

单词 powdery
释义 pow·der·y 英ˈpaʊdəriː美ˈpaʊdəriAHDpouʹdə-rē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁰⁷⁴⁶BNC³⁴⁶⁵⁸iWeb¹⁸⁰⁵⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

consisting of fine particles;

powdered cellulose

powdery snow

pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding

as if dulled in color with a sprinkling of powder;

a powdery blue

powdery scab of potato马铃薯粉状疮痂病…powdery material粉状物料powdery mildew of cereals麦类白粉病apple powdery mildew苹果白粉病powdery scab粉痂病barley powdery mildew大麦白粉病powdery mildew白粉病,白粉菌…powdery mildew of mulberry桑表白粉病powdery yeast粉状酵母
钱博士powder粉+y形容词后缀,有很多…的→有很多粉的⇒涂了粉的,粉状的powder粉+y形容词后缀,有很多…的→有很多粉的⇒涂了粉的,粉状的。近义词 dry干的fine好的chalky白垩的crumbly易碎的dusty满是灰尘的pulverized毁坏的pulverised粉状的powdered弄成粉末状的…granular由小粒而成的…small-grained小粒度的fine-grained有细密纹理的…

用作形容词A couple of inches ofpowderysnow had fallen.少许的粉状雪花三三两两的飘落下来了。adj.consisting of fine, loose grains
同义词 chalky,crumbly,dusty,grainy,gravellyarenaceous,arenose,branny,crumbling,dry,fine,floury,friable,granular,gritty,impalpable,loose,mealy,pulverized,pulverulent,sandy
反义词 solid
crumblyadjective brittle
fineadjective dainty, delicate;sheer
grittyadjective granular
abrasive,branlike,calculous,crumbly,dusty,friable,grainy,gravelly,in particles,loose,lumpy,permeable,porous,powdery,pulverant,rasping,rough,sabulous,sandy,scratchy
pulverousadjective fine
pulverulentadjective fine
snowyadjective niveous
feathery,fleecy,fluffy,frosty,powdery,snowlike,soft And within a half an hour another three corpses had been added to the sad line in the paddock, carried out of the centre by weary looking rescue workers, their faces caked in powdery dust.
半小时之后新发现的三具尸体又被满脸灰尘、极其疲惫的救援人员从村中抬了出来,放到了临时的尸体停放场地上。 yeeyan

It was powdery and clean, yet seductive and sweet.
“处女”味很清爽,有点细细粉粉的感觉,同时又甜蜜而诱人。 yeeyan

Plants with immunity to powdery mildew were isolated from the back crossing population, and these plants might be used as a new bridge material for wheat improvement.
在回交后代群体中,已分离出对白粉病免疫的植株,是一个可望在小麦育种计划中利用的新中间型材料。 iciba

The ash ejected in the early phase was light and powdery. The more typical ash thrown out in the later stages was more granular, with the consistency of dry sand.
爆发早期喷出的火山灰轻且易碎,而后期喷发出的典型火山灰则更呈现颗粒状,有砂粒般的硬度。 yeeyan

The drying of the wet powdery or granular materials.
粉状或颗粒状湿物料的干燥; ganzhaoji

Boracay, with its long stretches of powdery white sand and kite- surfing- and- dive-friendly coral reefs, remains the crown jewel, if not yet the cash cow, of the Philippine Islands.
长滩岛凭借着它长长的,洁白细腻的沙滩,风筝冲浪运动和适宜潜水的珊瑚礁,虽然还没有成为摇钱树,但却是一直是菲律宾岛屿中明珠。 yeeyan

Bromo is a grey stack but less menacing than I had expected and going up the powdery lava runs ranks as one of the best rides of my life.
婆罗摩火山是一座灰色的山,但是没有我想象的那么咄咄逼人。 在火山灰上向上骑的这一段路是我一生中骑得最好的了。 yeeyan

But at the edges, where the ice has had a chance to melt, all that's left is powdery sand.
但是边缘上的冰比较容易融化,留下粉末状的沙土。 yeeyan

But there was some powdery stuff that got in the way of his lips. Both of their faces were thickly coated with plaster.
但是嘴唇碰到的是一些粉末一样的东西,原来他们的脸上都落了一层厚厚的灰。 yeeyan

For example, whether the snow covering the ground is wet or dry, powdery or packed is crucial information in the daily lives of the Eskimos.
比如说,在爱斯基摩人的日常生活中,覆盖大地的雪是湿的还是干的,粉状的还是成堆的是重要的信息。 deafstar

I was playing host to a couple from Britain, and as I soaked in an open-air bath with Ben, the husband, powdery snow began to shake off the surrounding boulders.
那时我正在招待一对来自英国的夫妇,正当我和本丈夫浸泡在露天的浴场中时,粉状的雪片开始从周围的砾石上掉落。 yeeyan

Inside the gallery, the first thing we saw was a variety of brightly coloured, powdery sculptures, coloured red, yellow and pitch- black, protruding through the walls and the floor.
在画廊里头,我们第一眼看见的是各种颜色明亮的,用粉末做的雕塑,有红色的,黄色的,还有漆黑的,它们从墙上或者地上突出来。 yeeyan

It attacks its victims during their winter hibernation and leaves them with a powdery white fungus on their noses, muzzles and wings.
这种疾病会在蝙蝠冬天休眠时侵入他们体内,在口鼻和翅膀上留下粉末状真菌。 cri

Its surface was powdery and sprinkled with grains of black dust.
月球的表面是粉状的,上面散布着一些黑色的尘土。 yeeyan

Six-and-a- half hours later, he stepped onto the powdery surface with the words, “ That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
六个半小时以后,他踏上了铺满粉尘的月球表面,说了那句话,“这是一个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步。” yeeyan

SWINE flu may get the headlines; but white- nose syndrome, a fungal disease that shows as a powdery pattern on the face, wings and legs of bats, is moving far more swiftly across America.
猪流感可能够抢眼了了,但白鼻综合症,一种可以通过蝙蝠的脸,翅膀,腿传播的粉状病毒,目前正在美国迅速开来。 yeeyan

The higher the ratio known, confusingly, as the density, even though bigger numbers mean the snow is actually less dense, the drier and more powdery the snow.
该比率越高,积雪会越干燥和越像粉状虽然该比率被称为是密度,但是其数字越大代表密度越低。 ecocn

The fine, powdery sand can only be found on this particular beach.

The powdery snow glares like broken glass, touching everything as if all of the rooftops and trees and lawns were made of light, as if there were no such thing as darkness.
高低不一的积雪反射出耀眼的光芒,就象洒落在人间一块块破碎的玻璃,无处不在:屋顶,树上,草坪,一切都是光亮,仿佛黑暗无处可遁. yeeyan

The permitted powdery emulsion explosive has been studied in detail on the formula, technique, performance and safety etc. An excellent performance new permitted explosive was invented successfully.
从配方、工艺、爆炸性能和安全性能多个方面对煤矿许用粉状乳化炸药进行了研究,成功地开发了一种性能优异的新型煤矿许用炸药。 cnki

This includes anything that smells“ powdery fresh” or that has a rubbing alcohol after- scent.
这就包括“新鲜奶粉”的气味和消毒酒精的气味。 yeeyan

Used for: can be widely used for granular, powdery materials packaging such as metal mineral, chemical, food, feed, cement.
用途:可广泛用于五金矿产、化工、粮食、饲料、水泥等块粒状、粉状物品的包装。 iciba

Powdery mildew, for example, evolved in North America.
例如在北美蔓延的白粉病。 yeeyan




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