

单词 audible
释义 au·di·ble 英ˈɔːdəbəl美ˈɔdəbəlAHDôʹdə-bəl ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹⁵³¹⁰BNC¹³⁴²⁹iWeb¹⁰⁴⁴⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

a football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage
heard or perceptible by the ear;

he spoke in an audible whisper

来自词根aud, 感知,听,见audience.audible presentation音响表示audible range可听区域,可听范围…ultra audible超音速的超过可听的…audible frequency声频audible spectrum音频频谱,声谱…audible thought思维化声audible ring音响振铃audible alarm音频报警设备,音响警…audible warning音响报警信号…audible reception声频接收audible signal可闻信号,声响信号,…audible effect音响效应audible indicator音响指示器audible test音频信号试验…audible indication音响指示audible target可听目标
audi听+ible形容词后缀,可…的⇒听得见的,可闻的词根记忆aud听+ible能…的→能听的→听得见的词根记忆audi听+ ble ⇒能听的GRE红宝书aud 听, audio 音响词根记忆audi+ible能…的近义词 loud大声的clear清楚的plain清楚的aloud出声地distinct明显的perceptible可察觉的noticeable显而易见的hearable听得见的,中听的…反义词 inaudible听不见的

用作形容词He sang with no visible oraudiblestrain.听上去和看起来,他唱得不费劲。
The shot was clearlyaudiblein the silence.寂靜中枪声听得很清楚。
Their voices wereaudibleto the neighbors.他们的声音邻居都听得到。
Her voice was scarcelyaudibleabove the noise of the wind.在风中她的声音几乎听不见。
A subdued impassioned murmur wasaudiblein the room beyond.可以听得见那边屋子里有一阵低低的、激动的交谈声。adj.able to be heard
同义词 deafening,detectable,discernible,distinct,loud,perceptible,resounding,soundingclear,hearable,plain,roaringaural,auricular,loud enough,within earshot
反义词 ambiguous,indistinct,invisible,obscure,unnoticeable,vague,obscured,unclearinaudible
auditoryadjective hearing
auricularadjective perceived by hearing
cleareradjective understandable, apparent
apprehensible,audible,clear-cut,coherent,comprehensible,conspicuous,crystal,definite,distinct,evident,explicit,express,graspable,incontrovertible,intelligible,knowable,legible,loud enough,lucent,lucid,manifest,obvious,open and shut,palpable,patent,perceptible,perspicuous,plain,precise,pronounced,readable,recognizable,sharp,simple,spelled out,straightforward,transparent,transpicuous,unambiguous,unblurred,uncomplicated,unequivocal,unmistakable,unquestionable
clearestadjective understandable, apparent
apprehensible,audible,clear-cut,coherent,comprehensible,conspicuous,crystal,definite,distinct,evident,explicit,express,graspable,incontrovertible,intelligible,knowable,legible,loud enough,lucent,lucid,manifest,obvious,open and shut,palpable,patent,perceptible,perspicuous,plain,precise,pronounced,readable,recognizable,sharp,simple,spelled out,straightforward,transparent,transpicuous,unambiguous,unblurred,uncomplicated,unequivocal,unmistakable,unquestionable
definiteadjective exact, clear
audible,bold,categorical,clean-cut,clear-cut,clearly defined,complete,crisp,definitive,determined,distinct,distinguishable,downright,explicit,express,fixed,forthright,full,graphic,incisive,marked,minute,not vague,obvious,palpable,particular,plain,positive,precise,pronounced,ringing,severe,sharp,silhouetted,specific,straightforward,tangible,unambiguous,unequivocal,unmistakable,visible,vivid,well-defined,well-grounded,well-marked
discernibleadjective recognizable;distinct
apparent,appreciable,audible,clear,detectable,discoverable,distinguishable,noticeable,observable,obvious,palpable,perceivable,perceptible,plain,sensible,tangible,visible A user will be notified when new manual tests arrivemaybe via an audible cue? which they can then quickly run through.
新的手工测试到来时会通知用户通过声音提示? ,这样他们就能迅速执行了。 infoq

Audio, that is, read by a synthesized computer voice male or female, your choice. While not nearly as natural sounding as, say, Audible books, some users might figure this is better than nothing.
可听书籍是拥有电脑合成的声音你可以选择男声或女声的书籍,虽然不同于自然人声,但一些用户觉得有声音总比没有好。 yeeyan

On top of this, audible sound coming from large loudspeakers has large wavelengths, ranging from a few inches to several feet, making it easier for sounds to travel in all directions.
除此以外,大型扩音器发出的听得见的声音波长较长,从几英寸到几英尺,方便声音向各个方向传播。 yeeyan

The bill’s proponents also want that audible alert to be one that will help people judge the direction and speed of the vehicle.
法案的支持者同时提出,希望此声响警报能够帮助人们判断车辆开来的方向和速度。 ecocn

The indie artist can contact Audible Magic through the website to register their content and establish their business rules how they want their content treated.
独立歌手可以通过网站联系 Audible Magic,从而登记他们的内容并建立商业规则他们将自行定义内容的使用方式。 yeeyan

The new bottom line: Indie911 will need to register all of the songs in its store with Audible Magic.
新的底线: Indie911将需要通过 Audible Magic登记其音乐商店中所有的歌曲。 yeeyan

The team similarly tested and refined the mouse's other key components, from the audible and tactile click of the mouse button to the rubberized coating on the ball.
小组用类似的方式测试并优化了该鼠标的其他关键部件,囊括了从鼠标按键的敲击卡嗒声到球的橡胶涂敷工艺。 yeeyan

A noise was audible in the house; it was the Lark sweeping the stairs.
在那所房子里,只听见一种声音,就是百灵鸟扫楼梯的声音。 ebigear

As this did not take place, he looked around in fright, and only recovered when the expected forte began and was audible to himself.
但此时却没有开始,他惊恐地环视四周,直到能听到那预料中的强音开始时,他才恢复正常。 yeeyan

Ford is developing a system that would let drivers use phones and music players and surf the Internet with voice commands and audible responses.
福特公司正在发展一个系统能够利用语音指令和听力反应,让司机同时可以打电话,播放音乐和上网冲浪。 yeeyan

Life's bruises, the attentions of a string of exploitative men and her drug habit began to have a more audible effect on her last recordings.
在她演艺生涯的最后阶段,我们可以更多地听见生活所给她带来的负面影响——一再遭受男性的剥削,并且吸毒成瘾。 yeeyan

Not a soul passed that way for a long while, and the faint notes of the band were the only human sounds audible within the rim of blue hills.
很久很久,那条路上没有一个人走过,在绿色山峦的四周以内,能够听到的人类声音只有那隐约传来的铜管乐队的音乐声。 hjenglish

Previous research found that the painful parts of unpleasant sounds appear to be in the middle range of audible frequencies.
先前的研究发现,能够引起不快的声音中那些令人痛苦的部分处在可听频率范围的中间。 yeeyan

Some were obvious-- and tragic: the club had no sprinkler or audible fire- alarm systems.
一些是明显而悲惨的:俱乐部没有喷水器或火灾声音报警系统。 yeeyan

The first level includes audible and visible patterns of behaviour, technology and art.
第一层次包括各种可听可视的行为、技术以及演出。 yeeyan

The correct ultrasound signal, Pompei suggests, can produce any kind of audible sound.
庞贝表明正确的超声波信号产生的各种声音都可以听见。 yeeyan

The voice is only audible to people inside the building — those standing outside hear nothing.
这个声音仅屋内的人可以听见—站在屋外的人是什麽都听不见的。 yeeyan

They seemed to be warning shots, as there was no audible indication of tumult or chaos to show that the hostages were in immediate danger.
好像是警告性的射击,因为没有可信的骚动或骚乱的迹象显示人质处于直接的危险之下。 yeeyan

Turn the headlights on, I heard her say in a barely audible voice.
把前灯打开,我听到她用小的几乎听不见的声音说。 yeeyan

We are constantly surrounded by noise, most of which is not audible to us unless we hold something like a seashell close to one of our ears.
我们处在不断的杂音包围之中,其中大部分杂音我们是听不见的,除非把贝壳之类的东西靠近耳边才能听到。 kekenet




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