

单词 auditioning
释义 au·di·tion·ing 英ɔː'dɪʃn美ɔː'dɪʃn COCA³⁶⁸³⁷BNC⁴²¹⁹²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the ability to hear; the auditory faculty;

his hearing was impaired

a test of the suitability of a performer
perform in order to get a role;

She auditioned for a role on Broadway

audition of account经 查帐
近义词 ear听觉test考验hear得知trial审讯tryout测验try out试验hearing听力interview面谈auditory sense听觉sense of hearing听觉

How does the hospital checkauditioncommonly?医院检查听力一般怎么检查的?
They made anauditionof the new recordings.他们对新录制的材料进行了试听。
What do I need to prepare for myaudition?我需要为试镜准备什么?用作动词Which part are youauditioningfor?你扮什么角色试音?
None of the actresses we'veauditionedis suitable.我们试听的这些女演员都不合适。
You will probably be nervous at theaudition.试镜的时候你很可能会紧张。
The actress demonstrated thespian talents at her firstaudition.这位女演员第一次试镜就展现出戏剧天分。as in.broadcasting
同义词 radio,television,transmissionairing,announcing,performing,reporting,telecasting,transmittingair time,newscasting,posting online,putting on program
broadcastingnoun informing via electronic media
air time,airing,announcing,newscasting,performing,posting online,putting on program,radio,reporting,telecasting,television,transmission,transmitting Putting aside all criticism of her rival, she appeared to be auditioning for the role of vice- president.
抛开来自对手的诸多批评,她表现出在准备接受副总统的角色。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

“ See how near I may have been to another sort of life, ” he wrote of himself at20 when he had been on the point of auditioning as an actor.
他在20岁作为演员在试镜前曾写道:“看,我极有可能就要过上另一种生活了”。 remword

Dress as though you were auditioning to be his or her husband or wife.
穿着打扮时要把自己想象成他的丈夫或妻子。 yeeyan

Encouraged, Hill began devoting more of her time to auditioning, cutting demos, and writing.
希尔倍受鼓舞,开始花更多的时间试唱,录。 iciba

From lemonades stands to car washes to auditioning for a commercial, Ramona tries everything she can think of to earn the cash her parents need.
从摆摊卖柠檬水到洗车服务,再到为商业广告试镜,雷蒙娜想方设法地赚钱以解父母之忧。 www.china.org.cn

He gets a severe hernia before auditioning, but refuses to go to the hospital until he has insurance again.
试镜前,他染患严重的疝气,但因为没有医疗保险,他拒绝上医院。 hxen

However since auditioning for Britain's got Talent, a televised talent competition, she has experienced a stratospheric rise to fame.
但是自从在《英国达人》这个电视选秀节目中试演之后,她的名气渐渐攀升了。 iciba

I kept the conversations with Lisa as upbeat as possible, as if I were auditioning for a job on some candidate's spin machine.
但每次和莉萨在电话里交谈,我都尽可能保持乐观,好像参加求职面试一样。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn

I'm looking at scripts and auditioning.
我也盼着其它的好剧本和试演机会。 eol

I'm auditioning for a part in the play tomorrow, and I hope I get it.
明天我在那个剧里试演一个角色,我希望能录取。 tdict

In order to find new bunnies for its Macau casino, Playboy launched its bunny hunt, auditioning women across the globe.
为了给其新开张的澳门赌场物色兔女郎人选,花花公子发起了全球范围的兔女郎甄选活动。 yeeyan

Just a few minutes ago, I sat on an auditioning committee for a student who was playing her audition. Several things occurred to me which might be useful, and I present them for your consideration.
几分钟前,我坐在考核评委席上,听着学生的考核演奏,随即产生的一些想法或许会对大家又帮助,在此与您分享。 clarinet

Last year,43-year-old Schwimmer admitted he has gone back to auditioning for Hollywood parts, but has been turned down for a series of top roles.
去年,43岁的修默承认他重返试演场,寻求饰演好莱坞影片的角色,但在一系列领衔角色的试演中均无功而返。 yeeyan

She got an agent, right out of high school and her agent was in New York, so she started auditioning.
在离开中学后,她有了一个代理人,她的代理人在纽约,她开始进行演员方面的训练。 tianya

Tomorrow I’m auditioning for the school play, and I need every bit of help I can get.
明天我要参加学校的试听表演,我需要获得一点帮助。 yeeyan

We are now sure that we have our Prince and wanted to thank you for becoming involved in the auditioning process and working with us.
现在,我们已经确定有了凯斯宾王子,我们很感谢你们对于选角试听过程的帮助以及陪伴我们工作。 dreamnarnia

Auditioning for the show, Liu dressed, acted and spoke so femininely that the judges questioned his gender several times.
海选试音时,刘著从着装、举止到言谈都酷似女生,以至于评委都对他的性别几度表示质疑。 www.china.org.cn




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