释义 |
Positive clone 基本例句 阳性克隆 Thin recombinant with the cDNA ~crt fragment was released frc the positive clone and was di ?z; tcJ with EcoRI; the eDNA fra, ent was 2kb in length.释放质粒后,进行酶切鉴定,该阳性克隆cDNA插入片段的大小为2kb左右。 Blast analysis displayed one of the Northern blot positive clone is homologous with autotaxin gene, and another is homologous with calcyclin gene.对这13个克隆进行测序和Blast同源序列分析表明,其中一个Northern杂交阳性克隆与autotaxin基因同源,另一个与钙周期蛋白基因同源。 Methods:Screening peptide library with EAN serum. Identified positive clone by ELISA and compared similarity between positive clone and LPS of Campylobacter jejuni.方法 :采用噬菌体呈现技术对 8个EAN模型血清抗体进行肽库筛选 ,并将获得的克隆用ELISA方法进行阳性鉴定 ,以及将阳性克隆与空肠弯曲菌LPS相似性进行比较。 The recombinant plasmid was transformed into the yeast strain S. cerevisiae BJ1990 to carry out the primary expression experiment. In culture supernant of screened positive clone, the hirudin activity was detected to be 30 ATU/ml.用正确的重组表达质粒转入酿酒酵母BJ1990细胞进行了初步表达实验,在筛选出的阳性克隆的培养上清中检测出的水蛭素活性为30ATU/ml,表达量达4mg/L。 MBD1 siRNAs had beensuccessfully integrated into the plasmid. MBD1 siRNAs vector was transfected intopancreatic cancer cell AsPC-1 by liposome.Positive clonewas obtained by the screenof G-418.采用脂 质 体 介 导 的 方 法 将 MBD1siRNAs 表 达 质 粒 转 染 胰 腺 癌 细 胞 系AsPC-1,通过 G-418 的筛选获得稳定表达 MBD1siRNAs 的阳性克隆。 |