

单词 poster boy
释义 poster boy ˈpəustəbɔi 高短语³⁸⁴⁸⁶
代表人物形象; 典型

a male poster child Bryant who was once the clear cut poster boy for the post Jordan era of the NBA, is now the most polarizing figure in all of sports.
作为后乔丹时代曾被联盟确立为标志的球员之一,如今的渣科,可以说是体育界评论最两极化的人物。 vvcha

“ He's become the poster boy for the fight against corruption, ” Mr. Matas told the court via telephone from Berlin.
身在柏林的马塔斯通过电话对法庭表示,“他已成为反腐败事业的象征”。 yeeyan

After leaving21 Jump Street , he said “ I didn't want to be a poster boy, so the fight began.”
在离开《龙虎少年队》后,戴普说:「我不想成为海报明星,所以开始反抗这样的形象。」 icili

He's the poster boy for a growing cabal of TV anti- heroes.
他只是反英雄剧集的密谋增长的一个噱头。 yeeyan

His jerky shrug and stolid willingness to ask how high when told to jump has made him the reigning poster boy for Japan's edgy, independent film industry.
在被要求跳下时,他傻乎乎地耸肩并漫不经心地问有多高,这一切使他占满了日本边缘独立电影工业的海报。 group.m.mtime.com

Jong, who was born to South Korean parents, is regarded as something of a socialist poster boy after rejecting offers from Japan and South Koreato represent the North.
郑大世的父母是韩国人。 他拒绝了日本和韩国的邀请而选择代表朝鲜,由此被看作一个典型的社会主义者。 yeeyan

Liu is a China poster boy; its sports officials have made no secret that anything less than gold is unacceptable.
刘翔作为中国的模范,中国体育官员曾毫不隐瞒的表示,刘翔拿不到金牌将是件令人无法接受的事情。 edu.sina.com.cn

Obama aggressively joined other officials in criticizing American International Group, the company that is fast becoming the poster boy for Americans' bailout blues.
奥巴马积极地参与了其他官员对美国国际集团AIG的批评。这家公司正迅速成为美国救助咏叹调的典型代表。 yeeyan

This guy was a poster boy for poor body language.
这家伙简直就是可以差肢体语言的代言人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Until2007, Yang Bin could have been a poster boy for the new middle class that has emerged in China.
直到2007年,杨斌音还很可能成为中国新兴中产阶级中的一员。 common-talk




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