释义 |
pouncing on短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺⁷ 基本例句 猛扑向;突然袭击 The film Back To The Future II also depicts advanced telepresence technology, as Michael J. Fox is startled by the3D image of a shark pouncing on him from an advertising poster. 电影《回到未来》第二部也描绘了先进的远程临场技术,主演迈克尔· J·福克斯被广告海报中扑向他的3D鲨鱼影像吓到了。 yeeyan According to legend, the worm lurks beneath the sand of the desert, pouncing on unsuspecting victims by shooting bolts of lightning and acid from what appears to be a teeth- lined rectum. 当地口口相传,这种蠕虫平日都会潜伏于戈壁黄沙之下,而当有游人路过时,就会以迅雷不及掩耳之势窜出猛咬一口,然后又伪装成齿线状的直肠来掩人耳目。 yeeyan |