

单词 auditoriums
释义 au·di·to·ri·ums 英ɔːdɪ'tɔːriəmz美ɔːdɪ'tɔːriəmz COCA⁶⁰⁶⁰⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 auditorium:
the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits All together there are20 shops and21 restaurants and bars, as well as auditoriums and theaters both indoors and outdoors.
拢共有20个商店、21个餐厅和酒巴,还有礼堂、剧院室内、户外。 aomen-dubo

The architecture of auditoriums and opera houses were challenged to accommodate a wide range of sounds and styles of music.
礼堂和歌剧院的建筑要适应一个很宽的音域和不同类型的音乐。 transcn

The technology of auditoriums has always been a crucial index when a theater is being evaluated.
观众厅的技术要求一向是评价剧场优劣的重要指标。 xuehi

The walls and ceilings of contemporary auditoriums usually conceal light, sound, and air-conditioning equipment.
当代观众厅的墙壁和天花板常设灯光、音响以及空调设备。 tdict

In Las Vegas, where the country library filled its two auditoriums with people who wanted to hear, one man had a seizure in the theater where I read.
在拉斯维加斯,国家图书馆的两个礼堂里都填满了想听我读这个故事的人,我在的那个讲堂里有一个男的癫痫发作。 yeeyan

It is suited to school auditoriums, university buildings, churches, and other areas where voice communications are required by code.
它适用于学校礼堂,大学建筑,教堂,以及一些需要语音通信的其他领域。 www.21csp.com.cn

Many Auditoriums of exquisite pattern are the ideal sites to hold international& domestic higher conference and banquet.
设有多间格调高雅的会议厅,是举办国内、国际高层次会议及宴会的理想场所。 ypenet

Modern truss with a variety of configurations are used to span auditoriums, armories, and convention hall, creating large column-free spaces.
有多种配置用于现代桁架跨度礼堂,军械库,及会议厅,创建大型无柱式空间。 qihoo

On his nightly talk show, “ Lopez Tonight,” on his HBO specials and at clubs and auditoriums, the comedian George Lopez takes aim at ethnic stereotypes.
无论是在深夜秀“今夜洛佩兹”, HBO的专题,还是在俱乐部和礼堂演讲时候,喜剧演员乔治洛佩兹坚持种族主义的风格。 yeeyan

Programmatic elements such as cafeterias and gyms are interspersed among art galleries, auditoriums and a movie theater, thus making the bracket attractive to a variety of users.
这些功能元素,例如餐厅和健身房,分布于艺术展馆、礼堂和电影院里,这样构架能吸引不同的使用者。 mr926

There are people who bring their cell phones into concert halls and auditoriums. For them, missing an important business message is not a miss that is remediable.
有些人甚至把手机带入音乐厅和会议厅,因为在他们看来,错过一个重要的商业信息是不可弥补的过失。 putclub

These days the auditoriums are only about a quarter full, and just a few students approach the recruiters.
他们近来举办的校园招聘会,所来的学生只有以往的四分之一,且与公司招聘人员洽谈的仅寥寥数人。 yeeyan

We didn't begin with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the auditoriums of Washington.
我们刚开始并没有太多资金,也没有得到许多人的支持,一辈子都看不完的十句话。 pizhou

We're measuring how many viruses and bacteria all of us are breathing in and out every day, particularly on airplanes or closed auditoriums.
我们正在测算每天我们的呼吸中,究竟有多少的病毒和细菌在穿梭来回,特别是在飞机或封闭的礼堂环境中。 yeeyan




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