

单词 postage
释义 post·age 英ˈpəʊstɪdʒ美ˈpostɪdʒAHDpōʹstĭj ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IST4COCA²⁰¹¹⁵BNC¹²²⁴⁶iWeb⁹¹⁷⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²


amount charged or paid for carrying letters, etc. by post

the charge for mailing somethinga small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paid词根词缀: post= -posit- 放置→邮递 + -age名词词尾
用作名词 n.
动词+~pay the postage付邮资~+名词postage stamp邮票~+后置定语postage due欠邮费postage free〔paid〕免付〔已付〕邮资~+介词postage for parcel包裹的邮资postage on the letter信件的邮费
方振宇词汇奥秘pos放,置+t-age集合/活动/动作表示集合名词、总称→邮递信的时候需要放下的一些资金→邮费,邮资钱博士post邮递-age集合/活动/动作抽象名词后缀,表行为及其手段⇒邮寄,邮递行为;邮资,邮费手段post邮递-age集合/活动/动作抽象名词后缀,表行为及其手段⇒邮寄,邮递行为;邮资,邮费手段。谐音记忆邮件post根据它的路途年龄age来算邮费∶耗时3天和5天邮费不同非常记忆post邮件-age集合/活动/动作年龄⇒发邮件时按年龄收邮费词根记忆post邮政-age集合/活动/动作费用→邮费,邮资词根记忆post-age集合/活动/动作钱,状态近义词 stamp邮票postage stamp邮票
用作名词n.The bill was $10, plus $1 for postage.账款是十美元,再加上一美元邮费。
What is the postage on this parcel?寄个包裹要多少钱?
用作名词It costs a pound, plus ten pence forpostage.这东西值一镑,另加邮费十便士。
What is thepostagefor an air letter?寄一封航空信的邮费要多少? An Iraqi terrorist, Khay Rahnajet, didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb.
伊拉克的名叫凯·拉纳加的恐怖分子在寄一个装有炸弹的邮件时没有付够邮资。 hjenglish

An Iraqi terrorist, Khay Rahnajet, didn’t pay enough postage on a letter bomb.
Khay Rahnajet是伊拉克的一名恐怖分子,他在邮寄一个炸弹时没有付够邮资。 hjenglish

Some 65% of the world's national Posts now offer online services, including online bill payments16%, e- postage services13% and delivery of items against e- signatures10%.
现在65%左右的国内邮政提供网上服务,其中包括网上账单付费业务16%,电子邮票服务13%,电子签名投递服务10%。 hjenglish

The note came with5 cents postage due; the framed envelope is a family heirloom.
信笺邮寄时欠了5美分邮资,肯尼迪家把这个信封放入镜框,作为传家宝保存。 ecocn

The sender of a message is responsible only for using the correct packaging, supplying an accurate address, and applying the appropriate postage.
消息的发送方只负责使用正确的包装,提供正确的地址,并附上适当的邮资。 ibm

The sum covers the cost inclusive of postage.

“ Less than the cost of a postage stamp a day!” crowed Democrats.
民主党人士夸耀到“这比每天购买的邮票支出都还要少!” ecocn

All they care about is how much we spend on postage and phone calls. They don't care if you are the best salesman in the place.
他们关心的就是我们在邮票和电话上花了多少钱,至于你是不是这个公司最好的推销员他们根本不管。 hxen

Article 18. Postage certificates sold shall not be cashed in postal enterprises or their branch offices.
第十八条售出的邮资凭证不得向邮政企业及其分支机构兑换现金。 ebigear

But, the postage is much higher than the regular package.
但是邮资会比一般包裹贵出很多。 hjenglish

Excuse me, can you tell me what the postage is on this parcel to New York?
打扰一下,请问这个包裹寄往纽约要多少邮资? hxen

Furthermore, students have to pay international postage to send letters, something the students might be unwilling to do.
还有,学生在邮信的时候还需要付邮资,这可能也是学生们不愿接受的。 hjenglish

I've seen students photocopy exams down to the size of a postage stamp.

If the postage stamp of the Queen is placed upside down that is considered treason.
如果印有女王头像的邮票贴倒了,那么对不起,你犯了叛国罪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Increased efficiency in packaging and postage helped him manage the rapid growth.
高效的包装与配送使他的生意得以快速增长。 yeeyan

Last but not least, you have to pay for postage.
最后,你还不得不付邮资。 hxen

Pay your bills online and save a tree and42 cents on postage.
在线支付你的帐单,这样能挽救一棵树并能省下42美分的邮费。 yeeyan

So over the past three years, the company and its overseas suppliers have begun stockpiling more postage- machine components.
因此,在过去三年中,这家公司和他们在海外的供应商都开始储备更多的邮政机械零部件。 yeeyan

Some companies in China use company stamps, which are basically the equivalent of postage meters in the West, except that they are more personalized for each company.
有些中国的公司用自己的邮戳来寄信。这和西方的某些公司用自己的简便邮票相似,只是这些邮票更加有公司个性的体现。 edu.sina.com.cn

What's the postage for this letter?
这封信的邮资是多少? ebigear




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