

单词 pour
释义 pour 英pɔː, pəʊr美pɔr, porAHDpôr, pōr ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛4COCA²²⁵⁹BNC⁸³⁹⁰iWeb²⁸⁴¹Economist¹⁰⁷⁴⁸

vt. & vi. 涌出

rush together in large numbers

vt. & vi. 倾; 倒

cause liquid or sth that flows like liquid to flow

cause to run;

pour water over the floor

move in large numbers;

people were pouring out of the theater

beggars pullulated in the plaza

pour out;

the sommelier decanted the wines

flow in a spurt;

Water poured all over the floor

supply in large amounts or quantities;

We poured money into the education of our children

rain heavily;

Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!

pour, flow, run, stream


1.flow, run, stream和pour都可指液体流动; flow还可指气体流动; pour还可指光线、微粒等倾泻。

2.时间上:flow一般指源源不断地、长时间地流动; run既可以是源源不断地、长时间地流动,也可以是流动一段时间; stream和pour多指短时间地流动。

3.方向上:指液体流动时, flow是水平流动; run和stream既可水平流动,也可垂直流动; pour是垂直流动。

4.流速上:从快到慢依次为pour, stream, run, flow。具体说就是flow是平平稳稳地流动; run比较湍急; stream比run更有力; pour则是“倾泻”。

5.flow, stream和pour常用于比喻, run很少用于比喻。例如:

The river was flowing quietly.河水静静流着。
She let her hair down so that it flew darkly over her shoulders.她让乌黑的头发披散下来,飘垂到肩上。
The river runs through hills and fields.河水流经山冈和田野。
The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.水自管内注入水桶中。
Tears were streaming down her face.她脸上热泪滚滚而下。
The students streamed into the auditorium.学生们络绎不绝地进入礼堂。下面三句话的意思相同:

She poured me a cup of tea.

She poured a cup of tea for me.

She poured me out a cup of tea.她给我倒了一杯茶。词源不详,可能来自拉丁语purare,纯化,清洗,词源同pure,purgatory.引申词义倾泻,喷涌。
用作动词 v.
~+名词pour a drink倒饮料pour arguments说出理由pour coal倒煤pour cold water泼冷水pour concrete浇注混凝土pour steel浇注钢水pour wine倒酒~+副词pour agreeably令人愉快地倒出pour completely完全倒出pour constantly不断地流出pour excessively过多地流出pour frequently频繁地流出pour horribly可怕地流出pour immediately立即倒出pour incessantly不断地倒出pour liberally大量涌出pour lightly轻轻地倒出pour probably适当地流出pour quickly迅速流出pour rapidly迅速流出pour regularly正常地流出pour simultaneously同时流出pour shortly立即流出pour slowly慢慢地流出pour suddenly突然流出pour swiftly迅速流出pour fearfully可怕地流出pour temporarily暂时流出pour unceasingly不断地倒出pour utterly完全流出pour wholly完全流出pour away the dirty water把脏水倒掉pour back倒回pour down倾泻pour down from mountains从山上倾泻下来pour forth one's feelings倾吐出自己的感情pour off流出pour out倾吐,讲出pour out one's experience诉说自己的经历pour out one's grievances倾诉自己的冤情pour out one's misfortunes倾诉自己的不幸遭遇pour out one's sad story诉说自己的悲惨经历pour out one's troubles诉说自己的困难pour out tea倒茶~+介词pour from使从…流下pour in square人们涌进广场pour into使流进…pour bullets into将枪弹不断射入…pour energy into把精力倾注在…pour grain into an elevator将粮食倒进谷仓pour money into the project将资金投入工程pour water into the pail把水倒进桶里pour gifts on sb不吝啬给某人礼物pour water over flowers用水浇花
pour down¹ v.+adv.

向下倾注 send down copiously

pour downThe rain is pouring down.雨泻下如注。
It was pouring down nonstop.当时正在不停地下雨。
That summer a torrential rain poured down for two days and nights.那年夏天,一场暴雨下了两天两夜。pour sth ⇔ downThe sun poured down its heat.太阳向地面散发大量的热。
pour down² v.+prep.

流下 come down heavily

pour down sthHe was so worried that sweat began to pour down his face.他很着急,汗水沿着他的面颊直淌下来。
pour in¹ v.+adv.

大量地涌进来 arrive in large numbers or quantities

pour sb/sth ⇔ inThe commander poured men in to reinforce the slaughtered battalions.指挥官投入大量兵力增援被打败的部队。
Unless the government pours more money in, the whole shipbuilding industry will fail.如果政府不投入更多资金,整个造船业就会破产。
He poured in every ounce of power but couldn't make it.他竭尽了全力却无济于事。pour inWe opened the sluice and the water poured in.我们打开闸门,水就涌了进来。
Good news keeps pouring in from various fronts.好消息从各条战线纷纷传来。
Letters of congratulations poured in from all parts of the country.祝贺信从全国各地源源而来。
pour in² v.+prep.

倒入,使涌入 (cause to flow in)

pour sb/sth in sthShe poured a bit of salt water in his mouth.她向他嘴里灌了一点盐水。
The railway station pours thousands of people in all directions.成千上万的人从火车站走向四面八方。
pour into v.+prep.

不断地或大量地流进或涌进 flow continuously or copiously into

pour into sthLetters and postcards poured into the newspaper office in answer to the appeal for suggestion.信件和明信片大量涌向报社办公室,以响应征求建议的要求。
The crowd suddenly poured into the store.人群突然涌进商店。
People poured into the square from all parts of the city.人们从全市各区涌向广场。
Thousands of people poured into the stadium to watch the football match.成千上万的人涌进体育场观看这场足球比赛。
Tourists pour into London during the summer months.在夏季,游客不断地涌入伦敦。
Refugees are now pouring into this country.难民正纷纷涌入这个国家。pour sb/sth into sthThey were pouring concrete into the pit.他们正往坑里倒混凝土。
He poured sugar out of a bag into a pot.他将糖从袋中倒入罐内。
I poured the milk from the bottle into the cups.我将瓶中的牛奶倒入杯中。
She slowly poured water into the bottle from the kettle.她慢慢地把水从壶里倒进瓶里。
The waiter poured the wine into her glass.侍者将酒倒入她的杯中。
The government poured a large sum of money into the project.政府把大笔资金投入了这项工程。
The government has been pouring money into the steel industry recently.政府近来一直把钱投入到钢铁产业中。
More and more waste and poison are poured into the water, the soil and the air.越来越多的废物和毒物倾泻或散发到水、土和空气里去。
pour on v.+prep.

把…倒在…上 put sth onto sth

pour sth on sb/sthHe poured the wine on the ground.他把酒倒在地上。
His idea is impracticable.You'd better pour some cold water on him.他的想法不切实际,你最好给他泼点冷水。
Henry's father poured cold water on his plans to go to college.亨利的父亲对他上大学的打算泼冷水。
Don't pour cold water on the idea; it may be just what we need.不要给那个主意泼冷水,或许它正是我们所需要的。
Don't let relatives pour cold water on your optimism.别让你的亲戚来给你的乐观态度泼冷水。
We must not pour cold water on their enthusiasm.我们不能给他们的热情浇冷水。
You simply poured oil on the flames by making such a remark in front of him.你在他面前这样说只是火上浇油。
The fight between the boys had become so fierce that the teacher had to come out to pour oil on troubled waters.两个男孩打得很厉害,老师只得出来调解。
The two men were shouting abuse, but she did her best to pour oil on troubled waters.那两个男人大声对骂,而她则尽力从中调解。
The two groups were nearing a bitter quarrel until the leader poured oil on troubled waters.两伙人快要大吵起来,领导把他们劝开了。
He spoke calmly to them trying to pour oil on troubled waters but it was useless.他心平气和地与他们讲话试图使争吵平息,但这却是徒劳的。
pour out v.+adv.

倾诉; 倾吐 tell a story, news, etc. freely and with feeling

pour sth ⇔ outWould you like me to pour out the tea?我给你倒杯茶好吗?
She poured out the tea from the pot.她把茶从壶中倒出来。
He would like to pour out some wine for himself the moment he was home.一回到家,他就先为自己倒点葡萄酒。
She was a responsible attendant on the train.She poured out boiled water for the passengers to drink all the way.她是位有责任心的乘务员,她一路上倒开水给乘客喝。
The chimney was pouring out black smoke.烟囱里冒出滚滚黑烟。pour outThe water poured out.水涌出来。
The film was over.The students poured out in crowds.电影散场后学生们一群一群往外涌。
At five o'clock workers poured out of the factories.五点钟时,工人从工厂涌了出来。pour sth ⇔ outShe poured out her troubles.她倾诉了心头的烦恼。
She listened attentively while I poured out my problems.我倾吐心中的烦恼时,她一直在注意听。
We listened to him pour out his troubles.我们听到他倾诉他的苦衷。
Then she poured out her tale of misfortune.然后她讲述了自己的不幸遭遇。
The old man poured out his sufferings in the past.老人诉说他过去的苦难。pour sth ⇔ out to sbAfter pouring out his trouble to a close friend, he felt much better.向好朋友倾诉了自己的苦恼后,他感觉好多了。
He poured out his sorrows to me.他向我倾诉了他的伤心事。
She poured out her worries to the doctor.她向医生倾诉自己的忧伤。
She poured out everything to us as if we were her own kin.她把什么都对我们讲了,就仿佛我们是她的亲人似的。小学英语速记联想记忆:把钱财都pour倒掉就变poor穷的了联想记忆你倒pour了这些东西后就一无所有poor了发音记忆“破”→水罐破了,水流出⇒倾泻联想记忆穷poor困潦倒pour近义词 runflowstream
S+~+AAt six that evening it began to pour.那天傍晚六点钟开始下起瓢泼大雨来。
It's pouring outside.外面下着倾盆大雨。
It was pouring all night.整夜下着倾盆大雨。
S+~+ n./pron.Please pour a cup of tea.请倒一杯茶。
She poured a glass of water.她倒了一杯水。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.He poured Ellen a glass of wine.他给埃伦倒了一杯酒。
Lena poured herself another cup of tea.莉娜又给自己倒了一杯茶。
Pour yourself another cup of liquor.你自己再倒杯酒吧。
I poured myself a glass of beer.我给自己倒了一杯啤酒。S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.Pour a cool drink for me.给我倒杯清凉饮料。
She poured a cold drink for herself.她给自己倒了一杯冷饮。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.Andy poured the glass full and lifted it to Bobby.安迪把杯子倒满举着送给博比。Prepouring补浇Pafter-pour添浇Ppouring浇铸浇注Pinpourvi.流进流入Ppourability浇铸性Pdownpourn.倾盆大雨Ppourern.倒茶水的人浇注工Poutpouringn.注出流出流露Ppourablea.流动通畅的可浇注的Ppourparler预备性谈判谈判前磋商Pinpouringn.注入倾入a.注入的倾入的Poutpourv.注出流出n.注出流出流出物




用作动词Blood waspouringfrom the wound.血从伤口中流出。
Although Ipouredit carefully, I spilt some of the oil.虽然我倒油时很小心,但还是洒了一些。
She watched the rainpouringdown the windows.她注视著顺著窗户往下流的大雨。
The fanspouredout of the stadium cheering wildly.体育爱好者们欣喜若狂地从体育场中蜂涌而出。
The shops and officespourmillions of workers into the street at this time of day.一天的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从工厂和办公场所涌向街头。用作名词Into the new work she was going topourall her thoughts and feelings, her vital life episodes, her bitter sweet experiences.她要把自己一生几个重要时期的经历和感受都熔入笔端倾泻在新作中。verb.be or make flowing
同义词 cascade,discharge,drain,flood,flow,gush,rush,spew,spill,splash,stream,swarmcourse,crowd,decant,deluge,drench,emit,inundate,issue,jet,proceed,rain,roll,run,sheet,shower,sluice,spout,spring,surge,teem,throngcataract,give off,let flow,rill
反义词 trickle,cease,halt,repress,stop,suppress
cascadeverb fall in a rush
descend,disgorge,flood,gush,heave,overflow,pitch,plunge,spew,spill,spit up,surge,throw up,tumble,vomit
delugenoun downpour, flood of something
delugeverb inundate with water
drenchverb wet thoroughly
effuseverb give off
decant,diffuse,discharge,dispense,emanate,emit,flow out,give out,gush,pour,pour out,radiate,spread out
emitverb diffuse, discharge
afford,beam,belch,breathe,cast out,disembogue,drip,eject,emanate,erupt,evacuate,excrete,exhale,expectorate,expel,expend,expire,extrude,exude,give off,give out,give vent to,gush,issue,jet,let off,loose,ooze,pass,perspire,pour,pronounce,purge,radiate,reek,secrete,send forth,send out,shed,shoot,speak,spew,spill,spit,squirt,throw out,transmit,utter,vent,voice,void,vomit,yield And it continues to pour cash into the economy even as growth climbs back toward10%.
即使经济增长率回升到10%,政府仍在为经济发展不断注入资金。 yeeyan

Blend the mixture in a blender until smooth. Pour back into the pan and add the honey, lime juice, and glycerin, then stir and simmer for2 minutes.
将上述剩余混合物用搅拌器搅拌成匀浆,倒回锅中,加入蜂蜜、柠檬汁和甘油,然后搅拌,再慢火煮2分钟。 yeeyan

It's all in the pour, according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
《农业与食品化学杂志》刊登的一项研究表明,秘诀全在倒酒的方式上。 hjenglish

The beer will spume if you pour it too fast.

The drink fizzes up when you first pour it.

“ Do not discard or pour paint, mortar, trash or any construction material or debris on this tree,” it declared.
声明“请勿在此树下丢弃、倾泻油漆、灰浆、垃圾、任何建筑材料或碎片; topsage

All one has to do is pour water, no matter how dirty, into the clay pot and wait for the clean drinking water to drip into the plastic bucket.
人所要做的就是往陶罐里装水,无论水多么肮脏,只管往陶罐里倒,然后就等候清洁的饮用水靠重力渗出陶罐滴进塑料桶。 yeeyan

At happy hour, you pour a glass of wine from bottles set out in the common area.
在娱乐休闲时间,你可以从放在公共区里的酒瓶中给自己倒杯酒。 yeeyan

Awaiter brings tea and I pour us each a cup.
侍者拿来了一壶茶,我给我们俩各倒了一杯。 yeeyan

Cut eggs and put them on meat, add cut carrot, garlic, decorate with sill or coriander. Then pour it with the broth and put in a fridge.
把鸡蛋切开放在肉上面,再加上切好的胡萝卜,大蒜和香菜来装饰一下。然后倒上肉汤把它放进冰箱里保鲜。 yeeyan

He's gonna unscrew my head and pour all the crapola out and then put the right stuff in. And that's precisely what I do.
因为他要抓住我的头,拧开我的脑袋,把所有的谎言都倒出来,然后把对的东西装进去——那恰恰是我做的事情。 yeeyan

If an energy company struck oil, or an entertainment firm created a new movie franchise, investors would pour money into its stock, but the price would remain tethered to reality.
如果一家能源公司采出石油,或者一家娱乐公司获得了一部新电影的特许经营权,投资者应该向他们的股票注入资金,而价格则保持与实际相一致。 yeeyan

If they are too young to be around the stove or oven let them pour ingredients and stir.
如果你舍不得让他们离火炉和烤箱太近,可以让他们负责倒配料和搅拌。 yeeyan

If you’re writing something, pour your heart into that writing, become the writing, inhabit the words.
如果你正在写什么,那么就将你的心全部倾注于它,将自己融入其中,存在于字里行间。 yeeyan

If your engine is caked with a lot of dirt and debris, you need to pour on some engine degreaser to loosen up and remove the dirt and debris baked into the engine block.
如果你的引擎沉积了大量的污垢和碎屑,你需要倒些引擎去污剂来松动并去除这些在气缸里结成块的污垢和碎屑。 yeeyan

Immigration officers overseen by Hamas inspect the bags of foreigners entering from Israel into Gaza; if they find whisky, a prized asset in the dry strip, they pour it into the sand.
移民局官员受到哈马斯的监督,检查从以色列进入加沙的外国人的包袋;要是他们发现威士忌——这在干燥的加沙地区算贵重物品——他们会把它倒入沙中。 ecocn

So why is the market not working to pour investment into this?
那市场为什么没有在这方面注入投资呢? yeeyan

The slaughter this week in Gaza, in which on one day alone some 40 civilians, many children, were killed in a single salvo of Israeli shells, will pour fresh poison into the brimming well of hate.
在这个星期的加沙屠杀中,仅仅一天之内就有大约40名平民,其中许多是儿童,在以色列的一轮轰炸中丧生,这等于在业已满溢的仇恨之井中倒进新鲜的毒药。 yeeyan

Then pour it with the broth and put in a fridge.
然后倒上肉汤把它放进冰箱里保鲜。 yeeyan

Pour milk out of the bottle into the glass.

Pour some cola into a shallow dish and place it in the garden near the problem area.
在一张浅碟里倒些可乐,然后把它放在花园中虫子经常出没的地方附近。 kekenet

Pour vodka into glass and fill the remainder of the glass with orange juice. Stir and serve.
将冰块加入高球杯中,倒入伏特加,再用橙汁将杯子盛满,搅拌均匀即可。 yeeyan




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