

单词 potency
释义 po·ten·cy 英ˈpəʊtnsiː美ˈpotņsiAHDpōtʹn-sē ★☆☆☆☆高八TCOCA²⁰⁷⁵⁹BNC¹²⁰⁶³iWeb¹¹⁷⁶³Economist¹²²⁴²

the power or right to give orders or make decisions;

he has the authority to issue warrants

deputies are given authorization to make arrests

a place of potency in the state

capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects;

the toxin's potency

the strength of the drinks

the inherent capacity for coming into beingthe state of being potent; a male's capacity to have sexual intercourse词根词缀: -pot-能,能够 + -ency名词词尾bactericidal potency杀菌效能prospective potency预定能力relative potency ratio相对活性比值…carcinogenic potency致癌能力potency test效能试验potency of drug药力potency unit效能单位high potency高效能immunizing potency免疫效能immunogenic potency免疫源能力relative potency相对优势,相对功效…differentiation potency分化能reactive potency医 反应能力胚…developmental potency发育能力potency assay效能测定allelic potency基因潜能
钱博士pot(力量,权力,能够+encyS.名⇒效能,力量,权势pot力量,权力,能够+encyS.名⇒效能,力量,权势近义词 kick踢power力量vigor活力force武力energy精力virtue美德muscle肌肉vigour精力potence潜能strength力气vitality活力operation操作dominance支配authority权力persuasion说服leadership领导potential潜在的potentiality潜力say-so无根据的话authorisation授权effectiveness有效性authorization授权书反义词 impotency无力

用作名词Alcohol increases the drug'spotency.酒精能增加这种毒品的效力。
If you keep a medicine too long, it may lose itspotency.药物存放太久,可能会失去效力。
Vanity is a motive of immensepotency.虚荣心是一个有着极大潜力的动机。noun.effectiveness
同义词 capability,efficacy,efficiency,vigorauthority,birr,capacity,command,control,dominion,energy,force,go,hardihood,influence,juice,kick,might,moxie,muscle,pep,potential,power,puissance,punch,sinew,snap,sock,steam,strength,sway,virtue,zap,zing,zipwhat it takes
反义词 impotence,inability,incompetence,inefficiency,weakness,apathy,enervation,idleness,inactivity,incapacity,lack,laziness,lethargy,powerlessnessdisability,impotency,ineffectiveness
capabilitynoun ability to perform
cogencynoun effectiveness
degreenoun recognition of achievement;rank or grade of position
effectivenessnoun ability to produce a result
efficaciesnoun efficiency;productiveness
efficacynoun efficiency;productiveness
ability,adequacy,capability,capableness,capacity,competence,effect,effectiveness,efficaciousness,energy,force,influence,performance,potency,power,strength,success,sufficiency,use,vigor,virtue,weight A 2 percent increase in alcohol may sound like a tiny difference, but the effect on a wine's character and potency is considerable.
酒精浓度增长2%听起来差别不大,但是,它对葡萄酒品质和效力的影响相当大。 yeeyan

As the emotions move through you, they will slowly lose their potency, and you will be ready to say goodbye to your ex and move on to a happy, healthy new relationship.
那你经历这些情绪的时候,他们的力量会慢慢减弱,你就可以和旧爱说再见,迎接一段幸福、健康的新感情。 ebigear

The companies on April 30 recalled more than40 types of pediatric pain and allergy drugs saying their quality and potency didn’t meet internal requirements.
强生公司在4.30日召回四十多种儿童去痛和过敏药物,声称这些药物的质量和效力没有通过内部标准。 yeeyan

The numbers indicate the potency of the ingredient used.
数字是用来表示所用成份的效力的。 yeeyan

Those may be the methods of the war on terror now, but they were not part of the West's arsenal then, in a struggle won mainly by the potency of ideas, not by force or fear.
武力或者威胁也许是当今对付恐怖分子的方法,但在当年,西方赢得那场艰苦的胜利并不是依靠这些手段,而是意识形态的力量使然。 ecocn

As such the Platinum awakening will greatly increase the potency of the primary Pyramids of the Planet, especially the Great Pyramid of Giza.
因此白金的觉醒,将大大增加地球上主要金字塔,特别是吉萨大金字塔的力量。 blog.sina.com.cn

Being overly available to her decreases the potency of your presence.
对她过于有空会减少你出现的效力。 blog.sina.com.cn

But the price and the potency are more tempting than the heavily taxed bottles of beer that are the staple of richer Kenyans.
但比起肯尼亚富人们主要饮用的重税瓶装酒,chang’aa的价格和效力还是比较诱人。 ecocn

But soft power's real potency comes not from what other nations' governments think of you, but what their citizens think.
但软实力的真正力量不在于其他国家的政府如何看待你,而在于它们的民众如何看待你。 blog.sina.com.cn

But the authors seem to underestimate the potency of rising digital barriers.
但是作者们似乎低估了不断上升的数字壁垒效力。 yeeyan

He believed in the potency of“ quantitative easing, ” or QE— printing money to buy bonds.
但他对“量化宽松”,或曰“ QE”——即用印来的钱买债券——的效力深信不疑。 yeeyan

He found that these antioxidants were higher in quality and potency than in any other nut.
他发现核桃中的抗氧化剂不论从质量还是效力上看,比其他种类的坚果都要更胜一筹。 yeeyan

Here, patients’ expectations influence the potency of the effect.
在此,患者的期望会影响安慰剂效应的效能。 ecocn

If the potency of the new midfield remains questionable, it appears so far that Sir Alex Ferguson was at least right to trust in Ben Foster's ability to replace Edwin van der Sar in goal.
如果新中场的潜力继续被质疑,那么现在,艾莱克斯-弗格森爵士似乎至少还能相信本-福斯特有能力替代范德萨。 yeeyan

Imagine a supermarket loyalty reward card synced with Twitter, Amazon reviews and GPS technology and you have some idea of Foursquare's potency.
设想一下,一张与 Twitter、亚马逊评论和 GPS技术同步的超市忠诚奖励卡;对于 Foursquare的潜能,你已经见识到 Foursquare的威力了。 yeeyan

In the20th century, the wealth of nation was primarily measured by the abundance of its natural resources, the expanse of its landmass, the size of its population and the potency of its army.
在20世纪,衡量国家财富的主要尺度是自然资源的丰裕程度、国土幅员、人口规模和军事力量。 hxen

It was the relish with which Dr Kevorkian courted controversy that provided the potency of the campaign for assisted suicide which occupied the last three decades of his life.
这一嗜好为他进行支持辅助自杀的活动提供了力量,但也招致了争议。他的最后三十年都在为支持辅助自杀而奋斗。 ecocn

Otherwise, the medicines could lose their potency over time due to the development of resistance.
否则,随着时间推移,由于产生耐药性,这些药物可失去其效力。 who

Part of her phallic potency was always to conjure the chaos about to break out unless we buckled under.
其男人一样的力量的部分总是制造即将爆发的混乱,除非我们屈服。 yeeyan

Power and potency come in many fluid forms.
权力和力量有许多不固定的形式。 yeeyan

Supporters say that improvements upon the 1970s policy would increase its potency.
支持者们说,对70年代的政策加以改进将增加政策的效能。 yeeyan

The extraordinary potency of these words transformed the nation.
这非凡的话语带来的非凡的力量改变了整个国家。 yeeyan

The political potency of crime will not change. Elections have been won for years with vows to be tough on crime.
犯罪这一话题的政治效力不会改变,那些誓称要对犯罪行为严惩不贷的候选人们在一年又一年的选举中胜出。 ecocn.org




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