

单词 POV
释义 POVCOCA¹⁰⁶⁷⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
abbr.观点=point of view
By broking the wall of powdered oils with ultrasonic, the oil extraction efficiency yield was65%, which met the need of determining POV.
超声波破壁法提油其提油率可达65%左右,可满足测定要求。 chemyq

It's not at all an easy problem to solve, from a high-level design POV.
从高层次的设计视角来看,这个问题不好解决。 bbs.178.com

No relationship of POV of these three kinds of food was found P>0.1.
三类油炸食品 POV与相应煎炸油间 POV关系无规律 P>0.1。 cnki

The analytical results of acid value, POV, total bacteria count indicated that the quality of artificial beef fat had some decline during storage, but it still met edible standards.
酸价、过氧化值、细菌总数的分析结果表明:肥牛脂肪在贮藏过程中品质有所下降,但仍符合食用标准。 cnki

The ones that are using Windows based OS are generally fairly big and heavy and expensive, have very weak battery life, require keyboard or stylus, and from our POV, customers not interested in them.
通常来讲那些使用 Windows操作系统的电脑又大又重又贵,电池寿命短,而且需要键盘和指示。我们的观点是,客户对这种电脑并不感兴趣。 yeeyan

The oxidative stability of fish oil in different systems was studied by using peroxide value POV, conjugated diene hydroperoxide content and fatty acids content as indexes.
以过氧化值 POV、共轭二烯型氢过氧化物含量和脂肪酸相对含量的变化为指标研究了鱼油在不同体系中的氧化稳定性。 cnki

The peroxide values POV of intravenous fatty emulsion were determined usingdead- stop titration. Studies were made of the conditions of the method.
本文采用永停法测定脂肪乳剂的过氧化值,并对其方法条件进行了研究。 cnki

The products exhibited good iron- chelation activity and low POV value, but scavenging activity against DPPH? radical were not strong.
产物具有很好的金属离子螯合能力, POV值较低,但清除 DPPH?自由基能力不强。

The research results show that the POV and structure arrangement of optical system determine the selected range of prism.
研究表明,光学系统的视场和结构布局决定了棱镜的选择范围。 cnki

Acidity valueAV, peroxide value POV, malondinaldehyde MDA and carbonyl valueCV of the oils increased with high temperature duration, thus significantly deteriorating their quality.
菜籽油及菜籽色拉油的酸值、过氧化值、丙二醛、羰基值增加值与高温时间具有显著相关性。 chaci

Cholesterol was oxidized in the time course coincided with the changes in POV as well as the decrease in PUFAs.
胆固醇氧化物的生成量随着过氧化物价 POV的变化和 PUFA的减少而增加。 cnki

Extracts were added to lard and peanut oil to determine the POV values in different conditions.
提取物分别添加到猪油、花生油中,并测定不同条件下的过氧化值 POV。 chemyq

Extrusion is the best processing technique for preservation of black rice pericarp because it can achieve stabilizing effects on peroxide value POV and acid valueAV.
经挤压膨化处理后黑米皮的过氧化值和酸价变化较平缓,保质效果稳定,可作为黑米皮保藏的首选工艺。 cnki

Furthermore, the treatment method with ultrasonic did not affect the POV of oil.
同时超声波破壁操作对油脂过氧化值测定没有影响。 chemyq

It was found that the exacts of forsythia can depress POV and Acid Value, and they have the activity of oxidation resistance.
结果表明,连翘叶提取物可以降低 POV值和酸价,具有抗氧化作用。 chemyq

On the holiday itself bosses will text or call employees with something they “ need to review and give a POV on” prior to a Tuesday meeting“ because it will be so busy when everyone gets back”.
在假日那天,老板会发短信或者打电话给员工告诉他们在星期二会议之前需要审查和提供 POV,因为当每个人都回来工作的时候会很忙。 yeeyan

Results CGV and AV of fried food and deep-frying oil were positive correlated with the frying duration P0.05, but POV not P>0.1.
结果油炸食品及其煎炸油的 CGV及 AV与油炸时间正相关 P0.05, POV随油炸时间变化无规律 P>0.1; cnki

Several clips are POV, and8 are in color.
几个片断是过氧化值,和8色彩。 cgfriend

The anti- oxidation performance of the oleoresin in the system of vegetable oil or lard was researched, using the POV Peroxide Oxidation Value and AV Acid Value.
通过测定体系的过氧化值 POV和酸价 AV变化,考察了姜辣素在油脂中的抗氧性能; chemyq

Watch this fascinating take on social media from a sociologist's POV, and in the comments, let us know how you get the most benefit from Twitter.
社会学家对社会化媒体有何看法? 请观看视频,并在评论栏中告诉我们,你从 Twitter中获益最大的是什么。 yeeyan




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