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词汇 posse
释义 pos·se 英ˈpɒsiː美ˈpɑsiAHDpŏsʹē ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA²²⁹⁷³BNC²⁶⁸⁰⁴iWeb²⁰⁰⁸¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a temporary police force来自拉丁语短语 posse comitatuspower of the county,郡县武装力量,原本指中世纪欧洲,由郡县治安官组织的用于维持地方治安的民防团。其中的posse表示力量、能力,是英语词根poss-能够,可能的词源。拉丁语posse comitatus进入英语后,逐渐被简化为posse,词义也得到了泛化,除了表示民防团外,还可以表示各种各样的“一队人马”,如乐队或帮派。in posse可能地
词源解释来自拉丁语短语 posse comitatuspower of the county,郡县武装力量,原本指中世纪欧洲,由郡县治安官组织的用于维持地方治安的民防团。其中的posse表示力量、能力,是英语词根poss-能够,可能的词源。拉丁语posse comitatus进入英语后,逐渐被简化为posse,词义也得到了泛化,除了表示民防团外,还可以表示各种各样的“一队人马”,如乐队或帮派。
GRE红宝书读: 炮死-用炮才能打死-因为他们有武装, 而且不是一个人-民防团
possess 占有,为了拥有占有而组织起来的人
poss力量+e→武装力量⇒地方武装力量,民防团。联想记忆民防团posse摆pose近义词 mob暴民group群gang一群band乐队party聚会clique派系company公司crew全体船员militia民兵组织posse comitatus法 武装力量…

用作名词Theposserode down the escaping bank robber.一队警察驾车追上了正在逃跑的银行抢动犯。
I come in here with myposseand my deputies but he doesn't like that.我上任的时候把我的团队和副手都带过来了,而他不喜欢我这样。
They got apossetogether, and went off to guard the river bank, and as soon as it is light the sheriff and a gang are going to beat up the woods.他们调集了一队人马,部署在河岸上,担任守卫工作。 等天亮后,警长还亲自带一帮人到森林去搜查。
Theposseare pursuing the thief.武装队正追捕那贼。
The sheriff said that thepossecould head off the outlaws at the pass.那位行政司法长官说,警察们可以在关口截住那些亡命之徒。noun.vigilantes
同义词 detachmentarmed band,lynch mob,search partynoun.gang
同义词 band,crowd,multitude,throng,vigilantesearch party
SWAT teamnoun special weapons and tactics team
Gestapo,posse comitatus,swat
brigadenoun fleet of trained people
circlenoun group of close friends, associates
cliquenoun group of friends
corpsnoun group trained for action
crewnoun group working together
aggregation,assemblage,band,bevy,bunch,cluster,collection,company,complement,congregation,corps,covey,crowd,faction,gang,hands,herd,horde,lot,mob,organization,pack,party,posse,retinue,sailors,sect,set,squad,swarm,team,troop,troupe,workers,working party And, of course, David Allen has a posse.
当然 David Allen有他的拥护者。 yeeyan

It is in everybody’s interest that Sheriff Obama and the Republican posse work together. But a shoot-out seems more likely.
奥巴马和共和党的合作合乎每一个人的利益,不过他们之间更可能出现的,是一场你死我活的争斗。 ecocn

The French blogosphere, too, is filled with caustic anti- Sarkozy commentary, mocking everything from his taste for Rolex watches to his overbearing posse of bodyguards and his tough policies on crime.
法国博客圈也充斥着尖刻的反萨科奇评论,从他对劳力士表的品味到气势汹汹的保镖和在犯罪上的强硬政策。 ecocn

The ultimate goal of becoming more social isn’t to sleep with the most attractive person at the bar, or to have a posse of friends who follow you.
变得更合群的终极目标并不是在酒吧与最有魅力的人发生性关系,也不是拥有一群追随你的朋友。 yeeyan

Within days of Atonement hitting screens in 2007, Kiera Knightley's emerald gown had a posse of admiring fans, its design sexier than any mid-1930s dress would have been.
随着2007年电影《赎罪》的上映,片中凯拉。奈特莉的一袭祖母绿长裙一时间吸引了众多粉丝,这套复古礼服的设计要比20世纪30年代中期所有的礼服都性感。 yeeyan

A posse of senior officials have stressed that the ties to Israel are unbreakable.
一群高级官员也强调,美以关系牢不可破。 ecocn

A posse of BDR men carrying automatic rifles interrupted it.
此时,一队手持自动步枪的士兵干扰会议。 ecocn

Both sides have a stubborn narrative of righteous victimhood, each promoted eloquently by its respective posse of indignant partisans.
双方都有自己坚称正义的受害者心态,他们各自愤慨的游击队更是给这种心态火上浇油。 ecocn

But J Street’s first job has been to rebut a posse of detractors who question how “pro- Israel” it really is.
但是对 J Street而言,首要任务是反驳那些质疑他们“爱以色列”的真实性的一群批判者。 ecocn

But now she decided to skip her post- class musing-on-the- mats routine, head straight for the Serenity Posse II meeting on Amsterdam.
可是现在她决意不例行课后坐毯子上冥想,径直前去阿姆斯特丹区平稳互助见面会二期。 yeeyan

FEW days before Christmas, your correspondent found himself in a long line of cars inching forward as a posse of cops randomly selected drivers for a sobriety check.
圣诞节前几天,记者发现自己位于一长串车龙里,缓缓前行,此时一队警察抽查司机进行酒精测试。 yeeyan

His father, Lester Coke, was a leader of the infamous Shower Posse— the gang which, according to the American indictment, his son now runs.
他的爸爸,莱斯特.科克 Lester Coke,是臭名昭著的“阵雨团”Shower Posse的头目——根据美方的控告,他的儿子现正在带领着这团伙。 ecocn

I was coming back from the hospital with my son Peter who was sick. I stepped out of a taxi and there were all these cameras, a whole posse of photographers.
我和生病的儿子 Peter一起从医院回家,下了出租车后周围都是相机,一大群摄像师。 hjenglish

Madoff is hanging out with a' homosexual posse,' although the relationships are reportedly purely platonic, say sources.
马多夫正和一个“同性恋团体”打得火热,虽然据线人们说他和该团体成员的关系纯粹是柏拉图式的。 iciba

Messrs Gonzales and Rove and the rest of the Texas posse now have the luxury of spending their retirements in their home state.
现在,冈萨雷斯、罗夫和得州圈子里其他诸位先生,有的是时间在老家打发退职后的日子。 ecocn

Mr Wilders now moves only with a posse of bodyguards, and lives at a secret location.
威尔德斯先生现在外出都带有一票保镖,而且住所非常隐秘。 ecocn

One strategy could be to find a high- flyer and stick close. Even if joining their posse is out of reach, there are still horses to be fed and watered.
一个策略就是找到一个有大抱负的人并紧密跟随,即使加入这类人的小团体很困难,但他们总有日常琐事要处理。 ecocn

She formed a“ posse” with other young women with cancer.
她同患有癌症的妇女们成立了一个“群社”。 yeeyan

The American administration may quibble about multilateral law enforcement on some issues. But its cyber- sheriffs want an international posse, as soon as possible.
美国当局可能在某些问题的多边执法方面含糊其辞,但其网络安全官需要一个国际武装队,越快越好。 ecocn

They were shot by a posse of four Texas and two Louisiana officers.
他们被一队由4名得克萨斯军官和2名路易斯安娜军官组成的地方武装枪杀身亡。 yeeyan

With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers.
他带着一帮地方武装分子,闯进了大学报告厅,把滚烫的柏油倾倒在教授身上,然后把羽毛沾在上面。 ecocn




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