

单词 postgraduate student
释义 postgraduate studentI短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
Song Dianxing, a66-year-old man from Gongyi, Henan, has successfully enrolled as a postgraduate student of Buddhism at Peking University, the Orient Today reported Wednesday.
据《东方今报》29日报道,来自河南巩义的66岁老人宋殿兴日前接到了北大佛学研究方向研究生班的录取通知书。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Central China agricultural college postgraduate department discussed repeatedly, and made a decision that, they support him and retains two years postgraduate student degree for him.
华中农业大学研究生处反复讨论,作出了一个决定:支持并为他保留两年的研究生学历。 jukuu

The Tibetan group painting created by Chen Danqing, a postgraduate student from the Chinese Central academy of Fine arts, was done in the same period.
同一时期,由中央美院研究生陈丹青创作的《西藏组画》也具有一定代表性。 ebigear

“I’m not excited about it; it creates lots of problems and inconveniences, ” said Shi Yuan, a24-year-old postgraduate student in Shanghai.
“我对世博会没有兴趣,它带来太多的麻烦和不便,”上海一位24岁的研究生石原音译说。 yeeyan

Back then, I was a postgraduate student at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and read his book word by word.
那时,我还是中国社会科学院的研究生,曾逐字逐句地翻阅他的书籍。 www.i21st.cn

He is now already a postgraduate student.
他现在已经是研究生了。 edu.sina.com.cn

I'm a postgraduate student majoring in Political Economy.
本人是在校研究生,学习“政治经济学”专业。 happycampus

IN A scruffy Budapest district, a postgraduate student from Cambridge is getting a bruising reception.
在布达佩斯的一个肮脏的市区里,一名剑桥研究生受到了一次令人倍感挫折的待遇。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is two years since she became a postgraduate student.
她考上研究生有两年了。 wangjinzhan

The old professor supervise the postgraduate student.
这位老教授指导研究生。 huixue

The findings come from a study by Professor Mark van Vugt and Dr Johanna van Hooff of the University of Amsterdam, and postgraduate student Helen Crawford from the University of Kent.
该发现来自于阿姆斯特丹大学的马克•范•伍格特教授与乔安娜•范•胡芙博士,以及肯特大学博士后海伦•克劳福共同进行的一项研究。 iciba

This paper analyzes postgraduate student's reading behavior and the major influential factors, and finally puts forwards some corresponding countermeasures.
本文通过对研究生阅读行为及其影响因素的分析,提出了相应地改进对策。 airiti.com

Wu Heng, a Fudan University postgraduate student, together with volunteers, collected news reports about unsafe foods and posted them on their website for the public to consult.
一名复旦大学硕士研究生吴恒跟志愿者一起收集关于不安全食品的新闻报道,并把它们发布到网站上让公众查阅。 hxen




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