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词汇 pot
释义 pot 英pɒt美pɑtAHDpŏt


a round container made of metal, baked clay, glass, etc., with or without a handle or cover, made to contain liquids or solids, especially for cooking

vt. 将植物栽在花盆里

plant sth in a flowerpot

vt. 装罐保存

put sth in a pot in order to preserve it

vt. 向某物射击

shoot at sth

metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually round and deep; often has a handle and lida plumbing fixture for defecation and urinationthe quantity contained in a pota container in which plants are cultivatedoften followed by `of' a large number or amount or extent;

a batch of letters

a deal of trouble

a lot of money

he made a mint on the stock market

see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos

it must have cost plenty

a slew of journalists

a wad of money

the cumulative amount involved in a game such as pokerslang for a pauncha resistor with three terminals, the third being an adjustable center terminal; used to adjust voltages in radios and TV setsstreet names for marijuana
plant in a pot;

He potted the palm

pot, kettle, pottery

pot是“壶的总称”, kettle特指“茶壶”,而pottery则是“陶器的总称”,即kettle是pot中的一种,而pot是pottery中的一种。

来自古法语pot,壶,罐,容器。来自原始日耳曼语*puttaz,壶,罐。来自原始印欧语*budn,容器,可能来自原始印欧语*beu,鼓起,膨胀,词源同ball, pouch, pocket。另一种说法是来自拉丁语potus,饮水杯,词源同potion,部分词源学家对这一猜测持否定态度。 pot来自古法语pot,壶,罐,容器。来自原始日耳曼语*puttaz,壶,罐。来自原始印欧语*budn,容器,可能来自原始印欧语*beu,鼓起,膨胀,词源同ball, pouch, pocket。另一种说法是来自拉丁语potus,饮水杯,词源同potion,部分词源学家对这一猜测持否定态度。 ball1、球。来自原始印欧语*bhel,膨胀,鼓起,词源同bawl,碗。2、跳舞。来自原始印欧语*gwele,扔,投,见ballistics。最早的舞蹈通常与狂热的宗教仪式相关,因而词义由扔,投过渡到舞蹈。 pouch来自古法语poche,钱包,口袋,词源同pocket, poach。 pocket来自古英语pocket,袋子,麻袋。来自原始日耳曼语*puk,鼓起,膨胀。来自原始印欧语*beu,鼓起,膨胀,词源同poach, pouch。-et,小词后缀。即小袋子,引申词义口袋,钱财,资金等。 potion来自拉丁语potionem,一服药,一口,魔水。来自potare,饮,喝。来自原始印欧语*poi,饮,喝,词源同potable, imbibe。
用作名词 n.
动词+~blacken the pot把锅熏黑boil the pot挣钱糊口crush a pot喝酒hook the pot把壶挂起来scour pots and pans擦洗炊具wash up pots and pans擦洗炊具go to pot毁灭keep the pot boiling糊口make the pot boil糊口,谋生,维持生活形容词+~frying pot煎锅melting pot熔炉,各种族同化的国家watering pot洒水壶,花壶名词+~chamber pot便壶,夜壶coffee pot咖啡壶earthenware pot土陶罐flower pot花盆glass pot玻璃瓶ink pot墨水瓶pepper pot〈美〉胡椒瓶〔罐〕tea pot茶壶介词+~in pot喝醉cook sth in pot用锅煮…preserve sth in pot把某物保存在罐里~+介词pot for cooking煮饭锅a pot of soup一锅汤a pot of tea一壶茶用作动词 v.~+副词pot up种在盆内~+介词pot at射杀
用作名词n.all to pot

混乱; 糟糕 confused; spoiled

go to pot

使糟糕,使垮掉 deteriorate; become very bad

into the melting pot

处于变化〔动荡不安〕中 in a state of flux〔transition〕

take pot luck

赶上什么是什么,吃便饭 accept whatever is available, especially food at a meal, without any choice or alternative being offered

pot at v.+prep.

射击,射杀 shoot at

pot at sthHe potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。
They were potting at a tiger there.他们正在那里射击一只老虎。
pot up v.+adv.

种在盆内 plant in a flower-pot

pot sth ⇔ upMy father potted up the young tomato plants.父亲把这些西红柿嫩苗种在盆内。
He potted up the rose cuttings.他把玫瑰花的插枝种在花盆内。故事记忆有一个 Pot茶壶满身是 Spot斑点还有黑 Dot圆点眼看要 Rot腐烂卖给个 Sot酒鬼酒烫不 Hot热气得掏枪 Shot射击打中一个 Pilot飞行员掉到一张 Cot床上口袋里有 Plot密谋沾满许多 Blot污点还有口红 Alot许多谐音记忆音“破的”⇒破的罐 反拼:top⇒顶端 顶端上有一个壶GRE难词记忆pot→top a.顶部,顶端→把捕鱼篓放在头顶上非常记忆泼他拼音⇒把壶里灌满水去泼他topa.顶部,顶端⇒把捕鱼篓放在头顶上近义词 urn瓮tub桶bag袋tin锡bowl碗pile堆heap堆draw拖raft筏peck啄grass草cruse罐jug水壶crock壶can可以get得到wad填料stack堆lot许多smoke烟dope毒品weed杂草bank银行bundle捆vase花瓶seal封条deep深的mass大量deal协定mess混乱slew沼地mint薄荷kitty小猫pan平底锅jar广口瓶shoot发射catch赶上round圆的skunk臭鼬flock一群stool凳子spate泛滥sight视力batch一批vessel容器kettle水壶flagon酒壶boiler锅炉pickle腌汁cooker炉具throne王位plenty丰富gage抵押品potful一壶toilet厕所pitcher水罐stein啤酒杯hit打击commode便桶crapper厕所ewer大口水罐cauldron大锅preserve保护pressure压强mickle很多的muckle大量的locoweed疯草passel一大批mountain大量marijuana大麻container容器bucketC水桶flowerpot花盆good deal划算Mary Jane大麻whole lot整批tureen有盖汤盘great deal大量potbelly大肚皮corporation公司saucepan长柄深锅reefer双排扣夹克cannabis植大麻hemp大麻植物…samovar俄国式茶炊bay window建凸窗potty小孩的便壶…sess会议 =session…potentiometer电位计jackpot(彩票等头奖…quite a little相当多Sens桑斯法国城市名…demijohn篮装的细类颈大昙…tummy肚子hatful一帽子的容量…pressure cooker加压蒸汽速煮器高压锅…
用作名词n.The pot came down on the stone floor with a clash.锅“当”地一声掉到石地上。
He debated heating up the pot first before his friends came.他考虑在朋友们到来之前先把火锅烧热。
She stirred the pot until all the sugar added had melted.她不断搅动锅,直到加的糖全部溶化为止。
He was so concentrated on the TV programme that he forgot the cooking and the water in the pot boiled away.他注意力全集中在电视节目上,忘了正在做的饭,把锅里的水都烧干了。
The window opened, and the pot just dropped out.窗户开了,花盆就掉了出去。
He filled the pot with earth and planted a rose in it.他在花盆里填上土,栽了株玫瑰。
I don't think that such a large plant will grow in such a small pot.我认为,这么大的一棵植物不能在这么小的花盆中生长。
The unusual shape of the pot dates it as about A.D. 400.这个壶的特殊形状使人们可以确定它的年代大约为公元400年。
In making tea, remember to put the tea into the pot before adding in the hot water.沏茶时,记着先把茶叶放进壶里,再倒开水。
A full tea set like this consists of a pot and eight cups.像这样的全套茶具由一个壶和八个杯子组成。
Housewives used to keep milk cool by covering the bottle with a stone pot.过去家庭主妇们常用石钵罩住奶瓶,防止牛奶变热。
I can't date the pot exactly, but it must be very old.我不能精确断定这只罐的年代,不过时间一定很久远了。
They've eaten a whole pot of jam!他们吃了满满一罐果酱。
Bring me another pot of coffee.给我再来一壶咖啡。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He used to pot flowers.他过去常用盆栽花。
The old man potted the chrysanthemum cuttings.老人把菊花的插枝种在花盆内。
My mother potted the fish she bought yesterday.母亲把昨日买的鱼装入罐内。
She potted shrimps.她把小虾装进罐里。
He potted a rabbit.他射杀了一只兔子。
The boy potted a partridge.男孩射杀了一只鹌鹑。其他She likes potted ham.她喜欢罐装火腿。Ppotboyn.侍者Pteapotn.茶壶Ppotholen.壶穴Pstewpotn.炖锅Pcrab-potn.蟹笼Pinkpotn.墨水壶Ppot-roastvt.Pstockpotn.汤锅Pgluepotn.熔胶锅Pfleshpotn.煮肉锅Photchpot财产混合Ppothookn.S形锅钩Ppotheadn.吸大麻者Ppotluckn.家常便饭Pbowpotn.大花瓶花束Pflowerpotn.花盆花钵Ppotteryn.陶器陶器厂Pboughpotn.大花瓶花束Pchimneypotn.烟囱管帽Ppotfuln.一罐一壶一锅Ppotteda.盆栽的罐装的Ppottern.陶工制陶工人Ppotboilv.匆促草率写作Ppothousen.小酒馆小旅馆Psexpotn.充满魅力的女性Ppot-valianta.酒后胆壮的Ppotherbn.野菜调味用香草Ppotholingn.地穴探险活动Pgallipotn.陶罐药罐药剂师Ppotash钾碱钾硷碳酸钾草硷Prepotvt.把移植于其他盆中Pdashpotn.减震器阻尼延迟器Ptin-pota.低劣的微不足道的Ppot-bounda.生根满盆的盆缚的Pcoffeepotn.咖啡壶小饭店午餐柜Ppotbellieda.大腹便便的大肚子的Pfusspotn.小题大做者吹毛求疵的人Photpotn.罐焖土豆牛肉罐焖土豆羊肉Ppotbellyn.大肚子大肚子的人圆火炉Ptinpota.劣质的不值钱的无足轻重的Ppottya.微小的不足道的发疯的n.便壶Phoneypotn.装蜜的罐子极有吸引力的事物Pfleshpotsn.美食物质享受满足肉欲的场所Pstinkpotn.盛臭物的容器讨厌透顶的人臭弹Ppotboilern.粗制滥造文艺作品粗制滥造作品的人Pcrackpota.想入非非的不切实的n.疯子怪人狂想家Ppothuntern.任意捕杀鸟兽者逐奖参赛者业余考古学家Pjackpotn.最大赌注头奖最大成功意外的成功/奖赏困境



a pot of可表示“一罐〔壶〕…的量”。





用作名词Will you help me to wash up all thesepotsand pans?帮我洗洗这些锅碗瓢盆好吗?
She stayed up all night writing the paper with apotof coffee at her elbow.她熬了一整夜写论文,身边放着一壶咖啡。
He has earned apotof money.他赚了一大笔钱。noun.container, cauldron
同义词 basin,bowl,bucket,can,cup,jar,jug,kettle,mug,pan,saucepan,urn,vesselcanister,crock,crucible,pitcher,receptacle,tankardnoun.marijuana
同义词 cannabisgrass,hashish,weedmaryjane
abdomennoun the stomach and area directly below in an animate being
bay window,belly,bowels,breadbasket,corporation,gut,guts,intestines,middle,midriff,midsection,paunch,potbelly,spare tire,tummy,venter,viscera
antenoun wager
basinnoun container or area where water is held
bellynoun stomach
abdomen,bay window,beer belly,breadbasket,corporation,front porch,gut,insides,intestines,paunch,pelvis,pot,pot belly,solar plexus,spare tire,tank,tummy,venter
betnoun game of chance;money gambled
action,ante,betting,chance,down on,hazard,long shot,lot,lottery,odds,odds-on,parlay,play,pledge,plunge,pot,raffle,random shot,risk,shot,shot in the dark,speculation,stake,sweepstakes,uncertainty,venture,wager
bouquetnoun flower arrangement




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