

单词 potentiometers
释义 potentiometers 英'pətentiəmɪtəz美'pətentiəmɪtəz COCA¹¹⁵⁹⁰⁶BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
名词 potentiometer:
a measuring instrument for measuring direct current electromotive forcesa resistor with three terminals, the third being an adjustable center terminal; used to adjust voltages in radios and TV sets
用作名词The number of gates for which the state must be stored determines the number ofpotentiometersyou need.状态需被存储的门的数量决定所需的电位器数量。
Obvious examples arepotentiometersand tachogenerators to monitor the position and speed of a shaft.反映转轴位置和速度的电位器与测速发电机是我们最熟悉的例子。 In addition, as introduced by the author, when the zero point and span potentiometers are once set, the device is applicable to all signals of deferent characteristics.
并介绍了零点、量程电位器只需一次调整可适用于不同信号特性的特点。 cnki

The pulse frequency can be selected by EPLD. The voltage amplitude and pulse width of analog pulse can be adjusted by analog switches and digitally controlled potentiometers.
频率通过用可编程器件 EPLD控制,而脉冲信号的宽度和幅度通过多路模拟开关和数字电位器调节。 cnki

The number of gates for which the state must be stored determines the number of potentiometers you need.
状态需被存储的门的数量决定所需的电位器数量。 autooo

This allows users to treat these digital potentiometers as volatile potentiometers with a programmable preset.
用户可以将这些数字电位计看作具有可编程预置功能的易失性电位计。 bdtic

An EEPROM is designed to store the coefficients, so that no movable components, such as potentiometers, are needed.
用 EEPROM永久保存这些系数,消除了类似电位计的可动部件。 cnki

An MR200W series position transducer can be multifunctional and integrate any combination of geared limit switches, rotary encoders, resolvers or potentiometers.
一个 MR200W系列位置传感器是多功能的,可以集成任何齿轮传动限制交换器,旋转编码器,旋转变压器或电位器的组合。 dianqi163

As a traveling sensor, It has taken the place, in many fields, of non contact differential transformer and precise wire wound potentiometers.
作为一种位移传感器,在许多领域取代了无接触式差动变压器和精密线绕电位器。 cnki

Design of cermet and carbon composition film potentiometers for household appliances and their plants are discussed.
论述家用电器及仪表用的玻璃釉电位器和碳膜电位器的产品设计、生产线设计。 cnki

Digital“ tuning” of bias and gain eliminates the need to manipulate potentiometers or dials.
数字“微调”的偏差和增益,无需操作电位计或拨号。 youboy

Digital potentiometers typically have32 or more taps;
数字电位器典型有32或更多抽头; autooo

Dual limit relays contain two comparators and potentiometers operating into a single electro- mechanical relay.
双限继电器包含两个比较器和一个电位器,在一个单一的机电继电器下运行。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

Fundamental concept, electric parameters and their measurement methods of potentiometers are surveyed and basis to select types and caution in service of the potentiometers are emphasized.
综述电位器的基本概念、电气性能参数及其测量方法,侧重介绍电位器选型依据及使用注意事项。 dictall

I advise you to use2x 50K potentiometers connected in series for this mod. This way you get a total resistance of100K, but with doubled precision in comparison to a single100K pot i.

In this paper, digital potentiometers X9C103 to change the high-frequency amplifier feedback resistor to achieve the control feedback purposes.
本文采用数字电位器 X9C103来改变高频放大器的反馈电阻以达到控制反馈的目的。 com

Instead of cheap, unsealed potentiometers, we use co- molded pots, which offer substantial strain and impact relief.
不是廉价的,公开的电位器,我们使用共同模塑花盆,提供大量应变和影响力救济。 luce

It enables adjustments using software, making compensation using trim potentiometers an outdated art in a manufacturing environment.
它使调整使用的软件,赔偿使用修剪电位器是一个过时的艺术的生产环境。 nciku

Speed variation of each roll by means of two potentiometers on the control cabinet.
控制面板上两个旋钮直接控制辊速度。 chem17

The tested results show that this method compared with the traditional method of using mechanical potentiometers changing resistance is easier in process and smaller in error.
实验结果表明,该方法与传统的利用机械电位器调节电阻方法相比,过程简单,误差小。 www.mct.com.cn

The outputs are transformer balanced on XLR connectors and controlled by rotary master potentiometers.
的输出变压器平衡的 XLR接口和旋转主电位器控制。 audiodiy

This paper analyses the difficulty in potentiometers' Contact Resistance Variation CRV test, and introduces an effective test method- Qarsi- Envelope Test MethodQETM.
本文分析了电位器接触电阻变化率 CRV测量的难点,提出了一种行之有效的方法——准包络测量法。 cnki

With the development and application of the digitally controlled potentiometersDCP recently, it is possible to realizing the optimizing design of the programmable instrumentation amplifier.
近年来随着数字电位器的迅速发展和推广应用,为实现可编程仪表放大器的优化设计创造了条件。 http://www.emimag.com

Zero and Span adjustment potentiometers are located externally as well for easy access.
零点和量程调整电位器位于外部,以便于检修。 dianqi163




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