

单词 positivist
释义 pos·i·tiv·ist 英'pɑzətɪvɪst美'pɑzətɪvɪst 高COCA⁴⁸⁹⁴¹BNC²⁴¹⁴²iWeb⁴²⁴⁰⁸
someone who emphasizes observable facts and excludes metaphysical speculation about origins or ultimate causes
of or relating to positivism;

positivist thinkers

positivist doctrine

positive philosophy

positiv-ist…的人⇒adj.实证主义的n.实证哲学家²⁷;实证主义者⁴⁶近义词 positive积极的rationalist纯理论者positivisticpositivism的形…

用作形容词In thepositivistapproach, they are the same.在实证主义的分析方法中,它们是相同的。用作名词Now it is perhaps thepositivist's turn to beat a hasty retreat.现在或许该轮到实证主义法学派来进行反驳了。 At present, the education established on the basis of positivist theory suffers a serious dilemma, which is substantially the crisis of positivist theory of knowledge.
建立在实证主义知识论基础上的现代社会教育正面临根本困境,教育的危机本质上是实证主义知识观的危机。 cnki

He then pointed out positivist spirit embodies the connotation of positivism in a centralized way, and observation and reasonable prediction is the main characteristics of positivism.
孔德指出,实证精神集中体现了实证主义的内涵,观察和合理的预测是实证精神的主要特性。 cnki

The development of Chinese Positivist Historiography is a miniature of the modernization of Chinese historiography.
中国实证主义史学发展历程是中国史学近代化的一个缩影。 cnki

“ Pure Jurisprudence”, advocated by Kelson, is the major school in Western analytical Positivist jurisprudence.
凯尔森首倡的“纯粹法学”是西方法哲学中分析实证主义法学的一个主要流派。 cnki

Analytical- positivist jurisprudence presupposes some social facts as its precondition and basement of discussion in its essential points and methods.
分析实证主义法学的基本观点和方法中预设了若干社会性事实作为其论证的前提和基础。 cnki

Based on a large amount of literature and a positivist research, the paper makes an in- depth and detailed analysis of the ten misunderstandings of the “ exchange market for technology” strategy.
本文在查阅大量文献和进行实证研究的基础上,对“以市场换技术”的十大认识误区进行了详细深入的剖析。 cnki

Classical sociology emerges as a reaction to this form of positivist scientific thought.
古典社会学的出现是对这种实证主义的唯科学主义思想的反动。 kuenglish

Especially by introducing natural science into historiography, Chinese positivist historiography promoted the scientific process of historiography.
尤其是它提倡把自然科学引入史学的观点促进了史学科学化的进程。 cnki

From the logical positivist perspective, rationality concerns the selection of preferred behavior alternatives in terms of some system of values whereby the consequences of behavior can be evaluated.
从逻辑实证主义的视角,理性是从一些价值系统的方面关注对首选行为选项的选择的,凭借这种价值系统可以评价行为的结果。 yeeyan

If you are a“ positivist” or“ think positively” and also hold a non- dualistic philosophy, these two paths seem to conflict with each other.
如果你是个乐观主义者,或者想法积极的人,而且秉持着非二元性的哲学,这两条路之间看起来好像是冲突的。 yeeyan

She began her positivist study of the MNC localization process in China in1996.
她于1996年开始对跨国公司的本地化问题进行实证研究。 lnimba

The present movement of social constructionism is but a continuation of anti- positivist tradition into the post- modernist situation.
当下的“社会建构论运动”正是反实证主义传统在后现代境况中的继续。 cnki

The view of education based on the positivist knowledge theory makes us only focus on knowledge instead of belief and morality while constructing our education ideal.
由于这种奠基于实证主义知识论基础上的教育观,使得我们在教育理念设计上只见知识,而失落了信仰和德性品质。 cnki

The positivist arrives at his point of view surreptitiously.
实证主义者的观点往往是“润物细无声”。 yeeyan

The positivist doctrine implies that nature and reality, in providing the sense data that the protocol sentences register, write their own story upon the white sheet of the human mind.
实证论意含著:自然与本体,藉提供基本型式的语句所记录的感官资料,把它们自己的故事写在人心这张白纸上。 douban

Then, through positivist proof, it studies the present financial situation of the private high-tech enterprises in Zhejiang province from both perspectives of demand and supply of capital.
其后,通过实证的方式研究浙江省民营高科技企业的融资现状主要从资金的需求、供给两个角度进行研究。 cnki

This dissertation applies both interpretive and positivist approaches to testify the two hypotheses proposed by author through questionnaire and case study.
本文运用实证和解释性的方法,通过问卷调查和个案研究对作者提出的两个假设进行了论证。 cnki

Positivist Historiography played an important role of connection in the development of historiography, making idea foundation for the development of Marxism historiography in China.
实证主义史学在史学发展史上起了承上启下的作用,为马克思主义史学在中国的发展奠定了思想基础。 cnki




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