

单词 portable
释义 port·a·ble 英ˈpɔːtəbəl, ˈpəʊr-美ˈpɔrtəbəl, ˈpor-AHDpôrʹtə-bəl, pōrʹ- ★★☆☆☆高4研四八TIGCOCA⁷³⁹⁸BNC⁷¹⁷⁷iWeb³⁸⁵²Economist¹⁰⁴³⁵
便于携带的; 手提式的; 轻便的

that can be easily carried; handy; movable

a small light typewriter; usually with a case in which it can be carried
easily or conveniently transported;

a portable television set

of a motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boat's hull;

a portable outboard motor

来自拉丁语portare,携带,搬运,通过,来自PIE*per,向前,通过,词源同ford,forth.portable crane移动式起重机,轻便起…portable compiler简便编译器,便携式程…portable computer手提式计算机…portable instrument便携式测试仪器…portable lamp手提灯portable railway工地轻便铁道,轻便铁…portable winch轻便绞车portable equipment可携带设备portable rig轻便钻机,移动式钻机…portable conveyer轻便输送机portable appliance手提仪表portable recorder便携式录音机…portable battery便携电池portable sampler轻便取样器portable bridge便携式电桥portable mixer移动式拌和机…portable transmitter移动式发射机,便携式…portable pump轻便泵portable camera轻便摄像机,便携式照…
词根记忆port拿,运+able可…的→可以拿的→便于携带的;手提式的非常记忆port港口+able可以⇒港口可以运输手提式物件词根记忆port拿,运+able可…的→可以拿的→轻便的词根记忆port拿+ able → 可以拿的 ⇒轻便的词根记忆port+able能…的近义词 light光handy方便的movable可动的compact紧密的convenient便利的manageable易办的conveyable可搬运的transferable可转移的transportable可传送的反义词 fixedimmovable
~+ n.I have a portable typewriter.我有一个便携式打字机。
It's a portable radio.这是一台手提收音机。
The portable device easily knocks down.这种轻便装置容易拆卸。
用作形容词Theportabledevice easily knocks down.这种轻便装置容易拆卸。
She traded her roller-skates for Billy'sportableradio.她拿旱冰鞋换了比利的手提收音机。
The newportablecomputers are going like hot cakes.新的便携式计算机卖得很快。adj.easily transported
同义词 compact,convenient,handy,lightweightlight,movablecarriageable,cartable,conveyable,easily carried,haulable,manageable,portative,transportable,wieldy
反义词 awkward,big,inconvenient,unhandyclumsy,cumbersome
attachableadjective adjustable
lightadjective not heavy
lightestadjective not heavy
mobileadjective movable, travelling
modularadjective composed of standardized units
movableadjective transportable
adaptable,adjustable,ambulatory,conveyable,deployable,detachable,in parts,liftable,loose,mobile,motile,moving,not fastened,not fixed,on wheels,portable,portative,removable,separable,shiftable,transferable,turnable,unattached,unfastened,unstationary,unsteady A portable collector can be generated from the workbench for use on another system.
可以从工作台中生成便携收集器以便在另一个系统上使用。 ibm

The appeal of mobile television is not so much that it is portable but that it is personal.
手机电视吸引人的地方并不在于它是便携式的,而是因为它的私人性。 ecocn

The controlling hardware is a tablet computer with buttons on the side, something like a portable games machine, and most people can get the hang of it in a couple of days.
它的操控硬件是一台位于机身侧面具有按键的平板电脑,有点象便携式游戏机,大多数使用者花费几天时间就可以完全掌控它。 ecocn

The portable collector method involves exporting the collector and running it in a text- only, console mode.
便携收集器方法指将收集器导出并在仅包含文本的控制台模式运行。 ibm

Within the decade, we could see stores selling shirts that turn us into portable power stations.
十年之内,我们会看到商店销售能把我们变为便携式发电站的衬衣。 yeeyan

A human- portable hydroelectric generator that weighs about30 pounds and generates500 watts of power may soon be a new option for off- grid power.
一款重约30磅、产生500瓦功率电力的人力便携式水力发电机将很快面世,成为离网供电的一种新选择。 yeeyan

ALMOST every portable device that uses electricity has benefited from the development of rechargeable lithium- ion batteries.
几乎每一个使用电力的便携式设备都得益于可再充电的锂离子电池的发展。 ecocn

Another trick is to hand off the work of speech recognition to a powerful remote computer, rather than relying on the processing power of a small portable device.
另一个诀窍就是将语音识别工作交给强大的远程服务器,而不是交依靠小型手提设备的处理能力。 ecocn

Check the execute permissions from the directory where you extracted the portable collector file.
检查您在其中解压缩便携收集器文件的目录的执行权限。 ibm

Essentially, an employee can have their cards cloned by bumping into that person with a portable card reader.
从本质上讲,通过便携式读卡器,员工可以把自己的卡克隆成另一人的。 yeeyan

For portable devices like the3DS where the screen might be rotated or tilted, this is particularly problematic.
对于像3DS这样的便携式设备,屏幕是可以旋转和倾斜的,所以这就特别成问题。 yeeyan

He operated a small tea shop there, a portable metal kiosk from which he served low-ranking bureaucrats who worked in the surrounding government offices.
如今他在这里开设了一家小茶亭——那是个轻便的金属亭子,为附近政府机构的低级别官员提供服务。 yeeyan

His team thinks its new approach will be particularly suitable for use in portable devices, because it operates at low voltages.
他的小组认为由于晶体管的工作电压很低,这将是一个尤为适合便携式设备的新方法。 ecocn

I would really like to see a portable version of an application like this.
我很希望能够看到一个这样的程序的便携版本。 yeeyan

If you had physical access to every machine you use, you could carry a portable disk, CD- RW, or large flash memory keychain and simply plug in the storage device whenever you needed your files.
如果您可以直接接触到所使用的每台计算机,那么您可以携带一个便携式磁盘、 CD- RW或大容量的便携闪存,并在需要使用这些文件时插入存储设备。 ibm

Inherent in them all is the potential for introducing portable media to a new market.
这些示例中的共同之处就是向新市场介绍便携媒体的潜力。 ibm

It could be attached to folding solar panels of the sort used in space missions, and back on Earth it could provide portable power in deserts or at the poles.
我们可以把它粘贴在用于执行空间任务的折叠型太阳能电池板上,在地球上则可为在沙漠和极地的作业提供便携的能量。 ecocn

Many of these features are simple utility functions; almost all of them could in principle be done in portable code, but many of them would be exceedingly difficult.
这些特性中很多只是简单的工具函数;几乎所有特性原则上都可以在轻便的代码中完成,但有很多是特别难的。 ibm

Sami have long used the tents as portable shelters—their wide bases and forked poles enable them to withstand winds of up to50 miles an hour on the Arctic tundra.
长期以来,萨米族人一直把这些帐篷用作便携式避难所——宽大的底部和叉状的支杆使它们能够承受住北极冻原上每小时多达50英里的大风。 yeeyan

Since the portable collector runs in a text mode, there are no selection lists or entry fields for user input.
由于便携收集器以文本模式运行,因此没有用于进行用户输入的选择列表或输入字段。 ibm

Some are portable enough to be placed against an outside wall by, say, a police unit planning a raid—and sophisticated enough to show, with reasonable accuracy, the location of anyone inside.
有的可以便于携带.比如说, 一队警察小组计划突袭时, 可将设备靠在墙外来查看里面人的位置. 这种设备有不错的准确度, 使用起来却极其复杂. ecocn

The answer is to create a set of processes that incorporate best practice and are easily portable, regardless of the technology and software products around them.
答案是创建一套能够合并最佳实践并容易携带的过程,无论这些技术和软件产品是否在它们周围。 ibm

The new system unveiled by Fujitsu, however, is significantly more sophisticated and represents the next generation of portable recharging systems using highly tuned wireless technology.
不过,富士通推出的这个新系统明显更复杂,而且代表着使用高水准无线技术的下一代便携式充电系统。 yeeyan

This development program has the potential to provide a significant energy density increase in hydrogen fueling solutions for both military and commercial portable power products.
该项目有潜力为军队和商业便携式动力产品在氢加燃料解决方案中提供一个重要的能力密度增加。 www.etiri.com.cn

Transfer the portable collector file to the target system.
将便携收集器文件传输到目标系统。 ibm

You are now ready to run the portable collector and collect problem data from the failing system.
现在就为运行便携收集器并从故障系统收集问题数据做好准备了。 ibm




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