

单词 posterior
释义 pos·te·ri·or 英pɒˈstɪəriːə, pəʊ-美pɑˈstɪriɚ, po-AHDpŏ-stîrʹē-ər, pō- ☆☆☆☆☆高四GT宝COCA²⁰¹²⁴BNC³⁰⁰²⁷iWeb¹⁰⁰⁹⁶

the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on;

he deserves a good kick in the butt

are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?

a tooth situated at the back of the mouth
located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structurecoming at a subsequent time or stage;

without ulterior argument

the mood posterior to

词根词缀: poster后面 + -ior形容词词尾posterior median后中脉posterior lobe后叶posterior nodule后节posterior canal后沟动posterior horn灰质后角,后角…posterior chamber后房posterior lip后唇posterior apophysis后内突posterior odds后验相对风险…posterior cell后生细胞radix posterior后根posterior pituitary垂体后叶,脑垂体后叶…posterior vein后脉posterior probability后验概率,事后概率…posterior dichotomy医 双下身联胎畸…posterior branch后枝posterior tubercle后结节posterior column后柱posterior sucker后吸盘posterior pole后极
GRE红宝书post后, terior-后面的
post- 后 + rior 较
GRE难词记忆posterior→post=after 在后面的比较级词根记忆post+erior表形容词,如:infeior低下的词根记忆post后+ erior ⇒后面的近义词 ass驴buns屁股can可以seat座位back后面butt烟蒂tail后部later后来after以后bum流浪汉rear后面的bottom底部tooshie屁股stern严厉的latter后者的next下一个的rump鸟尾部backside臀部tail end尾端rear end后部tush表示申斥behind在…之后fundament基础nates解臀部ulterior隐秘的following接着的subsequent随后的Fanny 范妮女子名…keister美俚屁股…prat臀部derriere臀部arse屁股back tooth后牙buttocks常复数臀部…hindquarters动物的臀及后腿…反义词 anterior前面的

用作名词A team of British academics has developed a mathematical formula to determine just how perfect yourposterioris.一个英国的学者小组发明一个能决定完美臀部的数学公式。adj.(rear
同义词 back,behind,hind,lastafter,dorsal,hinder,hindmost,in back of,retral
反义词 frontanterior,precedingadj.subsequent
同义词 following,latterafter,coming after,ensuing,later,next,postliminary,subsequential,succeeding
反义词 precedingpreviousnoun.behind of animate being
同义词 backside,derriere,fanny,rear end,rumpback,bottom,butt,buttocks,can,cheeks,duff,rear,seat,tail,tushhind part,keister,tail end,tokus
afteradjective following in position or time
afterwards,back,back of,behind,below,ensuing,hind,hindmost,in the rear,later,next,postliminary,rear,subsequential,subsequently,succeeding,thereafter
backadjective end
aback,abaft,aft,after,astern,back of,backward,behind,final,following,hind,hindmost,in the wake of,posterior,rear,rearmost,rearward,tail
backnoun end part
aft,back end,backside,extremity,far end,hindpart,hindquarters,posterior,rear,reverse,stern,tail,tail end,tailpiece
backsidenoun rear end
behindnoun buttocks
bottomnoun rear end
backside,behind,breech,bum,butt,buttocks,derriere,fanny,fundament,posterior,rear,rump,seat,tail,tush Summary of Background Data. Posterior spinal fusion for scoliosis is used widely in DMD, although the long-term pulmonary effects have not been well established.
背景资料. DMD患者的治疗中后路的脊柱融合情况使用很多,尽管长期的对肺组织功能的影响还未十分明了。 med66

The posterior lobe stores and releases hormones from the hypothalamus that control pituitary function, uterine contraction and milk release, and Blood pressure and fluid Balance.
后叶存储和释放下视丘分泌的激素,控制脑下垂体功能、使子宫收缩和乳汁释放,达到血压和血流平衡。 jukuu

Then the segmentation problem is formulated as Maximum a Posterior ProbabilityMAP estimation rule.
分割问题可以被转换成一种最大后验概率估计问题。 cnki

A posterior image of the body was found on the back of the shroud.
一个较晚的人体肖像也可以在裹尸布的背面被发现。 iciba

Aggressive medical work ups may be needed, but a single posterior surgical procedure will avoid the “ wait- and-see” approach often used for these patients.
进取的医疗方案可能是必要的,但单一的后路手术可避免“等待和观望”的态度往往对这些病人使用。 oaopdoc

Anatomically, the pancreas is about six inches long and two inches wide, weighs about3 ounces, and is situated in the posterior, upper left part of your abdomen.
从解剖学上讲,胰腺约6英寸长、2英寸宽,重量约3盎司,位于腹部左上侧的后部。 yeeyan

Based on a prior information on the reliability or on the hazard rate, the posterior distributions of reliability parameters, such as reliability, reliable life, are derived.
基于工程实践中关于可靠性的验前信息或失效率的验前信息,给出了可靠性参数,如可靠性、可靠寿命等的验后分布。 cnki

Experimentally blocking GABA to the posterior hypothalamus engenders the same response.
对后下丘脑阻断 GABA的实验也出现了同样的反应。 yeeyan

Extroverts have more brain activity in the posterior thalamus and posterior insula. These parts of the brain are associated with sensory input.
外向人的后侧丘脑,后侧岛叶比较活跃,而大脑的这两个部分是和知觉输入有关联的。 yeeyan

For one thing, the default network and PTSD both seem associated with the same areas of the brain such as the medial prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, and posterior cingulate cortex.
一方面,默认系统与 PTSD的相关脑区基本类似,比如内侧前额皮层,前后扣带回。 yeeyan

Further examination of the disc space showed residual osteophytes and posterior annulus.
进一步检查椎间隙发现有残余的骨赘和后方纤维环。 opoadoc.net

Gates's own experience, the posterior lobe of the20th century post- industrial era, technology and culture into a symbol.
盖茨本人的经历,成为20世纪后叶后工业时代技术文化走向的一种象征。 yeeyan

In all3 patients, posterior fusion was met with no complications and their curves were stable at follow-up.
在全部的3例患者中,后路融合并没有发生并发症,他们的弯曲度在随访期较为稳定。 oaopdoc

In the example in Figure2, a volume group named LV0 was created, leaving some free- space for other LVs or for posterior LV0 growth.
在图2的示例中,创建了一个称为 LV0的卷组,并给其他 LV留下了一些空间这些空间也可以用来应付 LV0以后的增长。 ibm

It can be divided into anterior eyelashes and follicles or posterior meibomian gland orifices inflammation.
它可被分为前部睫毛及滤泡或后部睑板腺开口炎症。 yeeyan

Objective. Determine the impact of infection on clinical outcome in patients undergoing posterior spinal fusion surgery.
目的:明确接受后方脊柱器械矫形融合术治疗的患者感染对临床结局的影响。 oaopdoc

Objective. We present a case of lumbar Charcot arthropathy successfully treated surgically using posterior3- column resection, spinal shortening, and fusion.
目的:我们行后路脊柱3柱切除、短缩、融合术成功地治疗了一例腰椎夏柯氏骨关节炎患者。 oaopdoc

Objective: The radial nerve is at risk during the posterior plating of the humerus.
目的:肱骨后方接骨板内固定手术中容易损伤桡神经。 mdchome

Objective: To study the CT and MRI features of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome PRES and assess their value.
目的:探讨可逆性后部脑病综合征 PRES CT与 MRI表现及诊断价值。 iciba

Pigmented cells in the anterior vitreous, vitreous hemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment, and elevation of the retina with or without retinal break are observed.
另外还可观察到前玻璃体内的色素细胞,玻璃体出血,后玻璃体脱离,视网膜抬高并伴有或不伴有破口。 yeeyan

Seen here is a mass of irregular, tortuous vessels over the left posterior parietal region.
这里看到的是位于左后顶骨区域的一团不规则,扭曲的血管。 iciba

Technically, back labor occurs when the fetus is in a posterior position, with its face up and the back of its head pressing against your sacrum, or the back of your pelvis.
从技术上来说,背阵痛发生在胎儿处于背对的位置,它的脸朝上而后脑勺紧靠你的骶骨或者骨盆后方。 yeeyan

The study sets up a new way for such patients on whom the posterior chamber lens implantation could not be performed before.
本研究给不能安放人工晶体的病人的后房型人工晶体植入术开辟了一新的手术,途径。 jukuu

We also observed an anteroposterior migration of medial edge epithelial cells, which may play an important role in posterior palate fusion.
作者还观察到中脊上皮细胞前后向的迁移,这种机制可能在后部腭板的融合中起到重要作用。 te-rm

We found that the increases in volume were in the anterior portion and not in the posterior portion as a function of exercise.
结果确如我们的猜想,锻炼增大了海马体前部的体积而非后部。 yeeyan




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