

单词 possibilities
释义 pos·si·bil·i·ty 英ˌpɒsə'bɪləti美ˌpɑːsə'bɪləti COCA⁴⁶⁰⁶BNC³²⁰⁵Economist⁷³⁵³

state of being possible; likelihood


event that may happen; prospect

P可以利用和改善的余地; 潜力

capability of being used or improved; potential

a future prospect or potential;

this room has great possibilities

capability of existing or happening or being true;

there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired

a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena;

a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory

he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices

a possible alternative;

bankruptcy is always a possibility

用作名词 n.
动词+~avoid〔prove, remove〕 the possibility of避免〔证明,消除〕…的可能exclude〔raise〕 possibility排除〔产生〕可能性prevent the possibility of防止…的可能see a possibility of认识到…的可能形容词+~bare〔remote〕 possibility微弱〔极小〕的可能fresh possibility新的可能性good〔strong〕 possibility极〔很〕有可能名词+~trade possibility贸易的可能性介词+~beyond the -ties of one human life一个人一生不可能做的by any possibility倘有可能out of〔within〕 the bounds of possibility在可能的范围外〔内〕~+介词-ties for women's work妇女工作的可能性possibility of snow可能下雪possibility of success成功的可能
近义词 risk危险odds机率good好的hazard危险theory学说odds-on胜算opening开口chance可能性prospect希望hypothesis假说expectation预料good chance大概likelihood可能性potentiality潜力contingent代表团favourable赞成的probability可能性feasibility可行性eventuality不测的事practicability可行性plausibility似有道理good prospect经 有希望反义词 impossibility不可能之事
用作名词n.Is there any possibility that you'll be back by the weekend?周末以前你有可能回来吗?
There is one possibility of changing jobs.换工作是有可能的事。
Jane is a possibility as a wife for Richard.简可能成为理查德的妻子。
The plan has greatpossibilities.这计划很可能成功。

possibility后不能接动词不定式,可接“of sth/ v -ing”结构或that同位语从句。

用作名词I see greatpossibilitiesin the scheme.我看这计划很可能成功。
We must accept thepossibilitythat we might be wrong.我们必须承认,我们有可能搞错了。
She saw thepossibilitiesof the scheme from the beginning.她从一开始就预见到这计划可能成功。
We can't exclude thepossibilitythat it will rain.我们不能排除天会下雨的可能性。
She thought of severalpossibilities.她考虑了几种可能的情况。
The idea has tremendouspossibilities.这个想法极具潜在价值。noun.potential
同义词 capabilities,potentiality,promise,prospects,talent
反义词 impossible
fieldnoun persons taking part in competition
applicants,candidates,competition,competitors,contestants,entrants,entries,nominees,participants,runners And that was more excitement around the possibilities of this world.

The information covered in this article allows for any or all of these possibilities.
本文中所涵盖的信息适用于这些可能性中的任意一种或全部。 ibm

The possibilities might be limitless, but if you need to solve problems now, then the solution is to hybridize parts of the language.
可能性是无限的,但是如果你需要现在就解决它,那么解决之道也许是杂交部分语言特性。 yeeyan

“ Scientific conviction comes primarily from experimental results, but it's also the job of us theorists to, if you like, bash out all the possibilities, like monkeys on a typewriter,” he says.
“科学信念主要来自实验结果,但也是我们的理论家为工作,如果你喜欢,痛击掉所有的可能性,就像坐在一台打字机前的猴子,”他说。 www.youfind.com.cn

“ We think there are all kinds of possibilities,” Mr Chen says.
“我们认为存在各种各样的可能性,”陈戌源表示。 readfree

All of the considerations and possibilities discussed in the previous architectures apply between the middle tier service and the downstream service, although they are not shown in Figure9.
在前面的体系结构中所讨论的所有注意事项和可能性也适用于中间层服务和下游服务之间,尽管在图9中并未显示这一特性。 ibm

An experiment in potential and possibilities.
一个关于潜力和可能性的试验。 yeeyan

But can we not agree to be aware of the possibilities?
但是,难道我们不需要去了解这种可能性吗? fortunechina

But just as has been true in Lebanon, what can be true in Iran as well is that you're seeing people looking at new possibilities.
然而正如黎巴嫩所发生的情况那样,伊朗的确也可能发生同样的情况,也就是你会看到人民在展望新的可能性。 ebigear

He ruminated over various possibilities concerning his future.

I hope this column has not only clarified the confusion but has also helped you see those possibilities.
我希望这篇专栏文章不仅能帮您消除疑惑,而且能帮您了解这些可能性。 ibm

Illustrating these various possibilities is beyond the scope of this article so I leave it as an exercise for you to explore on your own.
详细的研究这些可能性超出了本文的范围,因此,我把它作为一个练习留给您自己去探讨。 ibm

In the details of the history, we see all the possibilities for other futures.
在历史的细节中,我们可以看到所有的其他未来的可能性。 yeeyan

It isn’t necessary for teachers to teach something in all eight ways, just for them to see what the possibilities are, and then decide which particular pathways align best with the topic.
这并不是要老师们教东西时八种方式都要用到,仅仅是让他们看到还有什么样的可能性,然后再决定什么样的方式组合最适合那个主题。 yeeyan

It will bring new possibilities into your beliefs and your life.
它将给你的信念和生活带来新的可能性。 ebigear

Let us explore the possibilities for improvement.

Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.
我们的目的是和你们探讨一下发展贸易的可能性。 examw

There seem to be so many different options, each with myriad branching possibilities, many of which lead in opposite directions, but all equally tempting.
看起来有那么多选择,每种选择又都有无数种发展可能性,其中很多可能会指向相反的、但同样诱人的方向。 yeeyan

These are possibilities in our future, just as in the future of Greece.

These may not be likely outcomes, but they are possibilities that have the markets on edge.
这些情况也许不是可能发生的结果,但是它们却有着把市场置于危险边缘的可能性。 ecocn

This opens up some very interesting possibilities for the primary partition or some secondary partitions, as the tasks they are accomplishing may not require the use of a full CPU.
这为主分区或一些从分区带来了一些非常有趣的可能性,因为它们正在完成的任务可能不需要使用一个完全的 CPU。 ibm

This really is a powerful concept, and you can see the possibilities it has to offer.
这实际上是一个强大的概念,并且您可以看到它提供的可能性。 ibm

We certainly need to know where we are going in life, but we also need to remain open to new possibilities.
我们当然需要知道自己在人生中将要去向何处。但是我们仍然需要对新的可能性敞开心怀。 yeeyan

We will look at how to diagnose each of these possibilities.
我们将一一查看如何诊断这些可能性。 ibm

When you adopt this mentality you will begin to create real wealth, because you will see the limitless possibilities; soon you will be living the life of your dreams.
当你有了这种心态,你会因了解到了这种无限的可能性,而开始创造真正的财富,不久你便会拥有你梦想中的那种生活了。 yeeyan

Yes, there are many interesting technical possibilities, but they require strong cooperation between the IT and business departments.
不错,的确有许多有趣的技术可能性,但它们都需要 IT和业务部门的密切协作。 ibm




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