

单词 potassium sulfate
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Some technical conditions of producing potassium sulfate with phosphogypsum and potassium chloride by adding proper solvent are studied.
对磷石膏和氯化钾制备硫酸钾的溶剂法工艺进行了研究。 cnki

The most important feature of the process is that the water content in the powdered potassium sulfate produced is less than0.1%.
该工艺的最大特点是生产出来的粉状硫酸钾含水分极少,一般质量分数小于0.1%。 chemyq

The process conditions, such as temperature, pressure and the amount of active agent added for the production of granular potassium sulfate based on Mannheim method are given.
给出了在曼海姆工艺基础上生产颗粒硫酸钾的温度、压力、活性物质添加量等条件。 chemyq

The production and consumption of potassium sulfate at home and abroad are reviewed Analysis is made on its market demand and price change.
介绍了国内外硫酸钾的生产和消费情况,分析了硫酸钾的市场需求和价格变化。 chemyq

Aluminum Potassium Sulfate;
铝硫酸钾; globalimporter

In cases of conditions such as potassium, magnesium potassium sulfate fat and the effect of increasing the input- output efficiency are better than potassium sulfate and potassium chlorate.
在施用等钾量条件下,硫酸钾镁肥的增产效果和投入产出效益均优于硫酸钾和氯化钾。 kekenet

The method of preparation of potassium sulfate with potassium chloride, ammonium sulfate as raw material and alcohol was added in filtrate, raising decomposition reaction.
以氯化钾和硫酸铵为原料,在滤液中加入乙醇合成硫酸钾,提高了硫酸钾的收率。 chemyq

The process for producing potassium sulfate from ammonium sulfate by converting method is studied, and its economic benefits for industrial scale production is also discussed.
对硫酸铵转化法生产硫酸钾的工艺进行了研究,并对该方法工业化生产的经济效益进行了探讨。 chemyq

The process of synthesis potassium sulfate by phosphogypsum double salt method was studied and improved.
对磷石膏复盐法制备硫酸钾工艺进行了研究和改进。 chemyq

The process flow for producing potassium sulfate by ammonium sulfate has been discussed in this paper. The economic profit of industrial production using this process are also analyzed.
本文对用硫酸铵转化法生产硫酸钾的工艺流程进行了研究,并对该方法工业化生产的经济效益进行了初步分析。 chemyq

The synthesis process of potassium sulfate with ammonium sulfate recovered from industrial waste and potassium chloride method was studied.
介绍一种回收富含硫铵化工废水制备硫酸钾肥的方法。 dictall

The technology for producing potassium nitrate was discussed and compared with potassium sulfate economically. It is valuable that using potassium nitrate to replace potassium sulfate.
论述了硝酸钾的生产工艺,并与硫酸钾进行技术经济比较,认为利用硝酸钾代替硫酸钾具有一定推广价值。 chemyq

This paper introduces application, process of potassium sulfate and its market at home and abroad. A suggestion is put forward.
本文主要介绍了硫酸钾的用途,生产工艺及国内外市场概况,提出了建议。 chemyq

Thus essay introduces the design and calculate of potassium sulfate production process in the circulate crossover method with the help of ion exchange resin.
本文介绍了离子树脂循环交换法生产硫酸钾工艺设计计算方法,可用于工艺、设备设计和指导生产管理。 dictall

Triple potassium sulfate and microbial fertilizer could inhibit remarkably dry stem.
硫酸钾三元复合肥和生物菌肥能够明显抑制干梗; cnki

Under laboratory conditions fertilizer grade potassium sulfate is prepared and sodium chloride by-product is recovered.
在实验室条件下制得符合肥料级的硫酸钾产品,并回收副产物氯化钠。 cnki

When the purity of potassium sulfate crystal is lower and the content of the potassium phosphogypsum is higher, the median diameter of crystal particle and the density of suspension are higher.
结果表明:当硫酸钾结晶产品纯度较低、钾石膏含量较高时,晶体平均粒径及悬浮密度均较大; cnki




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