

单词 pottery
释义 pot·ter·y 英ˈpɒtəriː美ˈpɑtəriAHDpŏtʹə-rē ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMT宝八COCA⁹⁷⁴⁴BNC⁶⁷⁹⁹iWeb⁹¹⁸⁴Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺


earthenware pots,etc. made by hand


craft of making pots,especially by hand


place where pottery is made

ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kilnthe craft of making earthenwarea workshop where clayware is made
pottery, kettle, pot

pot是“壶的总称”, kettle特指“茶壶”,而pottery则是“陶器的总称”,即kettle是pot中的一种,而pot是pottery中的一种。

来自pot,壶,罐子,陶器,-ery,名词后缀。pottery sgraffito彩釉刮除法pottery stone瓷石pottery figurine陶雕塑像,陶俑…glazing pottery上釉陶器faience pottery彩陶pottery ware陶器pottery jar瓦罐,瓷罐painted pottery彩陶pottery casting陶器注坯ancient painted pottery古代彩陶white pottery白陶pottery clay陶土pottery kiln陶瓷窑
pot 罐, 壶
近义词 China中国earthenware陶器stoneware粗陶器clayware黏土制品ceramics用作单制陶术…
用作名词n.His collection of ancient pottery is turning one hundred pieces.他收集的古陶器要超过100件了。
My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.我妹妹喜欢在空余时间学习陶艺。
The bank refused further credit to thepottery.银行拒绝再向这家陶器厂贷款。
用作名词Modernpotteryis usually ornamental.现代陶器通常用作装饰品。
Cup and dish belong topotteryLei.杯子和碟属于〈陶器类〉。noun.containers made from clay;clay art
同义词 ceramics,crockery,earthenware,firing,porcelain,stonewareglazingporcelainware,terra cotta
chinanoun dishes, often valuable
claynoun workable earth material
adobe,argil,argillaceous earth,bole,brick,china material,clunch,earth,kaolin,loam,loess,marl,mud,porcelain material,pottery,slip,terra cotta,till,wacke
containernoun holder for physical object
containersnoun holder for physical object
crockerynoun earthenware
dishnoun eating receptacle
bowl,casserole,ceramic,china,container,cup,mug,pitcher,plate,platter,porringer,pot,pottery,salver,saucer,tray,vessel The archaeologists found no pottery, ornaments or paved surfaces which might be suggestive of formal graves or burial rituals.
考古学家没有发现能表明这里是古墓葬或殉葬遗迹的陶器、装饰品和人工铺就的路面等遗迹。 yeeyan

The chief handicrafts of this country are pottery and wood carving.

The pottery does not corrode like metal and will not disintegrate like wood or cloth.
陶器不会像金属那样被腐蚀,也不会像木材或者衣物那样被腐坏。 edu.sina.com.cn

“ I'm always interested in finding remains of ancient people, especially pottery or metal vessels, ” he says.
“我一直对发现古人的遗存感兴趣,特别是陶器或金属器皿,”他说道。 yeeyan

Along with the arrows, he has copper knives, ornaments, and pottery.
除了箭,他还有铜质小刀,装饰物和陶器。 putclub

An artefact is something from a time that stays in that time like a piece of pottery and it becomes like a relic of that time.
人工制品来源于某个时代,停留于那个时代,像一件陶器,最终成为了属于它那个时代的遗迹。 yeeyan

But after graduating from college as an art major with a pottery emphasis, she realized how cumbersome it could be.
大学毕业时她的重点方向是陶器,但是大学毕业之后她才意识到这活儿有多笨重。 yeeyan

Disabled individuals of ten years old and up were recruited and grouped according to their interests in painting, pottery, wood and stone carving and embroidery.
生产中心招纳十岁及十岁以上的残疾人,并根据他们对绘画、陶艺、木雕、石雕及刺绣方面的兴趣进行分组。 un

Even the smallest sherd of broken pottery has the potential for giving us tantalising glimpses into the life of Shakespeare such as what he liked to eat and drink.
即便是最小的陶器碎片都可能成为我们探究莎士比亚生活点滴的线索,比如他喜欢吃什么,喝什么。 iciba

Fragments of pottery and broken clay pipe have already been retrieved from a muddy hole on the site, which they claim could yield some of the most significant discoveries about Shakespeare in decades.
目前,考古人员已从现场的一个泥洞中挖出一些陶器碎片和残破的黏土管,他们称这些东西可能会引出几十年来有关莎士比亚的一些最有意义的发现。 cri

He said the scientists intend to test earlier pottery from the region for chemical proof.
他说,科学家打算检测来自该地区较早的陶器作为化学证据。 yeeyan

He thought if the pottery made by him could be unbreakable, his reputation and his business would be even better.
他心想,要是他制作的陶器永远摔不破,那么他的声誉就会更高,买卖就会更兴隆。 ebigear

I also went to the pottery factory today, which was heaps of fun for me, because my mom used to be an artist so I have always loved doing art.
我今天还去了陶艺厂,对我来说,这充满了乐趣,因为我妈妈过去是为艺术家,所以我一直都很喜欢搞艺术。 yeeyan

Or, if you enjoy pottery, showcase your creations in your apartment.
或者,要是你喜欢陶艺,就在房间里摆上你的作品。 yeeyan

People from all over the world rushed here for his pottery. He became very rich and famous.
四面八方的人们都纷纷赶来抢购他的陶器,他因此赚了好多钱,名声大振。 ebigear

She started selling pottery from the stoop of her apartment to pay for college classes at a studio nearby.
她开始在公寓的门廊出售她的陶器以支付她在附近一个工作室的学习费用。 yeeyan

The first firing hardens the pottery, and it is then ready to be glazed and fired again.

The first sieving captured larger objects such as pottery and bone. The second caught smaller objects, including nuts and seeds.
第一次筛选获得较大的物体,如陶器和骨头。第二次筛分出较小一点的物体,包括坚果和种子。 yeeyan

These relics include gold, pottery, bone tools and ivory objects.
这些文物包括金器、陶器、骨制工具和象牙制品。 ebigear

They won’t only be using rare, antique pottery this time, however.
然而,这一次他们不会只使用那些稀有的古式陶瓷。 yeeyan

They might find statues, temples, coins, pottery.
他们可能发现雕像,神庙,硬币,陶器。 ebigear

We bet that would be tea cups, plates, and other kinds of pottery in most cases.
我们敢打赌说会是茶杯、碟子及其他日常可见的其他陶瓷器具。 yeeyan

We'll be in Japan, with some of the oldest pottery in the world, and the birth of the stew.
我们将会到达日本,去寻访世界上最古老的陶器,以及炖锅的诞生。 yeeyan




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