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词汇 portraits
释义 portraits 英'pɔːtrɪts美'pɔːtrɪts COCA⁷⁹⁶⁷BNC⁷⁶⁷⁰Economist⁸⁶⁰²

名词 portrait:
a word picture of a person's appearance and characterany likeness of a person, in any mediumWalls were covered withportraits.镶有木板的墙上挂了画像。
Full-length courtportraitsof the king and queen dominated the foyer.国王和王后的全身宫装画像高挂在门厅。 Chen Ruoju,83, was one of the students of Beiping Art SchoolBAS, who volunteered to work on those portraits.
陈若菊,83岁,曾是一名北平艺术学校学生,曾经义务的工作为这些画像。 yeeyan

Despite the subject matter of Jackson's portraits, David feels that the commissions were almost a dig at his critics.
大卫认为就迈克尔·杰克逊肖像画的主题而言,这些委托画作实在是对迈克尔批评者的最大讽刺。 yeeyan

In this photo taken on Oct.29,2010, Chen Guangqian holds portraits of his daughter Chen Xiaofeng at a hotel room in Baoding in northern China's Hebei province.
这组照片拍摄于2010年10月29日,在中国北方河北省保定市里的一家旅馆房间里陈广乾拿着他女儿陈晓凤的肖像。 yeeyan

Michael Jackson saw himself as an art collector and commissioned several over-the- portraits of himself from different artists.
迈克尔·杰克逊视自己为一个艺术品收藏家,他向不同画家委托过许多肖像画。 yeeyan

The Inca had no system of hieroglyphic writing, as the Maya did, and any portraits that Inca artists may have made of their rulers were lost.
和玛雅人一样,印加人也没有象形文字书写系统,而且印加艺术家们所绘制的统治者肖像业已失传。 yeeyan

Before that, only those wealthy enough to commission portraits had a record of what they looked like as children.
以前,只有那些很富有的人才可能委托别人给他们画肖像来记录他们小时候的样子。 yeeyan

But while working on this last of his great portraits to have survived, he also created one of the most provocative female nudes ever painted by a Renaissance artist.
不过在迫于生计创作这最后的肖像杰作的同时,莱奥纳多还画了一幅极富刺激性的裸体画,而文艺复兴时期没有画家作如此尝试。 yeeyan

Early campaign posters featured etched portraits of the candidates looking statesmanly and were printed using wood or metal plates, sometimes inked in color.
早期竞选海报特色是印制在木板或金属板上,有时还会用颜料上色的政客模样候选人的锈蚀的肖像。 yeeyan

From the various portraits and descriptions of Hobbes, we can tell he was a man of considerable charm, and I wish that in the book we had had his picture, a reproduction of his portrait, on it.

Grand piano and chosen interior materials such as glass, crystal, silk, linen and wood, portraits of musicians and silenced sounds of music characterizes the hotel.
三角钢琴和诸如玻璃、水晶、丝绸、亚麻布和木之类选用上的室内材料,还有音乐家画像和音乐的沉默之声装点着这座酒店。 yeeyan

He is incapable of looking at portraits.
他没有能力去观看她们的肖像。 yeeyan

He supplied his works not only with biographies, but with portraits of their supposed authors.
他不仅在他的作品上提供作者传记,而且还提供假想作者的画像。 ebigear

Here is the stunning collection of some very beautiful typographic and mosaic portraits which will surely inspire you.
下面便是一些非常漂亮的字体设计与马赛克肖像,一定会让你灵感泉涌。 yeeyan

Hope you loved this selection of portraits and feel free to comment& share your own work we will include it in next sequel of the post.
希望你喜爱这一自画像选集,请不吝发表评论和分享你自己的作品,我们将在今后的帖子里将它包括进来。 yeeyan

However, there are some items that are not often on display, including some Nazi propaganda material and portraits of Hitler.
然而,包括纳粹的宣传材料和希特勒的画像在内的一些展品是限时展出的。 yeeyan

It is a charm of art, and since these portraits really high art works, they should be given special attention.
这是一种艺术的魅力,既然这些肖像画真的是高质量的艺术作品,它们应该被给予特别的关注。 yeeyan

Not all the self- portraits are so memorable. But it is fine to start on such a high note.
然并非所有画像都如此难以忘怀,但从这样一幅伟大作品开始欣赏,是个不错的选择啊。 ecocn

Public portraits of the new leader depict him with white roses and a white dove.
新领导者的公众画像上有白色的玫瑰和白色的鸽子。 ecocn

Putin, we were told, does not pose for portraits.
我们知道,普京从不为肖像而摆姿势。 yeeyan

Stern faces scowl down from the portraits hanging on the wooden panelling of the dining hall and there are candelabras on the table, between the wine and the port.
大餐厅里挂着木制镶板的肖像画,在果酒和波尔图葡萄酒之间,画里有着严肃表情的人物怒视着我们,餐桌上还放着大烛台。 yeeyan

The most popular of these works are portraits of her higher self.
这些作品中最受欢迎的是她的“高我”肖像画。 ecocn

These magnificently engaging portraits of Earth encourage us all to learn more about our complex world.
这些辉煌迷人的地球肖像鼓励我们所有人要对我们复杂的世界学习更多。 yeeyan

These portraits, several of which are in the show, provoke the persistent question: if his sitters can’t stay awake for the painter, why should we?
这些画像有好几张参与这次展览,这不免引起一个持久的疑问:如果这些坐着的模特儿都不能在绘画中保持清醒,那为什么我们就要呢? ecocn

Throughout his career Mr Kossoff has painted portraits of his family and a small group of friends, as well as his favourite models.
在整个画艺生涯中,里昂•科索夫描绘了他家人和少数朋友的肖像,当然还有他最喜欢的模特儿。 ecocn

Whole districts of Aden have been fortified and bedecked with flags of the old southern republic and with portraits of southern victims of what locals see as northern repression.
目前,整个亚丁地区的防御得到加强,到处挂着旧南也门共和国的旗帜还有当地人所以为的受北方迫害的南方人画像。 ecocn

Portraits of animals are similar to those of people. Try to shoot from the neck up and frame their head in the centre, as illustrated in this picture of a young orangutan in Borneo.
拍摄动物肖像和拍摄人物肖像很相似:要拍摄颈部以上的部位,把头部放在照片中央,如这张在婆罗洲拍摄的红毛猩猩。 yeeyan




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