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词汇 Portugal
释义 Por·tu·gal 英ˈpɔːtʃəgəl, ˈpəʊr-美ˈpɔrtʃəgəl, ˈpor-AHDpôrʹchə-gəl, pōrʹ- 高Economist³¹⁷⁷

a republic in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; Portuguese explorers and colonists in the 15th and 16th centuries created a vast overseas empire including Brazil2000多年前,当罗马帝国向伊比利亚半岛西部扩张时,罗马人发现现葡萄牙北部杜罗河人海口、今日葡萄牙第二大城市波尔图所在之地是一个天然良港,于是在此地修筑城堡,并命名为Portus Cale波图卡莱,意为“Cale港”。其中的cale一词可能来自拉丁语calere温暖,或希腊语callis美丽的有关。其后数百年间,罗马商人和殖民者源源不断从意大利半岛迁徙至此,于是这个城镇便渐渐兴旺起来。Portus Cale所指区域逐渐扩大,直到包括整个葡萄牙。而Portus Cale的拼写也逐渐演变为Portugal。钱博士port港口+u连接字母+gal=Cale,现波尔图市所在地→Cale港⇒葡萄牙
词源解释2000多年前,当罗马帝国向伊比利亚半岛西部扩张时,罗马人发现现葡萄牙北部杜罗河人海口、今日葡萄牙第二大城市波尔图所在之地是一个天然良港,于是在此地修筑城堡,并命名为Portus Cale波图卡莱,意为“Cale港”。其中的cale一词可能来自拉丁语calere温暖,或希腊语callis美丽的有关。其后数百年间,罗马商人和殖民者源源不断从意大利半岛迁徙至此,于是这个城镇便渐渐兴旺起来。Portus Cale所指区域逐渐扩大,直到包括整个葡萄牙。而Portus Cale的拼写也逐渐演变为Portugal。
用作名词I went toPortugalthree years ago.三年前,我去过葡萄牙。
He was the ambassador of the king ofPortugal.他是葡萄牙国王的使臣。 And what if the governments of Portugal, Ireland, Spain and so forth also default and restructure their debt?
假设葡萄牙、爱尔兰、西班牙等国家的政府也对其债务违约或重组又会怎样? yeeyan

Large protests have taken place not only in Greece and Ireland, but also in Britain, Portugal and Romania.
抗议声接连不断,不仅是希腊和爱尔兰,在英国、葡萄牙和罗马尼亚同样如此。 hjenglish

The assembly in Wales, however, is currently considering whether to introduce an“ opt-out” scheme, making it the first area in the UK to follow a policy already adopted by Belgium and Portugal.
不过,威尔士议会目前正在考虑是否引入一项“选择退出”计划,这样,它将是英国首个采用这一已经在比利时和葡萄牙施行的制度的地区。 yeeyan

Analysts say that Portugal and Spain should be careful what they wish for.
分析家们认为,葡萄牙和西班牙应当谨慎行事,小心许愿了。 yeeyan

But that’s only part of the story for Greece, much less for Portugal, and not at all the story for Spain.
但是,公共债务仅仅是希腊问题的一部分,对葡萄牙来说分量更少,而对于西班牙而言,根本不是问题所在。 yeeyan

But they are more than12% in France, and over15% in America and Portugal, which came late to the idea.
而法国的比例超过了12%,美国和葡萄牙则超过15%,这些国家是晚期才实行这一政策的。 ecocn

But such actions have yet to relieve the danger of contagion in enfeebled countries such as Portugal, Spain and Italy.
但是,这些做法未能阻止危机向财政虚弱的国家,如葡萄牙,西班牙和意大利蔓延。 ecocn

But Portugal, facing years of austerity and low growth, may not be inclined to join in the general rejoicing.
但是,葡萄牙在经历了好几年的经济紧缩和低增长,可能不会倾向于加入一般的欢庆。 ecocn

He notes that Greece and Ireland were given until2014 to cut their budget deficits to 3%, a year longer than Portugal.
他指出,希腊和爱尔兰被要求到2014时削减它们的预算赤字至3%,比葡萄牙延后了一年时间。 ecocn

However, the borrowing costs of Portugal and the Republic of Ireland still remain at levels that suggest markets think they too are likely to default in the next five years.
不过,葡萄牙和爱尔兰共和国的借贷成本仍然停留在高水平上,这个水平意味着市场认为它们也可能在五年内违约。 yeeyan

If Greece, Ireland, and Portugal do not restructure their debt in an orderly fashion they will ultimately have to default unilaterally.
如果希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙不以有序方式重组债务,它们最终将不得不单方违约。 yeeyan

Instead, a year after the rescue of Greece, then of Ireland and now of Portugal, anxiety seems to be growing.
相反,从驰援希腊,到救助爱尔兰,到现在拯救葡萄牙,一年已过,焦虑似乎正在滋长。 ecocn

Ireland, Portugal and Greece have all required rescues.
爱尔兰,葡萄牙和希腊都需要救助。 hxen

She did it because she and other European heads of state worry that a default by Greece, Portugal, or Spain would destroy the credibility of the euro.
之所以要这样做,因为她以及其他欧洲国家首脑们担忧,一旦希腊、葡萄牙或西班牙发生违约,势必将彻底摧毁欧元的信誉。 yeeyan

Since the start of the euro in 1999 Portugal has been on average the slowest growing economy in the club, despite being its poorest member when it joined.
尽管当它加入欧元区时是最贫穷的成员国,但自1999年欧元启动以来,葡萄牙却常常是俱乐部里增长最慢的经济体。 ecocn

Some of the Templars escaped to Portugal, where for a few years they enjoyed the protection of its king.
一些圣骑士逃到了葡萄牙,那儿的国王给予了他们充分保护。 yeeyan

Spain is bounded on the east by Portugal.

There is no property bubble in Portugal.
在葡萄牙,根本不存在资产泡沫。 yeeyan

Today it is Greece. Tomorrow it will be Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Iceland.
今天是希腊,明天将是西班牙、葡萄牙、爱尔兰和冰岛。 yeeyan

Portugal, however, is slipping back: its budget deficit is likely to be bigger than last year, when it was9.3% of GDP.
然而,葡萄牙却在倒退:它今年的预算赤字可能会比去年大,去年赤字是国内生产总值的9.3%。 ecocn

Portugal may well be next.
葡萄牙可能就是下一个。 yeeyan




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