

单词 positive number
释义 positive number 英'pɒzɪtɪv 'nʌmbə美'pɑːzɪtɪv 'nʌmbər MSG短语⁹⁰²⁰
A positive number defines the number of seconds a cache entry exists in the cache.
整数定义缓存条目在缓存中存在的秒数值。 ibm

And there's a bigger number than this, so it's a positive number overall.
这是一个很大的数,所以这边总的来说是正数。 open.163.com

This squared is always a positive number and not a negative.
平方项永远是不小于0的。 open.163.com

Consequently, each element should be a non- zero positive number.
因此,每个项目应该为非零的正数。 microsoft

Everything inside the parenthesis is positive, so minus a positive number.
而其中间的一切,也是正数,所以正数的相反是负数。 v.163.com

Figure9 shows the percent CPU usage savings positive number or loss negative for each of the major tasks running in both DPARs.
图9显示了针对每一运行在两个 DPAR 上的主要任务, CPU使用量节省正值或损失负值的百分比。 ibm

Five is a positive number.
五加四的和是九。 dictall

I'm pressing on the gas. So I expect that to be a positive number. The pressure is constant0 p. The V goes from V1 to zero.
我们对气体加压,所以这应该是一个正数,压强是常数, p, V从 V1变成。 open.163.com

If“ Income From Operations” is a positive number, then your base business is profitable.
如果“运营利润”是正数,那么你的基本业务是盈利的。 yeeyan

If it is a positive number, the number specifies the number of pixels by which to raise the text selection above the baseline.
如果为正数,此数字指定在基线上方提升选定文本的像素数。 microsoft

It's a positive number.
它是正数。 open.163.com

Mr. Ward: “ Brian, what's4 plus a positive number?”
沃兹先生:“布莱恩,4加一个正数等于几?” edu.sina.com.cn

No positive number, no negative number. That's a zero.
没有正数,没有负数,只是个零。 v.163.com

So if it went up yesterday, it will more likely go up today, because I'm throwing in a positive number, otherwise a negative number.
所以如果它昨天涨了,那么它几天张的可能性也就比较大,因为我给它的是一个正值,否则就是一个负值。 v.163.com

Though any positive number is OK, it's best if the operating cash flow exceeds the net income top line for the same period.
虽然任何正值都是好的,但如果经营性现金流在同一时期超过净收入在表的第一行是最好的。 yeeyan

To be a positive number.
以保证他是个正数。 open.163.com

Well, the first thing I know is that this is a positive number.
好,我们知道的第一件事是这是一个正数。 open.163.com

What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from1 to20?
那么能被1到20所有的数的整除的最小的正数是多少呢? emuch.net

Yes, it's a terrible investment: if you get out your calculator and run one of those discounted cash flow calculations that MBAs favour, you'll find it hard to come up with a positive number.
是的,这是一个糟糕的投资:如果你拿出计算器并运行那些备受MBA们厚爱的贴现现金流计算公式中的任何一个,你都会发现很难得到一个正数。 topsage

You picked a positive number.
你选择了一个正数。 v.163.com

Zero is neither positive number nor negative number.
零既不是正数,也不是负数。 www.hkedu.sh.cn




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