

单词 audiobook
释义 audiobook 英ɔːdiːəʊ'bʊk美ɔːdiːəʊ'bʊk 高COCA⁵⁶⁰⁰⁵iWeb¹⁴⁸²⁹
An audiobook is a recording of a book being read aloud.
有声读物以声音来读书。 www.360doc.com

Read and write together. Make time every day for reading. Read aloud to the kids, or have the whole family spend time with their own books, or listen to an audiobook.
每天要留出读书的时间,或大声念给孩子们听,或全家人一起看各自喜爱的书,再或围坐聆听有声读物。 yeeyan

Cushioned ear pads block out most external noise, and active noise-canceling technology scrubs out anything else that could get between you and a good audiobook.
耳麦处都配有软垫,能够阻挡外部噪音。先进的防噪音技术能够使您与音乐零距离接触。 blog.sina.com.cn

Dreams from My Father was reissued and became a huge bestseller; Obama won a Grammy award for the audiobook.
《从父亲开始的梦想》被再版并且成为一本销量巨大的畅销书;他的演讲还被作为有声读物使他荣获“格莱美奖”。 yeeyan

I have to buy a birthday present for my grandmother. I think I might get her an audiobook.
我得给我的奶奶买一份生日礼物。我想我也许可以送她一本有声图书。 oralpractice

Instead, she listens to music or an audiobook while in the car or cooking.
现在,当她开车或准备膳食时,取代新闻的是音乐和有声读物。 yeeyan

No Crime and Punishment audiobook?
没有有声版的《犯罪与惩罚》? yeeyan

One Marmite promotion, to get a free audiobook featuring the children's character Horrid Henry, registered a scored of up to 5.8 among the consumers.
有一个促销马麦酱的活动,购买者能免费获得一本儿童有声读物《调皮的亨利》,对此消费者的兴奋水平达到了5.8级。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Recently I’ve been listening to an audiobook about the history of Google.
最近我在听有关谷歌历史的有声书。 yeeyan

Some days ago, I listened to the audiobook of Somerset Maugham's autobiography The Summing Up.
我记得以前,我听毛姆自传《总结》的音频书籍。 blog.sina.com.cn




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