

单词 postnatal
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occurring immediately after birth;

postnatal development

词根词缀: post-后 + -nat-生 + -al形容词词尾postnatal depression产后的抑郁F53…postnatal infection产后感染, 生后感染…postnatal development生后发育postnatal growth出生后生长postnatal immunity获得性免疫缺陷综合征…
方振宇词汇奥秘post后+nat出生-al…的…的→出生以后的post在后面+nat出生-al…的形容词后缀⇒产后的。近义词 postpartum产后的perinatal围产期的反义词 prenatal产前的perinatal围产期的

用作形容词It goes with us when we were born, however, also needspostnataltrain.它是与生俱来的,但也需要后天的培养。 In a healthy term infant who has access to good postnatal nutrition, the benefits of delayed cord clamping are likely limited to a modest increase in hemoglobin concentration.
足月健康儿,产后营养充足的条件下,晚扎脐带似乎只增加血红蛋白的浓度。 blog.sina.com.cn

The bark of the tree is believed to have medicinal value. In India, it is used to treat postnatal depression, menstrual pain and uterine bleeding in woman.
无忧树的树皮有药用价值,印度人用来治疗妇女产后抑郁、经痛及子宫出血。 kuenglish

The father had to be physically present in the nest in the early postnatal days to get another dose of neurons.
老鼠爸爸必须在幼鼠出生后的早期阶段亲身待在鼠窝中才能又一次获得脑细胞的增加。 yeeyan

“ The mice started to lose their fur from postnatal day11, beginning at the head and progressing toward the tail region of the back,” they wrote.
“这些小鼠在断奶后11天开始失去其毛发,而且是从头至尾逐渐失去的,”他们写道。 yeeyan

Another18% of mothers of multiples were not sure if the feelings they had amounted to postnatal depression.
还有18%生过多胞胎的母亲不能确定他们的情绪是否已经到了产后抑郁症的程度。 ebigear

Gunderson and colleagues studied940 women taking part in a study of prenatal and postnatal health at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
甘德森及其同事对940名女性进行了研究,这些女性都参加过波士顿哈佛医学院的产前及产后健康研究。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In the new study, Bogaert pitted prenatal against postnatal by examining four samples of homosexual and heterosexual men, for a total of944 participants.
在一项新的研究中,波捷特进行了四组关于男同性恋和男异性恋共944名参与者的调查以反驳后天学说。 yeeyan

In my opinion, postnatal nurture is more important than the congenital factors for personal growth and progress.
在我看来,产后培育更重要的是先天性因素的个人成长和进步。 ystars.com

It is estimated around one in ten women suffers postnatal depression, even if they have never had mental health problems.
据估计,约十分之一的女性会患产后抑郁症,即使她们之前没有心理健康方面的问题。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

It reduced mistrust of the health system, thereby motivating people to come for consultation, antenatal and postnatal care and treat.
它减少了对卫生系统的不信任,因此调动了人们前来就诊,接受产前产后服务和治疗的积极性。 worldbank




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