,mighty,persuasive,potent,robust,vigorousable,almighty,authoritarian,big-wheel,cogent,commanding,competent,controlling,convincing,effectual,efficacious,forcible,in control,in the saddle,omnipotent,overruling,paramount,preeminent,prevailing,puissant,ruling,sovereign,stalwart,strapping,strengthy,sturdy,supreme,telling,upper hand,weighty,wicked,wieldy
反义词 idle,impotent,inactive,incapable,ineffective,ineffectual,insignificant,lethargic,unimportant,weakunable
ableadjective able to perform well;having a proven capacity
accomplished,adroit,agile,artful,au fait,brilliant,capable,clever,deft,dexterous,effective,effectual,efficient,equal to,experienced,expert,facile,gifted,ingenious,intelligent,keen,know backwards and forwards,know one's onions,know the ropes,learned,masterful,masterly,practiced,prepared,proficient,qualified,responsible,savvy,sharp,skilled,skillful,smart,talented,there,trained,up to it,up to snuff,up to speed,with it
able-bodiedadjective physically strong and capable
ablestadjective able to perform well;having a proven capacity
accomplished,adroit,agile,artful,au fait,brilliant,capable,clever,deft,dexterous,effective,effectual,efficient,equal to,experienced,expert,facile,gifted,ingenious,intelligent,keen,know backwards and forwards,know one's onions,know the ropes,learned,masterful,masterly,powerful,practiced,prepared,proficient,qualified,responsible,savvy,sharp,skilled,skillful,smart,talented,there,trained,up to it,up to snuff,up to speed,with it
acuteadjective severe, intense
athleticadjective agile;prepared to participate in sports
bigadjective important
big-league,big-time,consequential,considerable,eminent,heavy-duty,heavyweight,influential,leading,main,major-league,material,meaningful,momentous,paramount,popular,powerful,prime,principal,prominent,serious,significant,substantial,super,supercolossal,valuable,weighty The ability to do almost anything you like is powerful, but it can also lead to uncertainty about what you should do and how to establish a standard approach to development.
可以做您希望的几乎任何事情,这非常强大,但是也带来了不确定性,比如应该做什么以及如何建立一种标准的开发方法。 ibm

The army pinned the enemy to its ground by powerful infantry attacks.

“ Think of how powerful it can be,” she says.
“想想那是多么强大的力量吧,”她说。 yeeyan

As you can see, beliefs are very powerful because they determine what experiences you will have in life.
正像你看到的,信念很强大,因为它们决定了你将来在生活中会经历什么。 yeeyan

Before, the China story was so powerful that it overcame all doubt.
此前,中国故事是如此强大以至于它克服了一切怀疑。 yeeyan

But that versatility masks one of its most powerful tools.
但这种通用性掩盖了它的一种最强大的工具。 ibm

By better understanding how the brain falls in love, we can learn about why the brain can get so obsessed with this powerful emotion.
通过更好地了解大脑是如何坠入爱河的,我们便可以了解为什么大脑会如此痴迷于这种强大的感情。 yeeyan

Far from being humble messengers, RNAs of all shapes and sizes are actually powerful players in how genomes operate.
从谦虚的使者,各种形状和尺寸的 RNA实际上是强大的玩家在基因组如何运作。 yeeyan

He could draw men round him and keep them bound to him; while his powerful attraction was there, disruption was out of the question.
他能够把人们吸引到他的周围而且保持他们的忠心;而他的强大吸引力所在之处,就不可能有分裂。 yeeyan

I hope me sharing this technique with you will help some of you to improve your mental and physical wellbeing, and realise what a safe and powerful tool for change hypnosis is.
我希望我和你分享的这个方法对于改善你的身心健康都会有帮助,并且能够意识到催眠是实现自我改变的非常安全和强大的工具。 yeeyan

I know one secret weapon they have; their God is all powerful, Hedestroyed us once, and he might again.
我知道他们拥有的秘密武器:他们的信仰非常强大,可以一次又一次地毁灭我们。 yeeyan

Jack quickly established himself as a powerful member of the new company.

Mayors have power because they are perceived to be powerful.
市长拥有权力是因为他们被认为应该是强有力的。 ecocn

Networking is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal.
人际网是能任由你自己处理的最有力的工具之一。 yeeyan

That I was powerful beyond measure, that I was worth sharing with the world and that I could be, do and have anything I wanted.
这使我觉得我是强大的,不可估量的,这值得我同全世界分享,而且我能够成为,能够做到,能够获得所有我想要的一切。 yeeyan

The essay is most penetrating and powerful.

They maintain a very powerful fleet in Oriental waters.

They notice that one of the partitions is not performing as well as the others as it is an older, less powerful machine.
他们注意到,有一个分区在性能上不如另外两个分区,因为它是一个较旧的、不够强大的机器。 ibm

This torture, this powerful death of self?
如此折磨,如此强大的自我毁灭? yeeyan

We are tackling some of the hardest problems in the world with this powerful tool.
我们正在利用这个强大的工具,解决一些世界上最困难的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

We have the most powerful military on Earth, but that's not what makes us strong.
我们拥有世界上最强有力的军事,然而,让我们强大的,并非军事。 yeeyan

Yes, because the first experience can be so powerful.

Yet, we should also avoid the second, equally powerful temptation, which is to reject Aristotle out of hand, because his views do not correspond with our own.

You can dosome of that in therapy but it's so powerful when you do it in a relationship.
你可以在治疗中去进行这样的改变,但是当你在一段关系中这样做时,它很强大。 tianya

You have the most powerful tool of all: Yourself.
你已拥有所有工具中最强大的一个:你自己。 yeeyan




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