

单词 postulates
释义 pos·tu·late·s 英'pɒstjuleɪt美'pɑːstʃəleɪt COCA⁴⁵⁰³⁶BNC³⁷²¹²
logic a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
maintain or assert;

He contended that Communism had no future

take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom;

He posited three basic laws of nature

require as useful, just, or proper;

It takes nerve to do what she did

success usually requires hard work

This job asks a lot of patience and skill

This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice

This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert

This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent








accrual postulate经 应计的假定…homogeneity postulate齐一性的假设…lattice postulate点阵假设continuity postulate持续经营假设…accounting postulate经 会计假定…
近义词 take拿ask询问shot注射need需要guess推测claim要求posit假定assume假定select选择choose选择demand要求suggest建议propose打算advance前进solicit恳求require要求involve包含contend竞争presume假定suppose假设nominate提名submit使服从call for需要thesis毕业论文hypothesize假设put forward提出speculation推测proposition提议necessitate 使 … 成为必需…

用作名词A combinatin of sources of uranium may be the most realisticpostulate.各种铀来源的综合考虑可能是最现实的假说。
Authority is apostulateof the moral order and derives from God.权威是一种道德秩序的主张,并且它来源于上帝。
If so we shall have a wave function that satisfies our newpostulate.如果事实确是如此,我们就得到了一个满足新假设的波函数。用作及物动词The school building programmepostulatesan increase in educational investment.修建校舍的规划是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的。
Hepostulatedthat a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.他推断到2000年能研究出治愈该病的方法。
Theypostulateexcessive increase in price.他们把物价过度增长视为当然。 And economics of the new system provides a theoretical basis for the accounting postulates.
新制度经济学为会计准则的供需分析提供了理论基础。 cnki

The novel has its logic, its reasonings, its intuition, and its postulates.
小说有它的逻辑、推理、直感和假设。 yeeyan

“ This is the first document of its kind that deals with the Jews exclusively and postulates the solution, ” Hier said.
这是第一封专门针对犹太人性质的信件和主张的解决方案。 yeeyan

An attempt at synthesis can only fail, so in lieu of a comprehensive theory of Cinema Now, I offer a handful of postulates on the Cinematic State of Things.
集大成的企图只会以失败告终,因此我决定放弃当代电影的全面理论,取而代之的是一小部分电影事物状态的主张。 chat.swnu.edu.cn

And I think I put up the postulates.
我想我已经建立过这种假设了。 v.163.com

As an important component of the theory in accounting, accounting postulates are being challenged.
作为会计理论的重要组成部分,会计假设正受到严峻的挑战。 cnki

Basic postulates are important in the conceptual framework for financial accounting and in the position of higher level.
会计基本假设是会计理论体系中的一个重要部分,处在会计概念框架的一个较高的层次。 cnki

Current government audit standards actually have included some ideas of audit postulates.
现行国家审计准则其实已蕴含若干审计假设思想。 dictall

ID simply postulates that the universe possesses evidence that it was intelligently designed.
它只是假设宇宙拥有证据证明它是由高智能设计的。 creationwiki.org

If one postulates a second mind to perceive the first, then one would have to postulate an infinite number of minds; and this would cause confusion of memory.
如果假定有第二个心来感知第一个心,那么就必须假定有无限个心,这样会导致记忆混乱。 blog.sina.com.cn

Kissing, she postulates, evolved to help on all three fronts.
她假定,接吻进化到现在,对这三者起辅助作用。 yeeyan

Not only does he postulate an unconscious, where things are not easily available to the empirical eye, but he postulates a collective unconscious that never has been and never will be conscious.
不只是他假设潜意识无法轻易由经验法则得知,而且他还提出集体潜意识概念,假设从未达成以及将永远不会属于意识范畴。 kidfanschannel

Paleontologist Dave Raup postulates that75 percent of all extinction events were caused by asteroid impacts.
古生物学家戴夫·诺普假设百分之七十五的物种灭绝事件是小行星撞击造成的。 yeeyan

Several scientific groups working on SARS around the world had met three postulates.
世界上研究莎士的几支科研组已了三项假定。 blog.sina.com.cn

So we don't have to assume these principles as separate metaphysical postulates.
因此我们不需要假定这些原则是独立的抽象假设。 yeeyan

The third part discusses the basic postulates of governmental accounting.
第三部分,政府会计的基本假设。 cnki

The essay postulates that the most worthwhile indicator of success at school for a child is not background or test scores but character.
这篇文章认为,孩子在学校最值得看重的成功标志,不是背景或考试成绩,而是性格品质。 chinaacc

The theory postulates that each regular particle has a heavier supersymmetrical partner, many of which are unstable and rarely interact with normal matter.
该理论假定,每一个普通粒子都有更大分量的超对称部分,其中绝大部分是不稳定的,而且极少和普通物质发生交互作用。 yeeyan

This conclusion contradicts the conventional view, which postulates just one migratory wave out of Asia.
这结果与传统的观点相冲突,传统认为只有一波移民从亚洲出发。 yeeyan

Those three principles need not be assumed as separate metaphysical postulates.
这三个原则不需要被看做是独立的抽象的假设。 yeeyan




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