

单词 auditors
释义 auditors 英'ɔːdɪtəz美'ɔːdɪtəz COCA¹⁴⁵⁴⁷BNC⁵⁴⁹⁹Economist¹³⁴²³
名词 auditor:
someone who listens attentivelya student who attends a course but does not take it for credita qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business or other organizationThe end of a year is the busiest time forauditors.每年年底是审计师们最忙碌的时候。
It does, however, allow theauditorsto measure and control sampling risk.然而,它确实可以使审计师对抽样风险进行计量和控制。 A newly issued set of guidelines for auditors ought to reduce the cost of complying with section 404 for other firms.
新近发布的一系列针对审计员的指导方针应该会减少其它企业因遵循第404条款而支出的费用。 ecocn

The temptation this year will be to express some doubts about funding uncertainties, but auditors realise that if they do that too widely, the caveat will become meaningless.
今年审计人员会倾向于阐明其对筹资可行性的迟疑,但他们也意识到如果都这样做,这附加的告诫就将变得毫无意义。 ecocn

Among the missing visitors are the certifiers and auditors companies need to conduct their operations.
在这些失去的游客中有些是管理公司运作的证明人和审计员。 ecocn

As part of the certification process our auditors validated that we addressed all aspects of the27002 guidance appropriate for our systems and services.
作为认证过程的一部分,审计员证实我们为自己的系统与服务实施了27002指南的各个方面。 infoq

But auditors say this may add to confusion.
但是审计师认为这会增加混淆困惑。 ecocn

Conflicts of interest are possible: some buy-out firms’ in- house dealmakers conduct valuations, which are reviewed by consultants and auditors and approved by senior executives.
利益的冲突可能在于:一些并购公司的内部并购进行估值,需要顾问和审计师的审查,以及高管的批准。 ecocn

Crucially, Japanese companies are not obliged, as are American ones, to have oversight boards, independent of management, to select auditors and negotiate their fees.
至关重要的是,日本公司和美国的不同而无需监管局或经营的独立性来选择审计员或磋商其费用。 ecocn

I think there is quite a bit that auditors can do.
我认为,审计师有很多方法可以发现这些舞弊。 blog.sina.com.cn

Investors would like to think that auditors consider not just the letter of the rules but their spirit, too.
投资者认为审计者不仅应该要考虑到规则的条文而且要考虑到他们的道德精神。 ecocn

It is difficult for auditors to find fraud, yet their audit procedures this year seem to have done exactly that.
通常审计师很难发现舞弊,但是德勤今年的审计程序在这方面似乎非常有效。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once the cancellation happens, the process instance will be terminated and the auditors cannot view and act on the human tasks of the process instance.
一旦取消动作发生,流程实例将终止,审计员将不能查看并操作流程实例的人工任务。 ibm

One immediate target of the auditors is likely to be climate control.
审计人员最直接的一个审计目标很可能是气候环境调节。 yeeyan

Outsiders such as customers, investors, shareholders, and auditors usually like to think that important business decisions are founded on valid and reliable valuation methods.
外行人比如客户,投资者,涉众,和审计员通常会认为重要的商业决定是基于合理和可靠的评估方法的。 ibm

Prosecutors said the two Liberians had sold nearly all of World Vision's food aid; auditors said a third of it was allocated to towns that did not exist.
检察官说这两名利比里亚人把世界展望组织的食物援助几乎都卖了;审计师说三分之一的粮援被分发到子虚乌有的镇子。 yeeyan

Responsible for collection/ preparing all of relevant documentations required by the internal and external auditors.
负责收集和整理内部及外部审计师需要的各类相关资料。 ecocn

So we asked who the auditors were.
因此我们问审计人员是谁。 infoq




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