

单词 porpoise
释义 por·poise 英ˈpɔːpəs美ˈpɔrpəsAHDpôrʹpəs ☆☆☆☆☆高ITGCOCA³⁹²²¹BNC²⁷⁸⁹⁰iWeb²⁶⁰⁰²

any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth词根por-指“猪”,来自拉丁语porcus“猪”,同源词如pork猪肉、porcine猪的;词根-pois-指“鱼”,来自拉丁语piscis“鱼”,和单词fish鱼同源,这是昨天提到的p、f音变的又一例子;所以该词字面义“像猪的鱼”,猜测可能和海豚壮硕的体态有关。common porpoise大西洋鼠,海豚…finless porpoise江豚porpoise oil海豚油
用作名词Theporpoiseplays before a storm.海豚嬉水,风暴要起。
The poor pauper paused on purpose to pawn aporpoise.贫穷的乞丐有意停下来典当一只海豚。as in.cetacean
同义词 beluga,dolphin,grampus,mammal,narwal,orca,whaleceteas in.whale
同义词 mammalbaleen,beluga,cetacean,finback,grampus,narwhal,orca,rorqual,whopperceta,cete,orc,sei
cetaceannoun aquatic mammal
whalenoun cetacean mammal
baleen,beluga,ceta,cetacean,cete,finback,grampus,mammal,narwhal,orc,orca,porpoise,rorqual,sei,whopper He no sooner recovers his equilibrium than the next porpoise comes along and hits him another crack.
海龟刚恢复平衡,第二只海豚又冲过来猛击一下。 hjenglish

The rays are often seen gathering in groups near the surface, “ flying” through the water by flapping their pectoral fins and sometimes even leaping porpoise- like into the air.
魟鱼经常会成群的聚集在水面以下,通过拍动胸鳍在水中“飞行”,有时候甚至会像海豚一样跃出海面。 yeeyan

The porpoise not only has the astonishing sense of hearing, but also has the excellent swimming and the unusual diving ability.
海豚不但有惊人的听觉,还有高超的游泳和异乎寻常的潜水本领。 blog.sina.com.cn

According to surveys done by the Hydrobiology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the population of the Yangtze finless porpoise was about2,700 in1991.
据中国科学院水生生物研究所所做的调查,长江江豚的数目在1991年是2700条左右。 yeeyan

As the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.
当海龟游过水族馆时,第一只海豚从上方猛扑下去,并用腹部撞击。 iciba

But time is running out: Unless threats to its survival are met head on, the porpoise could be gone in15 years, says Wang Ding, an ecologist at the Institute of Hydrobiology IHB in Wuhan.
但是江豚在地球上所剩的时间已经不多了:位于湖北武汉的中国科学院水生生物研究所 IHB的生态学家王丁说,除非与江豚生存所受到的威胁正面迎战,否则江豚可能会在15年内灭亡。 yeeyan

Elsewhere, the main threats to the porpoise are overfishing, which reduces food supply, and the illegal use of nets slung across the river, which ensnare the mammals.
除此之外,长江江豚的主要威胁是过度捕捞,过度捕捞减少了江豚的食物供应;以及沿江非法悬挂渔网,这使得水生哺乳动物被诱捕。 yeeyan

I pray the best wish for my families, my friends and all who care about me, I pray for the porpoise year for all citizen of the family of us earth!
我祈祷我的家人,我的朋友和所有关心我,谁所有的地球公民,我们的家庭,我为海豚年祈祷美好祝愿! asking365.com

Increasing pollution of the Yangtze River and the threat this poses to the finless porpoise is also a warning for a third of the nation's population that depends on these waters.
持续不断的长江污染以及由此对江豚构成的威胁对于生活在这一水域占据全国人口三分之一的人们来说也是一个警告。 yeeyan

It is by the sea world hall, the porpoise performance hall, Shi Guan and the root carving handicraft art center four major part is composed.
它是由海洋世界馆、海豚表演馆、石馆和根雕艺术馆四大部分组成。 iciba

Several measures may avert a similar fate for the Yangtze porpoise.
若干补救措施可能能够防止长江江豚重复白鳍豚相同的命运。 yeeyan

The finless porpoise is an icon of an ecosystem under siege.
长江江豚的灭亡将会是生态系统遭受破坏的一个标志。 yeeyan

The young porpoise just a birth, the mother then promoted it the water surface to breathe the first air.
幼海豚刚一出生,母亲便把它推出水面呼吸第一口空气。 iask.sina.com.cn

The world's only freshwater porpoise is down to fewer than1800 individuals, less than half the estimated population a decade ago.
这种世界唯一的淡水豚的数量已经锐减到1800头以下,现在的数量还不到十年前估计数量的一半。 yeeyan

This iconic image of the crying porpoise, was captured by photographers at a reserve along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
这副形象的“哭泣的海豚”的影像,是一位摄影师在沿长江中游地区的保护区内抓拍的。 tingvoa

Yangtze fish stocks have plunged since the 1950s, possibly limiting the porpoise's recovery, says Dudgeon.
上世纪50年代以来,长江的鱼类资源已经开始骤降,这可能限制了江豚的复苏,达吉恩说。 yeeyan

Porpoise's cerebrum by two parts which completely separates is composed, when one part of work, another part of full rests, therefore, but is life-long does not sleep.
海豚的大脑由完全隔开的两部分组成,当其中一部分工作时,另一部分充分休息,因此,可终生不眠。 blog.sina.com.cn




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