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Powell method 基本例句 鲍威尔方法 The iteration steps of traditionalPowell methodand its shortage are introduced. Its improved method is given.介绍了传统鲍威尔Powell 法的迭代步骤及其主要缺点,并提出了改进方式。 Considering the features ofengineering optimization, the SUMT and the modifiedPowell methodare combined to the local phase.针对电视优化问题的具体特点,提出将混合罚函数法和修正的鲍威尔法进行组合用于其中的局部寻优。 A least square objective function was used to measure the difference of projection moments between the test and reference images, and thePowell methodwas applied to solve the optimization problem.选取待配准的 2幅三维图像若干阶投影矩差的平方和为目标函数 ;采用powell方法求取最优解 ;得到配准结果 . |