

单词 posters
释义 posters 英'pəʊstəz美'pəʊstəz COCA⁹¹⁶⁵BNC⁶⁹¹⁶Economist⁶⁴⁵²

名词 poster:
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisementsomeone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboardsa horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelersIn big cities you can see many eye-catchingposters.在大城市,你会看到许多触目的招贴广告。noun.large paper advertisement
同义词 banner,billboard,placard,sheet,sign,stickerannouncement,bill,broadside,handbill,notice,signboardaffiche,public notice On the other wall are movie posters and trophies.
另一面墙上则是电影海报和奖杯。 yeeyan

The coloured posters allured the children into the theatre.

The eight chapters contain a selection of posters from all WHO regions, introduced with a brief history.
书中八个章节中包含选自世卫组织所有六个区域的海报,并附有简史说明。 who

Before setting off, they are given posters and T-shirts, in order that they might raise as much money as possible.
为了能让他们在旅途中筹到尽可能多的钱,在出发前组织方会发给他们海报和 T恤衫。 iciba

From vector posters to retro-inspired ones — all of these have been designed by creative artists who share their inspiring artwork with the entire world.
从矢量图海报到怀旧风格的海报——所有这些都出自创新艺术家之手,他们向全世界展示了他们的创意艺术作品。 yeeyan

In Colombo, this has meant police tearing down“ indecent” posters and flyers.
在科伦坡,警察已经在撕掉“下流的”海报和传单。 ecocn

It is not the sort of creature that environmentalists put on posters.
它们不属于环保者登在海报上的那一类生物。 ecocn

My“Not For Sale” items are the posters I made for my class and school clubs. And piles of books remind me of an unforgettable trip before graduation.
我的“非卖品”是我为班级和学校社团制作的一些海报,以及让我回忆起难忘的毕业旅行的书本。 kekenet

On the walls there are posters with the station's history, workers notes, ecology and terrorism hazard information.
墙上有关于热电站历史的海报,工人的笔记,生态和恐怖主义灾害信息。 yeeyan

Outside, the flowers unfurl on posters across the capital.
外面,花朵充满了遍布首都的宣传海报。 yeeyan

She will be able to work with visitors to her vehicle to produce posters, as well as set finer works herself.
她准备和前来参观皮卡的访客一同制作海报,当然也会抽空独自完成更好的作品。 ecocn

She warned student organizers that superficial factors, such as the size of posters and the number of stage lights, are not important.
她告诫学生组织者说,那些表面的东西,比如说海报的大小和舞台灯光的数量并不重要。 ebigear

Some items to consider include a few pictures of family or friends, a plant, inspirational posters or paintings for the wall, and any other mementos that make you feel good.
考虑一些装饰物,比如几张家人或朋友的图片,一棵植物、富于灵感的海报或墙上的油画,和任何其他让你感觉快乐的纪念品。 yeeyan

Such posters hung on the trains and in the ARA canteens but they were often concealed.
这样的海报被挂在火车上或者ARA的食堂,但它们通常被藏起来。 yeeyan

They bought a new machine to print the posters.

This book takes a historical look at the power of posters to persuade people to change their behaviour.
本书从历史的角度审视了海报在说服人们改变行为方面起到的作用。 who

This week walls near the Dhaka offices of Sheikh Hasina were plastered with posters of Felani that called for the killing to stop.
本周,谢赫•哈西娜达卡办公室附近的墙壁上贴满了印有弗拉妮照片的海报,呼吁停止这种杀戮。 ecocn

This includes posters, leaflets, speeches, and documents.
这包括宣传海报,传单,演讲,文件。 yeeyan

Those with an eye for design will be enthralled by the vintage Tube posters and hand-painted advertising slogans.
这些有着一双发现眼睛的人们会被这里的经典电子管海报和手绘广告标语所迷住。 yeeyan

We had nothing to do exceptto look at the posters outside the cinema.

You want to cover your walls with posters; they don't understand why you don't like your kiddie wallpaper anymore.
你想要用海报盖住你的墙壁;他们不了解你为什么不再喜欢你的可爱墙纸。 yeeyan

Young girls in front of movie posters.
站在电影海报前的小女孩。 kekenet




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