

单词 positive displacement
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The consecutive life of the positive displacement motor depends on its main shaft bearing assembly, but the assembly is a weak point.
螺杆钻具主轴轴承总成是螺杆钻具的薄弱环节,对整个螺杆钻具的使用寿命起决定性作用。 dictall

The characteristics of positive displacement flow meter are introduced, and the main factors for lectotype and the matters needing attention in the application are discussed.
介绍了容积式流量计的特点,探讨了选型的主要因素和应用的注意事项。 dictall

The influence of the injected gas volume on the output performance of positive displacement motorPDM is obvious in the process of aerated UBD.
在充气欠平衡钻井过程中,气体的注入量对马达的输出特性影响较大。 cnki

Because all oil pumps are positive displacement types, a pressure regulator valve must be used as a safeguard against excessively high oil pressures in the lubrication system.
以为所有的机油泵是容积泵,必须使用压力调节阀,防止在润滑系中机油压力过高。 bjqxxx

Calculation results show that greater friction force exist between drill stem and wall of bore in tripping out and drilling using PDM positive displacement motor working conditions.
计算结果表明,起钻和井底动力钻具钻进两种工况,钻柱与井壁间有较大的摩擦力。 chemyq

Flexible shaft is a key component of positive displacement motor, it is also a main vulnerable parts.
挠性轴是螺杆钻具中的关键零部件,也是易失效件之一。 chemyq

For positive displacement pumps a pressure relief by-pass line including a time-controlled valve with slow action is recommended.
对于容积泵,推荐带有缓动时间控制阀的泄压支管。 zftrans

On line instruments, such as turbine meter, vortex meter and positive displacement meter are usually used for crude oil metering in oil fields.
计量分离器中常用涡轮流量计、涡街流量计或齿轮流量计等在线式仪表计量原油产量。 chemyq

Screw pump is a positive displacement rotary pumps, when the export side blocked after, the pressure will gradually increase, so that the pressure exceeds a predetermined value.
螺杆泵是一种容积式回转泵,当出口端受阻以后,压力会逐渐升高,以至于超过预定的压力值。 bengfawj

Slurry is metered to the tine by a positive displacement pump.
用一台容积泵测量泥浆尖头。 nciku

The characteristics of internal gearing for a pair of stator and rotor on positive displacement motors PDM are introduced.
应用齿轮啮合理论,建立了螺杆马达定子与转子工作副的通用共轭线形方程。 cnki

The timing pump is a positive displacement pump set to ensure that product flows through the entire system at a predetermined and acceptable rate.
这种调速泵是一个容积式泵,用来确保产品以确定的可接受的速率流过整个设备。 dictall

These positive displacement rotary gear pumps include just three moving parts.
该旋转齿轮泵,只有三个运动部件。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

Understanding and acquisition of force characteristic on positive displacement drill are essential to correct design and application of steering power drill in horizontal drilling.
了解和掌握水平井螺杆钻具的受力特征,是正确设计和使用水平井导向动力钻具的基础。 chemyq

Positive displacement piston pumps use a piston to force material through a needle.




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