

单词 portholes
释义 portholes ˈpɔ:tˌhəʊlz COCA⁵¹⁶²³BNC⁵⁴⁹⁰³
n.舷窗porthole的名词复数原型porthole的复数 A hotel should be comfortable inside, and it will be possible to look at the Earth through large portholes.
旅馆应该是很舒适的,通过大大的舷窗可以看到地球。 rednet

Out the portholes, Europe slipped over the horizon and the Carthage hit open water.
舷窗外,迦太基号拨开水浪,欧洲逐渐消失在地平线。 yeeyan

The large galley has portholes giving a view of the impeccable engine room.
艺术品摆设区巨大的舷窗设置可让游客观看机房的操作实景。 dooland

A big black steamer with a long loop of smoke streaming, with the portholes lighted, with lights everywhere, is putting out to sea.
一艘庞大的黑色汽船吐出一道长长的烟圈,舷窗齐亮,灯火通明,正在离港出海。 yeeyan

Interior spaces are impressively maximized by the full beam concept, while large hull portholes maximize the natural light in all cabins.
内部的空间设计是以宽敞的船舱为亮点,自然光线透过舷窗,照亮了船舱的每一个角落。 jyacht

The ISS portholes and windows also provide a vital tool for studying our planet.
国际空间站的窗户还是我们研究自己星球的一个重要工具。 yeeyan

The tubes lead to the target chamber, a three-story-high sphere studded with portholes for the lasers to pass through.
这些管子通向靶室——一个三层楼高的大球,这个球上面镶钉着舷窗以让激光通过。 blog.sina.com.cn

This interactive work allows visitors to enter and is fitted with viewing stations such as periscopes and portholes.
在这个交互性的作品中,参观者可以进入其中,里面还配备着诸如潜望镜、炮眼这一类的观测台。 blog.sina.com.cn

We can admire the floating line dancing under its sinusoidal volutes as well as the fauna and the flora of the middle through the two panoramic glass portholes.
我们可以欣赏它的正弦螺旋浮线,甚至通过这两个全景玻璃舷窗欣赏中央的动物和植物区。 arch.mr926.me

Why must portholes of naval ships be round?
舰艇舷窗为什么都是圆的? www.f1boat.com.cn




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